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Voice Exchange Ltd

Voice Exchange Ltd. Perspective on Future Calling Card Market in HK 2010-10-29. By Terence Tam. Voice Exchange Ltd. Current Market Issues 1.Very Strong competition-Tier 1 carriers’ sales plans Kill off the Market for of new players .

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Voice Exchange Ltd

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Voice Exchange Ltd Perspective on Future Calling Card Market in HK 2010-10-29 By Terence Tam

  2. Voice Exchange Ltd Current Market Issues 1.Very Strong competition-Tier 1 carriers’ sales plans Kill off the Market for of new players. 2. Low Profit- Players have to sell almost at wholesales Prices. 3. No Royalty to Brand Name. 4. Sales Channels control the Services Provider. By Terence Tam

  3. Voice Exchange Ltd 5.Credit Control and collection problems between new players and dealers. 6.Many illegal /false marketing information and card operations happened in the market. 7.Difficult to create product /services differentiation. 8.Many Players drop out/ bankrupt cause end users stick to Tier 1 providers. By Terence Tam

  4. Voice Exchange Ltd Our Card approach:- 2010-10-28 By Terence Tam

  5. Voice Exchange Ltd By Terence Tam

  6. Voice Exchange Ltd Thank You 2010-10-29 By Terence Tam

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