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Marilyn vazquez summer 2012. Internship for 95.1 WIIL ROCK . TITLE: Promotions Assistant . WHERE: 95 WIIL ROCK – AM 1050 WLIP 8500 Green Bay Road Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158. SUPERVISORS: Stuart Wattles-Promotions Director
Internship for 95.1 WIIL ROCK TITLE: Promotions Assistant WHERE: 95 WIIL ROCK – AM 1050 WLIP 8500 Green Bay Road Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 SUPERVISORS: Stuart Wattles-Promotions Director Joseph Daley- Promotions Assistant Jim Selovich Dates: Week of April 15, 2012- August 12, 2012 http://www.95wiilrock.com/ http://www.facebook.com/95WIILROCK “95 WIIL ROCK, The Rock Station, 20 Years and Still Rockin”
Duties & Responsibilities SUPERVISORS: Stuart Wattles & Joe Daley Days Attended: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday • The duties and responsibilities varied everyday depending on what needed to get done in the studio. Some of the basic tasks included: • Excel Spreadsheets for Will Call at Concert venues • Organizing photos/videos on facebook, flickr, folders • Inventory ready for weekend events (i.e t-shirts, giveaways) • Assist in weekend events/ remotes by promoting the station with the giveaways, set up table, answer any questions listeners have, always have high energy level. • Get studio set up for any acoustic sessions of bands coming in (i.e set up mics, stands, seating, checklist for meet & greet winners) • Be available as much as possible and always be excited
Reward from my Boss I had mentioned to my boss one that one of my favorite bands, Incubus, was going to be in town late summer. He had a few tickets to give away to listeners and when he got them in he saved a pair for me. Made me feel like I was doing my job right and was therefore rewarded.
Day 3 of my Internship P.O.D stopped in to the station to promote the release of their new album. I have been a fan since middle school and had the honor to sit in during their acoustic session, get their autographs and our picture taken. Work consisted of setting the place up, checking in the meet & greet winners and taking pictures. With Luis Castillo of P.O.D
Monday Nights SUPERVISOR: Jim Selovich On Monday nights, from 9:30- midnight, I assist the supervisor in what is known as “manning the boards”. We have a radio show, Rockline, streaming live from LA in which my job is to make sure that our local commercials played at the right times and then stream back to the show. This was done about 3 times the hour and I learned a little bit more of the technical aspect in radio.
Communication Dept. Learning Objectives • Identity: Analyzing and critiquing how human identity is constructed, reinforced, and transformed through the ways we communicate. • Social justice: Promoting social justice in ways that acknowledge and celebrate a diverse global culture. • Knowledge: Understanding how knowledge is constructed within systemic and historically situated processes. • Messages: Creating and critiquing messages in ways that reflect both professional competence and ethical decision-making. • Texts: Interpreting and explaining a range of texts in ways that question cultural assumptions. • Contexts: Identifying and practicing multiple roles within groups and organizations.
Learning Objectives Applied to Me IDENTITY – I used this objective by observing how the radio industry works. It consists of a lot of promoting for the station itself, musicians, and local businesses where the promoting goes hand in hand. SOCIAL JUSTICE- This objective was very important when it came to our audience. At many events we were able to see how our listeners varied based on their careers, race, beliefs, etc. It allowed us to expand what we talk about. KNOWLEDGE- It is important to understand what works as a chain of command within the station. Everyone has their roles and it is important to know who to ask the right questions to. MESSAGES-This was a very important objective for me because the environment I was in was an extremely free spirited and fun environment. It was always crucial, however, to understand how to be professional but also have fun. TEXTS- Being an intern many assume that I was stuck doing the things that no one wanted to do. That was probably partially true but it was important to know that I felt like part of a family and always treated with respect. CONTEXTS- With this objective I had to always keep in mind that my job was that of an intern. I always had to strive to do my best and network as much as possible.
Summerfest 2012 Attended 9 out of 11 days. Tasks included promotion of our station, our WIIL ROCK FEST, meet & greet set ups, socializing with out audience. View during band intro. All That Remains With 2 WIIL ROCK employees and band KINGSFOIL
Snapshot The most fun experience of my internship. Portfolio displayed with permission of the author.