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Biotechnology. Biotechnology. “Biotechnology means any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.”. Bacteria with Plasmid. 1 = bacteria regular chromosome 2 = plasmids. Plasmid.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Biotechnology

  2. Biotechnology • “Biotechnology means any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.”

  3. Bacteria with Plasmid 1 = bacteria regular chromosome 2 = plasmids

  4. Plasmid • Small circular DNA separate from the larger bacterial chromosome

  5. Why is a plasmid important in biotechnology? • It may be used as a vector, to carry other genes to another cell.

  6. Gene therapy is being used in many ways. For example, to: • Replace missing or defective genes; • Deliver genes that speed the destruction of cancer cells; • Supply genes that cause cancer cells to revert back to normal cells; • Deliver bacterial or viral genes as a form of vaccination; • Provide genes that promote or impede the growth of new tissue; and; • Deliver genes that stimulate the healing of damaged tissue.

  7. Transfer of DNA

  8. R plasmids • This type of plasmids carry genes for enzymes that destroy antibiotics such as penicillin and tetracycline. • So…Bacteria containing R plasmids become resistant to many antibiotics.

  9. Steps for Gene Therapy • 1. Isolate plasmid

  10. 2. DNA is isolated from plant, animal, or other bacteria

  11. Animation • LINK: Isolating Plasmid DNA from Bacteria

  12. 3. Gene is inserted into plasmid RECOMBINANT DNA = plasmid + inserted DNA

  13. 4. Recombinant DNA plasmid is put into bacterial cell • DNA cloning animation • 5. Cell multiplies with recombinant DNA

  14. Restriction enzyme • (or restriction endonuclease) is an enzyme that cuts double-stranded DNA at a specific location

  15. Different Restriction Enzymes Several hundred different kinds LINK: RECOGNITION SITES OF RECTRICTION ENZYMES

  16. Sticky Ends

  17. “Sticky Ends” Complementary bases join plasmid an new DNA to form recombinant DNA Restriction site = place where the two fragments join

  18. Ligase Enzyme Joins the sticky ends

  19. Recombinant DNA • Plasmid DNA + other organism DNA • LINK: rDNA

  20. DO LAB ACTIVITY Chocolate Flavored Cherries: An exercise in Recombinant DNA Technology Read intro and do Pre-Activity First

  21. Gel Electrophoresis • Gel Electrophoresis Virtual Lab • Gel Electrophoresis

  22. Pour Agarose Gel, cool to set

  23. Gel comb is used to make holes in the gel

  24. load the wells with DNA samples

  25. Ready to Run • DNA flows from – to + end of the gel

  26. The smaller the molecules the faster they move

  27. DNA Fingerprinting Each person produces a specific pattern of bands of DNA sequence lengths

  28. Examine the results • UV Transilluminator, and the UV light shines up through the gel.

  29. Click and Drag to find the suspect Murder at Rodman Dam • http://www.dnalc.org/ddnalc/resources/shockwave/dnadetective.html

  30. Some Examples of DNA Uses for Forensic Identification • Identify potential suspects whose DNA may match evidence left at crime scenes • Exonerate persons wrongly accused of crimes • Identify crime and catastrophe victims • Establish paternity and other family relationships

  31. More Uses • Detect bacteria (like Salmonella) and other organisms that may pollute air, water, soil, and food • Match organ donors with recipients in transplant programs • Determine pedigree for seed or livestock breeds

  32. More Uses • Authenticate consumables such as caviar and wine • Detect disorders like cancer, cystic fibrosis • Identify endangered and protected species as an aid to wildlife officials (could be used for prosecuting poachers)

  33. OTHER FRAGMENTS: VNTR’s • Variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs) can be used in a gel electrophoresis to show different patterns

  34. Southern Blot Animation • LINK: Animation Quiz 5 - Southern Blot

  35. Paternity Testing: Call Montel • NICE LINK Paternity Testing

  36. Would any one else have the same pattern as you? • No…unless you are an identical twin.

  37. DNA PROBES • a single-stranded DNAmolecule (like ATTGGAC) used in laboratory experiments to detect the presence of a specific sequence among a mixture of other singled-stranded DNA molecules.

  38. USES of DNA PROBES • Detect infectious diseases • Detect genetic diseases • HLA typing (suitable donor for stem cell blood typing) • Paternity (find the father) • Cancer detection

  39. fluorescent probe

  40. DNA probe

  41. PCR • Polymerase Chain Reaction- • take a small sample of DNA an amplify it take make a larger amount • Sample does not have to be pure and can be partially degraded.

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