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2011 WISE SoE data requests for rivers, lakes, groundwater , TCM. Miroslav Fanta ETC / ICM data manager miroslav.fanta@cenia.cz. Content of the presentation. Reporting process overview Step by step through annual activities Priority data flow - most important reporting categories
2011 WISE SoE data requests for rivers, lakes, groundwater, TCM Miroslav Fanta ETC / ICM data manager miroslav.fanta@cenia.cz Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Content of the presentation Reporting process overview Step by step through annual activities Priority data flow - most important reporting categories Rivers + Lakes water quality Groundwater quality Transitional, coastal and marine waters quality Description of data checking and processing Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Abbreviations and terms WISE = Water Information System for Europe SoE = State of Environment ROD = Reporting Obligation Database Data Dictionary = instructions for data preparation by countries CDR = Central Data Repository = web space where data are uploaded by countries Working database = database for primary data procesing and analysis Waterbase = published pan-European datasets on EEA web page, annual output of reporting Circa / EIONET Forum = web space for sharing data and documents Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Reporting categories Rivers water quality (EWN-1) Lakes water quality (EWN-2) Groundwater quality (EWN-3) Transitional, coastal and marine waters quality (ME-1) Water quantity (EWN-4) Emmisions to water (WISE-1) Biology in Rivers and Lakes (WISE-2) Biology in Transitional and Coastal waters (WISE-2) Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
WISE-SoE reporting process Reporting obligation Data Dictionary update May-June European dataset checked by EEA, published in waterbase, evaluation of countries Validation questions update February-April July Scoring criteria update Data checking and processing in working database by DB manager, communication with countries, European dataset created Reportnet automatic QA system update November-January (February) July-August Announcement letter to countries Data reporting by countries, checking of data by Reportnet automatic QA system Data preparation by countries 31st of July 31st of October August-October Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Data Dictionary Detailed description of requested national dataset Data model List of tables, Instructions for filling tables Structure of tables incl. definition, methodology and format of all fields Relations between tables Specification of mandatory fields in each table Unique combination of fields in each table Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Data Dictionary (cont.) Codelists relevant to specified fields (list of allowed values) Summary of last update Templates for data in several formats (xls, mdb, xml) Contact to database manager dd.eionet.europa.eu Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Scoring criteria Individual criteria for each reporting category Harmonised across categories if meaningful Set of criteria for each level Best level: 3 positive „smileys“ -> 2 -> 1 positive „smiley“ Worst level: 1 negative smiley (no data or unusable data reported) www.eionet.europa.eu/dataflows/pdf2011/criteria Published results of evaluation: - summary of all reporting obligations per country - detailed overview per country, year and reporting category www.eionet.europa.eu/dataflows/pdf2011/benchmarking?year=2010 Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Letter to countries Invitation appeal for next reporting period Released by EEA, published on ETC/ICM web page Contains: overview of requested reporting links to all data dictionaries summary of all important reporting steps link to central data repository links to evaluation and scoring criteria link to helpdesk Data measured in the past year and older are requested (2011 reporting: data sammpled in 2010 and older) icm.eionet.europa.eu/announcements/wise_soe_data_2011 Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
WISE-SoE reporting process Reporting obligation Data Dictionary update May-June European dataset checked by EEA, published in waterbase, evaluation of countries Validation questions update February-April July Scoring criteria update Data checking and processing in working database by DB manager, communication with countries, European dataset created Reportnet automatic QA system update November-January (February) July-August Announcement letter to countries Data reporting by countries, checking of data by Reportnet automatic QA system Data preparation by countries 31st of July 31st of October August-October Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Reporting categories Rivers water quality (EWN-1) Lakes water quality (EWN-2) Groundwater quality (EWN-3) TCM (transitional, coastal and marine) waters quality (ME-1) Water quantity (EWN-4) Emmisions to water (WISE-1) Biology in Rivers and Lakes (WISE-2) Biology in Transitional and Coastal waters (WISE-2) Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Rivers water quality Concentrations of chemical substances in the rivers according to the 2011 WISE SoE data request: Physical Characteristics of River Monitoring Stations Proxy Pressures on the Upstream Catchments of the Rivers Nutrients, Organic Matter and General Physico-Chemical Determinands in Rivers - Aggregated Data Hazardous Substancesand Other Chemical Determinands in Rivers - Aggregated Data Hazardous Substances and Other Chemical Determinands in Rivers - Disaggregated Data (preferred) Hazardous Substances in Rivers - Supportive Determinands Aggregated data = aggregated per monitoring station and period (year) Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Rivers water quality – data model Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
River Monitoring Stations Country code, National station ID, national name Water body ID, water body name WFD station (yes / no) Catchment name River basin district Geographical coordinates (longitude, latitude) in ETRS89 coordinate system Altitude Length from source …. Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Proxy Pressures Proxy pressures are specified by different types of land use (urban, wetland, forests, total agricultural, pastures, arable,…), industry pressures, discharges of waste water treatment plants, fertilisation, irrigation, water abstraction, use of pesticides, using of cooling water, transport and other influencies Corine Land Cover dataset is one of the most important data sources for proxy pressures specification Data should be checked regularly by countries and updated in case of changes Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Nutrients in Rivers – agg. data Most important for rivers water quality, used for indicators Covers organic matter and general physico-chemical determinands as well (temperature, pH, …) 32 substances / determinands specified in codelist 5 preferred SoE nutrient groups: 1. BOD5 / BOD7 / Dissolved Organic Carbon 2. Total Ammonium / Ammonium 3. Total Phosphorus 4. Orthophosphate 5. Nitrate / Total Oxidised Nitrogen (at least 1 substance from each group should be provided for best scoring) Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Hazardous substances in Rivers Covers other chemical determinands as well (metals,...) List of more than 250 hazardous substancies and other determinands is available in the Data Dictionary, nearly all of them including the CAS-number (Chemical Abstract Service) About 60 substances are specified as preferred SoE hazadrous substances (pesticides, DDT-related substances, mercury,…) - please focus on these substances in your reporting above all Codelist of substances / determinands is available for download on Circa in Excel format as well Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Hazardous substances in Rivers Data can be delivered as disaggregated or aggregated per monitoring station and aggregation period (year in nearly all cases) Disaggregated data are allways preferred Requested parameters are described in data dictionary Country code, Station ID Day of the measurement (disaggregated data) Specification of the substance Concenration of determinand in sample (disagg. data) Mean concentration of samples (aggregated data) Other substances than those available in the codelist can be reported too Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Hazardous substances in Rivers – disaggregated data Rules for reporting of values below the Limit of detection or below the limit of quantification: If the sample concentration value is below the limit of detection or limit of quantification, enter the limit of detection or limit of quantification value itself into the Concentration field and fill the field LOD_LOQ_Flag with appropriate character: [ sample concentration value is below the the limit of detection<sample concentration value is below the the limit of quantification Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Hazardous substances in Rivers supportive determinands Supportive determinands needed for correct interpretation of some hazardous substances Hardness HCO3 Hydrogen carbonate K Kalium Mg Magnesium Na natrium SO4 Sulphate ….. Table fields: country, station ID, date, supportive determinand, value, unit Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Quality assurance / Quality control List of rules available in Validation rules Logical rules (agg. data): minimum <= mean <= maximum minimum <= median <= maximum … Data consistency rules: monitoring station ID used in the concentration table must be available in the stations table (or already stored in the working database) coordinates of stations must be located in the country … Outliers: low / high values suspicious in the context of other values provided for given substance in given station (1, 2, 1, 8, 1) Extremely high / low values (0.000001 microgrammes/l) high probability of wrong unit Countries are asked for confirmation / correction Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Lakes water quality Analogical reporting as in the case of rivers - concentrations of chemical substancies in lakes according to the 2011 WISE SoE data request: Physical Characteristics of Lake Monitoring Stations Proxy Pressures on the Upstream Catchments of Lakes Nutrients, Organic Matter and General Physico-Chemical Determinands in lakes - Aggregated Data Hazardous Substancesand Other Chemical Determinands in Lakes - Aggregated Data Hazardous Substances and Other Chemical Determinands in Lakes - Disaggregated Data (preferred) Hazardous Substances in Lakes - Supportive Determinands Aggregated data = aggregated per monitoring station and period (year) Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Lakes water quality – data model Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Significant differences betweenLakes / Rivers reporting Secchi depth determinant Several samples taken from different depths in one station – „duplicate“ data - not to be erased in data processing! Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Groundwater quality Concentrations of substances in groundwater according to the 2011 WISE SoE data request: Physical Characteristics of groundwater bodies(delineated according to the EIONET / WFD Art.5) Characteristics of groundwater monitoring stations Nutrientsin groundwater - Aggregated Data (NO2, NO3, NH4, O2 only) Nutrients, Organic Matter and General Physico-Chemical Determinands in Groundwater - Disaggregated Data (preferred) Hazardous Substances and Other Chemical Determinands in Groundwater - Disaggregated Data Aggregated data = aggregated per substance, groundwater body and period (year) Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Groundwater quality (cont.) Saltwater intrusion Any occurrences of saltwater intrusion (from seawater or deep aquifers)caused by groundwater over-exploitation Groundwater body GIS boundaries (spatial data layer) Link to the groundwater bodies table via gw body ID Saltwater intrusion GIS boundaries (spatial data layer) Link to the saltwater intrusion table via Saltwater area ID Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Groundwater quality – data model Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Groundwater bodies Characteristics of groundwater bodies (delineated within the EIONET or according to the WFD Art.5) In the case gw bodies are not delineated up to now, regional administrative units (e.g. districts or municipalities) can be used instead as temporary solution The most important and required fields in this table are: GWB-Code-EIONET or GWB-Code-WFD National Code Name Reference Year Number of Horizon (different gw horizons can overlap) River Basin District Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Groundwater monitoring stations Station ID (1.+2. character = country code) GWB-Code-EIONET / GWB-Code-WFD (one of these two fields has to be filled) National station code, national name WFD station (yes / no), WFD station code Geographical coordinates (longitude, latitude) in ETRS89 coordinate systém Type of use (drinking water, industrial, surveilance, other) Well or spring Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Nutrients in gw – Aggregated data 4 substances only can be reported as aggregated: NO2, NO3, NH4, O2 (preferred SoE Nutrients) Substance is specified by numerical DeterminandCode (see data dictionary) Data should be aggregated by gw body, substance and period (year) Values: minimum, mean, maximum, median Number of stations (of various types) and classification classes are requested – details in Data dictionary In the case given nutrients are provided as disaggregated for certain gw body and period, do not fill Nutrients in gw – Aggregated data table by the data calculated from already provided disaggregated ones Disaggregated data are allways preferred Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Nutrients in gw – Disaggregated data 12 substances / determinands available in the codelist for this table: NO2, NO3, NH4, O2, COD, TOC, pH, temperature, … Substance is specified by numerical DeterminandCode (see data dictionary) Fields: Station ID, code of the substance, value, date Sample concentrations below the limit of detection should be indicated as [Value_of_the_limit_of_detection] Sample concentrations below the limit of quantification should be indicated as <Value_of_the_limit_of_quantification Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Hazardous substances in gw – Disaggregated data About 260 substances / determinands available in the codelist for this table: Focus on preferred SoE hazardous substances (cca 60) above all: pesticides (lindane, simazine, atrazine,..) DDT and related substances bisphenol-A, mercury other most important local contaminants Identical structure of the table and identical rules for reporting concentrations below the limit of detection or quantification as in the case of nutrients Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Prishtina 13.9.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Quality assurance / Quality control List of rules available in Validation rules Logical rules (agg. data): minimum <= mean <= maximum minimum <= median <= maximum … Data consistency rules: groundwater body code used in the stations table must be available in the gw bodies table monitoring station ID used in the concentration table must be available in the stations table coordinates of stations must be located in the country DeterminandCode (= specification of the substance) used in the concentrations data tables must be available in the relevant codelist … Outliers, extremely high / low values – analogical rules as described in the case of rivers Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Prishtina 13.9.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Transitional, coastal and marine waters quality Concentrations of chemical substances in TCM waters according to the 2011 WISE SoE data request: Physical Characteristics of TCM waters Monitoring Stations Physical Characteristics of TCM watersFlux Stations Proxy Pressures of TCM waters Flux stations Nutrients, Organic Matter and General Physico-Chemical Determinands in Seawater - Disaggregated Data Hazardous Substancesand Other Chemical Determinands in Seawater - Disaggregated Data Hazardous Substancesand Other Chemical Determinands in Sediment - Disaggregated Data Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Transitional, coastal and marine waters quality (cont.) Hazardous Substancesand Other Chemical Determinands in Biota - Disaggregated Data Riverine Input Loads Direct Discharges Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
TCM waters quality – data model Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
TCM waters Monitoring Stations, Flux Stations Country code, National station ID, national name Water category Water body type description (bay, estuary,…) WFD station (yes / no) River basin district Geographical coordinates (longitude, latitude) in ETRS89 coordinate system Sea area Marine convention area …. Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
TCM nutrients and hazardous substances tables Analogical definition of substances and concentrations as in the case of rivers Disaggregated data reported only Hazardous substances in seawater, sediment, biota Different units for sediment and biota concentrations …. Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
WISE-SoE reporting process Reporting obligation Data Dictionary update May-June European dataset checked by EEA, published in waterbase, evaluation of countries Validation questions update February-April July Scoring criteria update Data checking and processing in working database by DB manager, communication with countries, European dataset created Reportnet automatic QA system update November-January (February) July-August Announcement letter to countries Data reporting by countries, checking of data by Reportnet automatic QA system Data preparation by countries 31st of July 31st of October August-October Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Prishtina 13.9.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Checking of data by Reportnet automatic QA system Upload data into relevant country folder on cdr.eionet.europa.eu Run QA tests which are prepared Check the results, errors or inconsistencies (if any) are highlighted Correct the data, re-upload the corrected dataset Re-run the tests, check the results… Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Data processing by working database manager Rivers: marko.kovacic@izvrs.si Lakes: laszlo.ferenc@vituki.hu, biro.istvan@vituki.hu Groundwater: miroslav.fanta@cenia.cz TCM: Joergen Norrevang Jensen joergen@ices.dk Water quantity: George Karavokiros george@itia.ntua.gr Database manager checks the data, comunicates with the country reporter to correct and clarify any detected data errors or problems Reported data are included into working database, records containing any errors are tagged Data are aggregated and sent to EEA for final checking and publication Raw disaggregated data are not published Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Publishing data in the waterbase Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Publishing data in the waterbase Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Evaluation of countries Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Next year…. Reporting obligation Data Dictionary update May-June European dataset checked by EEA, published in waterbase, evaluation of countries Validation questions update February-April July Scoring criteria update Data checking and processing in working database by DB manager, communication with countries, European dataset created Reportnet automatic QA system update November-January (February) July-August Announcement letter to countries Data reporting by countries, checking of data by Reportnet automatic QA system Data preparation by countries 31st of July 31st of October August-October Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM
Validation questions List of rules used for data checking and testing List of remaining errors and unsolved „opened questions“ not clarified up to now by communication with country QA/QC rules and list of remaining errors by country are available for download form Circa (EIONET Forum) annually by 31.7. Circa: http://eea.eionet.europa.eu/Public/irc/eionet- circle/Home/main Forum: http://forum.eionet.europa.eu/ Event / Date: Country visit on SoE water reporting, Podgorica 20.10.2011 Author: Miroslav Fanta, ETC/ICM