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PORT OF DURBAN https://www.google.co.za/search?q=data+automation+images+of+port+of+durban+images. Port of Durban.
PORT OF DURBANhttps://www.google.co.za/search?q=data+automation+images+of+port+of+durban+images
Port of Durban • The Port of Durban is South Africa’s premier multi-cargo port and is counted among the busiest port in Africa, handling over 80 million tons of cargo p.a. It is the international commercial gateway to South Africa and is strategically positioned on the world shipping routes. It occupies focal point in the transport and logistics chain with 60% of all imports and exports passing through the port, making it the leading role facilitating economic growth in South Africa. (Transnet National Port Authority) • Durban is the forty-second-largest port in the world with a well-established infrastructure and hinterland connectivity.
Threat to Port of Durban • Although Durban is one of the busiest container terminals in the region, it will start losing dominance as capacity and reliability in other ports serving the region improve. • High demand for the use of the port due to the high demand of import and exports • Lack of super infrastructures. • Poor Technological advances.
Aim To increase the ports capacity and reducing congestion To set up a foundation which will enable communication and connectivity in the port. https://www.google.co.za/search?q=data+automation+images+of+port+of+durban+images
SOLUTIONS • Data automation and collection • Automated Yard cranes, driverless and battery-powered automated guided vehicle to transport containers and drone to inspect port equipment and assist in troubleshooting. • Aggregation of various forms of data onto a powerful platform that would be enable at the moment inside Transnet National Port Authority in partnership with systems, Huawei and Lots. • Adequate port infrastructure maintenance
SOLUTIONS • Operations must be informed by a balance between commercial imperatives, maintenance and the protection of current assets especially in the container sector. • The necessary resources must be acquired timeously to effectively execute the infrastructure maintenance plan. • Port engineers and maintenance managers are to dedicate more doing-on-the-ground inspections both internally and externally thereby executing their oversight mandate • Transnet Port and Terminals reports that the Durban Container Terminal is currently being re-engineered to create more capacity. This project represents an investment of R1,4-billion and will lead to the realisation of the dct’s full capacity of 2,9-million twenty-foot equivalent units (teus).
SOLUTIONS • Further, workshops and infrastructure will be relocated away from the quayside to create extra space for container stacking. The replacement rail terminal, built to reduce the significant build-up of containers on the dockside, has been completed. • The widening of the entrance channel will constitute a new north breakwater and the rehabilitation of the south breakwater. The width will be increased from 121 m to 220 m and the depth from 12,8 m to 17 m, to accommodate 9 200 teu container vessels. the project will cost R3,02-billion. • The new R125-million auto gate at the dct will use technology solutions for improved terminal efficiency. The truck staging area consists of 7,3 ha of surfacing and can accommodate the staging of over 270 vehicles. When completed, the auto gate will have nine pro- cessing kiosks and 27 bays to service vehicles.
Port of Singapore https://www.google.co.za/search?tbm=isch&q=port+of+singapore+images&chips=q:singapore+port,g_1:dock&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjroMTumY3dAhVFOMAKHf66D_YQ4lYIJSgA&biw=1366&bih=651&dpr=1#imgrc=vLy6yqT796NULM:
Port of Singapore • Singapore is currently the second largest port in the world in terms of TEU capacity, the largest trans shipment hub, and the world leader in bunkering. • Singapore is well-connected to 600 ports in over 120 countries. • The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) is responsible for the overall development and growth of the port of Singapore to develop and promote Singapore.
AIM • The governments response is to push ahead with plans to build a “mega port” that would handle greater volumes of throughput particularly from ultra-large container carriers.
Port Development Strategies • In 2004 Singapore had the gross tonnage of vessels arriving at the Port exceeded one billion gross tons for the first time in their maritime history. Singapore government decided to expand the container facility at Pasir Panjang to raise Singapore’s total capacity from 17,1million TEUs to 50 million TEUs. Extensive land reclamation works were carried out. • Redeveloping the land occupied by city terminals upon their leases. This will be done, if new systems and other advances in automation and computer technology which permit them to increase the productivity of the Port significantly in the early 21st Century.
There had been a development of Tuas Mega port which enables the growth of Maritime industry.-As a greenfield site, Tuas offers a blank slate to test innovative technologies such as automated container port Systems, optimisation techniques and technologies. These technologies are already being developed under the Port Technology Research and Development Programme(PTRDP) which was launched by MPA and SPA in April 2011 as part of nation wide efforts to upgrade productivity in key industries through the use of Technology. -MPA has earmarked 10million dollars from Maritime Innovation and Technology Fund(MINT Fund) to finance their Programme. This will enhance productivity and operations efficiency. They also plan to develop software necessary to integrate AGVs in their terminals.-Beyond technology and innovation, the government is also looking at ways to involve the community in generating ideas on how to increase the efficiency of the Port and enhance their competitive edge.
References http://www.asiantradecentre.org/talkingtrade//one-belt-one-road-opportunities-and-risks-for-singapo https://www.google.co.za/search?q=data+automation+images+of+port+of+durban+images https://www.google.co.za/search?tbm=isch&q=port+of+singapore+images&chips=q:singapore+port,g_1:dock&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjroMTumY3dAhVFOMAKHf66D_YQ4lYIJSgA&biw=1366&bih=651&dpr=1#imgrc=vLy6yqT796NULM http://www.engineeringnews.co.za/article/durban-to-remain-leading-container-port-in-sa-despite-challenges-2009-12-11 https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/01/15/china-projects-to-hit-Singapore-the-giant-republis-aggressive-investments-in-ports-and-rail-links-i/ https://www.maritimeinfo.org/en/Maritime-Directory/port-singapore
References Transnet National Port Authority. 2015. Overview. Available: https://www.transnetnationalportauthority.ne/ourports/durban/pages/overview/. (Accessed 11 August 2018)