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Mahjong Scoring System: Easy & Fair Gameplay

Learn the simple Mahjong scoring system with patterns and categories for a fun and fair contest of skill. Explore the additive rules, categories like Identical Sets, Triplets, and more. Get tile graphics from 麻雀豆腐 - majandofu.com.

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Mahjong Scoring System: Easy & Fair Gameplay

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Zung Jung Mahjong Scoring System

  2. simple & easy to learn • contest of skill • fair • good also for casual play

  3. Patterns Mixed One-Suit Three Similar Sequences tile graphics from:麻雀豆腐 http://majandofu.com

  4. 10 categories 1. Trivial patterns 2. One-Suit patterns 3. Honor Tiles 4. Triplets and Kong 5. Identical Sets 6. Similar Sets 7. Consecutive Sets 8. Terminals 9. Incidental bonuses 10. Irregular Hands

  5. Additive Rule Mixed One-Suit 40 All Triplets 30 Green Dragon 10 Two Concealed Triplets 5 85

  6. Category 1 Trivial All Sequences Concealed Hand No Terminals

  7. All Sequences (平和) 5 pt

  8. Concealed Hand (門前清) 5 pt A regular hand which is concealed, without melding any exposed sets before winning. Winning on discard is okay. Concealed kong are okay.

  9. No Terminals (斷么九) 5 pt

  10. Concealed Hand 5 No Terminals 5 All Sequences 5 15

  11. Category 2 One-Suit Mixed One-Suit One-Suit Pure One-Suit Nine Gates

  12. Mixed One-Suit (混一色) ﹕ 40 pt Pure One-Suit (清一色) ﹕80 pt

  13. Nine Gates (九蓮寶燈) ﹕ 480 pt

  14. Category 3 Honors Value Honor Dragons Small Three Dragons Big Three Dragons Small Three Winds Winds Big Three Winds Small Four Winds Big Four Winds All Honors

  15. Value Honor (番牌) ﹕10 pt. per set

  16. Small Three Dragons (小三元) ﹕ 40 pt Big Three Dragons (大三元) ﹕ 130 pt

  17. Mixed One-Suit 40 Small Three Dragons 40 Green Dragon 10 White Dragon 10 100

  18. Additive Rule • All patterns from different series can be added. • In the same series, only one pattern can be counted.

  19. Small Three Winds (小三風) ﹕ 30 pt Big Three Winds (大三風)﹕ 120 pt

  20. Small Four Winds (小四喜)﹕ 320 pt Big Four Winds (大四喜)﹕ 400 pt

  21. All Honors (字一色)﹕ 320 pt

  22. Category 4 Triplets and Kong All Triplets Concealed Triplets One Kong Two Kong Three Kong Four Kong Two Concealed Triplets Three Concealed Triplets Four Concealed Triplets Kong

  23. All Triplets (對對和) ﹕ 30 pt

  24. Two Concealed Triplets (二暗刻) 5 pt Three Concealed Triplets (三暗刻) 30 pt Four Concealed Triplets (四暗刻) 125 pt

  25. One Kong (一槓) 5 pt Two Kong (二槓) 20 pt Three Kong (三槓) 120 pt Four Kong (四槓) 480 pt

  26. All Triplets 30 Two Kong 20 Three Concealed Triplets 30 South Wind 10 90

  27. Category 5 Identical Two Identical Sequences Two Id. Seq. Twice Four Identical Sequences Three Identical Sequences

  28. Two Identical Sequences (一般高) ﹕ 10 pt

  29. Two Identical Sequences Twice (兩般高) ﹕ 60 pt

  30. Three Identical Sequences (一色三同順) ﹕ 120 pt

  31. Four Identical Sequences (一色四同順) ﹕ 480 pt

  32. Category 6 Similar Three Similar Sequences Small Three Similar Triplets Similar Triplets Three Similar Triplets

  33. Three Similar Sequences (三色同順) ﹕ 35 pt

  34. Small Three Similar Triplets (三色小同刻) ﹕ 30 pt Three Similar Triplets (三色同刻) ﹕ 120 pt

  35. Category 7 Nine-Tile Straight Consecutive Consecutive Triplets Three Consec. Triplets Four Consec. Triplets

  36. Nine-Tile Straight (一氣通貫) ﹕ 40 pt

  37. Three Consecutive Triplets (三連刻) ﹕ 100 pt Four Consecutive Triplets (四連刻) ﹕ 200 pt

  38. Category 8 Terminals Mixed Lesser Terminals Pure Greater Terminals Mixed Greater Terminals Pure Lesser Terminals

  39. Mixed Lesser Terminals (混全帶么) ﹕ 40 pt Pure Lesser Terminals (純全帶么) ﹕ 50 pt

  40. Mixed Greater Terminals (混么九) ﹕ 100 pt Pure Greater Terminals (清么九) ﹕ 400 pt

  41. Category 9 Final Draw Final Discard Win on Kong Incidental Robbing a Kong Blessing of Heaven Blessing of Earth

  42. Final Draw﹕ 10 pt Final Discard﹕ 10 pt Win on Kong﹕ 10 pt Robbing a Kong﹕ 10 pt Blessing of Heaven﹕ 155 ptBlessing of Earth﹕ 155 pt

  43. Category 10 Thirteen Terminals Irregular Seven Pairs

  44. Thirteen Terminals (十三么九) ﹕ 160 pt

  45. Seven Pairs (七對子) ﹕ 30 pt

  46. No Minimum Requirement Chicken Hand 0 1

  47. Maximum Limit ﹕320 pt Big Three Dragons 130 Dragon x3 30 Mixed Greater Terminals 100 Mixed One-Suit 40 All Triplets 30 330 320

  48. Big Four Winds400 All Honors 320 400

  49. Payoff Scheme -70 -70 -70 +210 Self-draw for 70

  50. -15 -15 Discarder -15 +45 Win on discard for 15

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