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Understand the method of measurement and basis of payment in construction contracts, including payment scope, charging of working days, holidays, change orders, and noncompliance notice procedures. Learn how to identify proper quantities for payment.
Record Keeping Method of Measurement/Basis of Payment Change Orders Noncompliance Notice Index of forms Project Document Checklist Inspectors Daily Diary Pay Items
Method of MeasurementBasis of Payment The Method of Measurement and Basis of Payment give details on identifying proper quantity of contract items for payment…
Types of Measurement/Payment • Measured Quantity • Plan Quantity • Lump Sum • Incidental
Measured Quantity The measured quantity of an item may be linear foot, square yard, cubic yard, ton, acre, etc.
Plan Quantity Items may be paid for by plan quantity by specification or plan quantity agreement. These items do not exceed the contract quantity.
Lump Sum Some items are let as Lump Sum Items. These are paid for as one item. An example would be Traffic Control or Mobilization.
Incidental Items These are items that are considered a part of the contract item. For example Rock, Sand and Cement are incidental to Concrete.
1109.01 MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES The work completed under the contract will be measured in accordance with the contract documents…
1109.01 MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES Payment will be based on the actual quantity of work performed…
1109.02 SCOPE OF PAYMENT The Contractor shall accept the compensation herein provided as full payment for furnishing all material, labor, tools, and equipment and for performing all work…
1109.03 PAYMENT FOR WORK PERFORMED For all items of acceptable work performed … the Contractor shall receive and accept compensation at the rate specified in the contract…
Charging of Working Days • Start charging working days on: • Date agreed to at the Pre-Con for Approximate Start Date • Start Date in the Notice to Proceed for Approximate Start Date • Day following the date the site becomes available • Date the contractor starts prior to the Late Start Date • On the Late Start Date if the Contractor has not begun work previously
Holidays • New Year’s Day, January 1, • Martin Luther King, Jr’s Birthday, third Monday in January, • Memorial Day, last Monday in May, • Independence Day, July 4,
Holidays • Labor Day, first Monday in September, • Veterans Day, November 11, • Thanksgiving Day, fourth Thursday in November, • Friday after Thanksgiving Day, and, • Christmas Day, December 25.
Contract Period • 1101.03 DEFINITION OF TERMS Working Day. Any calendar day, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, or a recognized legal holiday, on which weather or other conditions (not under control of the Contractor) will permit construction operations to proceed for not less than ¾ of a normal work day in the performance of a controlling item of work.
Controlling Item of Work • The Controlling Item of Work is the unique activity of a contract that will determine the duration of the construction period. The character of this work may change during the construction period. It is the work that could be in progress at any time that would have the greatest influence on the duration of the construction period.
Controlling Item of Work • Work that is (or could be) in progress at any given period of time, and would have the greatest influence on the duration of the project. • There can only be one controlling item (or operation) of work at any given time.
Weekly Report of Working DaysForm 830238 • Documents time charged versus actual work completed
NONCOMPLIANCE NOTICE Construction Manual 3.21 explains: Test results and work performed on contract items falling outside specification limits shall be reported by the project inspector on a Noncompliance Notice (Form 830245).
Where noncomplying tests occur before a material is placed, the material shall be rejected and a “Noncompliance Notice” is not needed. A “Noncompliance Notice” is issued when noncomplying tests occur for work in progress or where material is being placed.
Working Days reminder • Before final payment can be issued, all overruns of the contracted working days must be reconciled • Liquidated damages, time extension, or adjustment to working days charged
Change Orders A Change Order is a written order to a contractor for a change to the intent of the original contract, i.e. an increase or decrease in contract quantities, or changes to the plans or specifications.
Change Orders are used to: • Change authorized quantities of items (increases or decreases) • Add a new item or material • Serve as a Source Document for the Office of Finance to enter changes and additions to Progress Vouchers • Document changes to the contract documents – once signed by all parties are legally binding
Items NOT Requiring a Change Order • Deletion of item with original contract amount less than $50,000. • Overruns and underruns less than $50,000 based on category amount.
Change Order Authorization • Substantial – the project engineer must obtain pre-approval from the DLSE • Non-substantial – prepared by the project engineer & approved by the DLSE
Change Order Authorization • Participating or nonparticipating are applicable to both substantial and nonsubstantial • Indicate FHWA’s approval to participate (or not participate) in any particular cost item
Checklist for Change Orders Some acceptable methods to justify change orders are: • Original copies of material quotes • Comparable prices to the “Summary of Awarded Prices” • Independent cost check of area suppliers • Previous Change Order costs for like items
Checklist for Change Orders • Rental Rate Blue Book (for equipment) • Davis-Bacon wage determinations (for labor) • Contractor’s certified payroll (for labor) • Similar contracted items on previous projects
Justification for Prices • Agreed price is comparable to item xxxx (a similar item) • Cost is justifiable based on Rental Rate Blue Book values and analysis is included in the project file • Agreed price is based on invoiced prices and estimated labor cost is comparable to item xxxx (a similar item)
Justification for Prices • Individual costs have been agreed to based on certified payroll expenses, invoiced rental rate charges, and actual material invoiced • Summary of analysis is attached (Use for very brief analysis) • Summary of costs and analysis is included in the project file