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Radioactive Decay

Radioactive Decay. Read pages 191-196. 157. Atoms are held together by. The strong nuclear force. There are different types of nuclear radiation. Alpha particles Beta particles Gamma rays Neutron emission. Alpha particles. Positively charged More massive than other types

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Radioactive Decay

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Radioactive Decay Read pages 191-196 157

  2. Atoms are held together by The strong nuclear force

  3. There are different types ofnuclear radiation • Alpha particles • Beta particles • Gamma rays • Neutron emission

  4. Alpha particles • Positively charged • More massive than other types • Released in the disintegration of radioactive elements • Consists of two protons and two neutrons A helium nucleus                      , which carries a charge of          . http://library.thinkquest.org/3471/radiation_types_body.html

  5. Beta particle • A charged electron emitted during certain types of radioactive decay • Neutrons decay to form a proton and a high speed electron • The electron is ejected

  6. Neutron emission • is a type of radioactive decay of atoms containing excess neutrons, in which a neutron is simply ejected from the nucleus.

  7. Gamma rays • High energy photon emitted by a nucleus during fission and radioactive decay

  8. What stops it? • Alpha • Beta • Gamma

  9. Isotope •  An atom with a different number of neutrons is called an isotopeHydrogen usually is a proton and an electronIf it has a neutron it is considered an isotopeHydrogen deuterium tritium 0 neutrons 1 neutron 2 neutrons

  10. Half-lives • The rate of decay of an isotope is called the half-life.A half life is the amount of time it takes for half of the amount to decay.It is constant • Different elements have different half-livesRadium-226=1620 yearsUranium-238 = 4.5 billion years

  11. 158 200g radium -226 half-life of 1620years100g 162050g 3240_____g 486012.5g _______6.25g 8100________g 97201.5625g _______

  12. Table Design Make a table for Table 1 problems!

  13. Periodic Table Practice Lithium 7 Li 3 3P 4N mass Mass=p + n Atomic symbol Atomic number Neutrons = mass - protons

  14. REMEMBER—this is all about isotopes • Atomic number = # of protons • You absolutely must figure your own mass or number of neutrons • Don’t use the chart • Mass = protons + neutrons • Neutrons = Mass – protons

  15. Radiation in Everyday Life

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