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Radioactive Decay

Radioactive Decay. How do we describe the rate of de-energization?. Observations in Nature: Decay / De-energization Occurs Number of Radioactive Nuclides decreases with time De-energization of a single nuclide is a statistical process Let’s perform a simulation. M&M Simulation R ules.

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Radioactive Decay

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Radioactive Decay

  2. How do we describe the rate of de-energization? • Observations in Nature: • Decay / De-energization Occurs • Number of Radioactive Nuclides decreases with time • De-energization of a single nuclide is a statistical process • Let’s perform a simulation

  3. M&M Simulation Rules • DON’T OPEN the packages until I give you instructions !! • Carefully tear one end off the package. • Pour the contents onto your desk – carefully. • Remove all the YELLOW pieces. • Determine the total number remaining. • Report this number to the data runner. • Count those with the “M” UP and return them to the bag. • Report this count to the data runner. • Eliminate those not returned to the bag. • Record total counts and plot the data on either linear or semi-log graph paper. (Optional: Use both types to compare!!) • Shake the bag, repeat steps 2, 5, 6, & 7 until all M&M’s are gone.

  4. Next Question:What have we observed? • Decay / De-energization Occurs • Number of Radioactive Nuclides decreases with time • De-energization of a single nuclide is a statistical process

  5. Define Half-life Half-life

  6. Radioactive Decay on aLinear Scale

  7. Radioactive Decay on aSemi-Log Scale

  8. Summary of Concepts(Must Knows!) Radioactive Decay Law • Decay appears linear on semi-log graph paper Half Life and the Radioactive Decay Constant • Each type of nuclide has a unique half-life.

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