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The Vietnam War

Explore the emotional and physical burdens soldiers carried during the Vietnam War, as depicted in Tim O’Brien’s novel. Discover the significance of items like letters, weapons, and fears in revealing the characters and war's impact.

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The Vietnam War

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Vietnam War

  2. The Vietnam War (1959 - 1975) • 1954: End of French colonialrule • 1954: Vietnam dividedin Genevaaccords • 1959: Start ofVietCongguerillaattacks on South • 1964: TonkinIncident / Americanizationofthe war • 1968: Tet-Offensive • 1969: My Lai Massacre • 1969: Vietnamizationofthe war • 1974: Withdrawalof American troops • 1975: Surrender of South Vietnam, end of war

  3. Theycarried all theycouldbear, andthensome, including a silentaweforthe terrible power ofthethingstheycarried. The Things TheyCarriedTim O’Brien

  4. "The Things TheyCarried" "[…] plus theunweighedfear" "The thingstheycarriedweredeterminedbynecessity" • physicalobjects • letters • canopeners • knives • ‘dog tags’ • canteens • weapons • "emotional baggage" • fears / anxieties • grief • terror • love • shamefulmemories • commonsecrets

  5. Group Task • Choose a characterfromthestoryandlistthethings he carries. Thendiscusswhateachoftheitems on yourlisttellsusabout… • … thecharacter • … the war Jimmy Cross Kiowa Dave Jensen Rat Kiley Henry DobbinsTed Lavender Norman Bowker Mitchell Sanders Lee Strunk

  6. Writing Task • Write a 3oo wordessayabout a specialthingyou carry/carried . Describetheobject in detail, themooditevokesandthereasonsforitsimportance.

  7. After a day’smarch he woulddighisfoxhole, washhishandsunder a canteen, unwraptheletters […] andspendthe last hourof light pretending. Foxhole

  8. He was just a kidat war, in love. He was twenty-fouryearsold. He couldn’thelp it. US draft

  9. Will yourflashlightgodead? Do rats carry rabies? Ifyouscreamed, howfarwouldthesound carry? Wouldyourbuddieshearit? ‘Tunnel rats’

  10. Likecement, Kiowawhispered in thedark. I sweartoGod – boom – down. Not a word. VC snipers

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