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Vocabulary. 10-2. Path – feel, suffer . Pathos -feelings (noun) Without pathos, humans could not relate to one another. . Path – feel, suffer . Pathological - compulsive behavior ( adj ).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocabulary 10-2

  2. Path – feel, suffer • Pathos -feelings (noun) • Without pathos, humans could not relate to one another.

  3. Path – feel, suffer • Pathological - compulsive behavior (adj) When someone is a pathological liar, he is not trusted by anyone, yet he cannot stop himself from lying.

  4. Path – feel, suffer • Apathetic-showing little or no emotion (adj)

  5. Path – feel, suffer • Apathetic-showing little or no emotion (adj) • Nothing irritates a teacher more than a student who is a apathetic.

  6. Rog – ask • Derogative – derogatorio—questioning one’s worth; belittling (adj) People who stereotype others tend to believe derogative statements about a whole group without really knowing anything about the people as individuals.

  7. Rog – ask • Imbroglio – questionable situation (noun) Stuck on a rock, with no easy exit in sight, the sheep’s imbroglio led onlookers to wonder how he would resolve the situation.

  8. Rog – ask • Interrogation – noun – a questioning After lengthy interrogation, I finally admitted to Mom that I ate the last brownie, not my little sister who I tried to blame.

  9. Vit – life • Vital – adjective – necessary for life Making time to relax is vital to one’s mental health.

  10. Vit – life • Vitriol – noun – cruel and bitter criticism Rather than words of praise or kindness, Amy’s holiday turkey elicited nothing but vitriol from her mother-in-law.

  11. Vit – life • Vivify – verb – to endue with life Dr. Frankenstein’s goal was to vivify inanimate flesh.

  12. Mut – change • Mutation – noun – the act or process of change I was amazed by the caterpillar’s mutation into a butterfly.

  13. Mut – change • Transmute – verb – to change or alter in form In Transformers, aliens transmute their shape from basic vehicles into amazing mechanical life forms.

  14. Mutable – adjective – able to change • Shifting word meanings show how fluid and mutable our language is. • Traditional Meaning Modern Meaning

  15. Par - Equal • Disparate – adjective – not equal • Disparate economic levels led to the French Revolution where hungry peasants rose against the nobility.

  16. Parody – noun – a humorous or satirical imitation • Saturday Night Live often does parodies of famous people.

  17. Pariah – noun – an outcast • Surprisingly, Buddy never felt like a pariah even though he clearly did not fit in with his family.

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