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City Council Meeting Workshop and Regular Session

City Council Meeting Workshop and Regular Session. July 5, 2011. City Council Meeting – July 5, 2011. WORKSHOP SESSION [5:00] – LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM Discuss FY2011-12 Capital Improvement Projects. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works]. City Council Meeting – July 5, 2011.

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City Council Meeting Workshop and Regular Session

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Presentation Transcript

  1. City Council Meeting Workshop and Regular Session

    July 5, 2011
  2. City Council Meeting – July 5, 2011 WORKSHOP SESSION[5:00] – LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM Discuss FY2011-12 Capital Improvement Projects. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works]
  3. City Council Meeting – July 5, 2011 REGULAR SESSION [6:00pm] 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGES U.S. Flag Texas Flag: Honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC COMMENT a. Related to any matter not on the agenda – 2 minutes per speaker b. Related to any matter on the agenda – 5 minutes per speaker
  4. City Council Meeting – July 5, 2011 5. PUBLIC HEARING The City Council will receive comments and input from the public on the following amendment to the Huntsville Development Code: Chapter 4, Development Districts, Section 403.1 Flood Hazard District to adopt the revised edition of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (flood plain maps) effective on August 16, 2011 and other amendments to this section. 6. PUBLIC HEARING The City Council will receive comments and input from the public on redistricting the City’s Wards.
  5. City Council Meeting – July 5, 2011 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. An item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and added to the Statutory Agenda for full discussion by request of a member of Council.) Approve the minutes of the City Council Regular Session held on June 21, 2011 and the Special Session held on June 29, 2011. [Lee Woodward, City Secretary] b. Approve Ordinance 2011-42, amending the budget for FY10-11. [Winston Duke, Finance Director]
  6. City Council Meeting – July 5, 2011 8. STATUTORY AGENDA Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve Ordinance 2011-41 to adopt the revised edition of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (flood plain maps) effective on August 16, 2011, and other amendments to the Chapter 4 of the City of Huntsville Development Code, 1st reading. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works] Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve language consideration and possible action on recommended Ordinance 2011-43, setting just and reasonable rates for the Cost of Service Adjustment to be charged by CenterPoint Energy in the City of Huntsville, 1st reading. [Leonard Schneider, City Attorney]
  7. City Council Meeting – July 5, 2011 9. MAYOR/CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER REPORT a. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to discuss water policy issues. [Standing item on first agenda of each month.] b. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the report and recommendations from the Economic Development Ad Hoc Committee. [Councilmember Barrett] c. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to nominate Paul Lohmannto fill a vacancy on the Veterans Affairs Advisory Board. [Mayor Turner] d. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to nominate Michelle McKenzie-Spencer to fill a vacancy on the Youth Advisory Board. [Mayor Turner] e. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve Ordinance 2011-40 to remove an appointed member from a Board or Commission after missing four consecutive regular meetings, and other considerations, 2nd reading. [Mayor Turner]
  8. Average Household Water Use: The average family of four can use 400 gallons of water every day, and approximately 70 percent of that water is used indoors.
  9. Total Water Withdrawals by Category
  10. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community
  11. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Purpose: Improve the quality of life for the Huntsville Community A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community Increased job opportunities: “Jobs that people will stay here for or move here for.” Improved and expanded city amenities, e.g. parks, streets, recreational facilities More customers for local businesses Increased retention of SHSU and HHS graduates Retention of low tax rates Healthier real-estate market
  12. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Purpose: Improve the quality of life for the Huntsville Community (cont’d) A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community Overall improvement in housing conditions Increased commercial opportunities Better preservation of natural resources: more control through recruiting and selection processes A more secured future for coming generations—“Plant shade trees you will never sit under.”
  13. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Key Terms ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: making our economy larger, better, and adding diversification Growing the economy, the “pie”, not slicing it into more or different pieces Ensuring the quality of the economy Ensuring strength and stability through diversification BASE INDUSTRY also called basic sector, primary jobs Jobs funded chiefly from non-local sources; money coming in to Huntsville from outside Huntsville A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community
  14. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Components of an Economic Development Program A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community Targeted, Pro-Active Recruitment of Base Industry Support for Local Business Retention and Expansion Business-friendly environment consistent with community values Continually maintain and improve a business-friendly environment while protecting the needs and values of the community (including the existing business community) through development and building code enforcement and other necessary safeguards.
  15. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Components of an Economic Development Program A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community Affordable Housing Development Utilize and manage federal and state monies available to develop affordable, single-family housing for qualifying residents Workforce Development Partner with HISD and SHSU to coordinate workforce training in conjunction with the needs of local industry and industrial recruiting
  16. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Base Industry A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community
  17. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Base Industry Fuels Economic Development A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community Enlarges the “pie” Creates diversification
  18. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Base Industry Fuels Economic Development. It provides economic engines to support non-base industry. A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community
  19. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Our NEED for Industrial Recruitment A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community Small by comparison
  20. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Our OPPORTUNITY for Industrial Recruitment A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community
  21. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Our OPPORTUNITY for Industrial Recruitment A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community More $$$ into Local Economy: More Retail More professional services Increased tax revenues for public works More robust housing market Improved parks and recreation Improved housing conditions through job opportunities More retention of SHSU and HISD grads More funds for schools
  22. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Industrial Recruitment is a highly competitive national and global enterprise. For Huntsville to be successful, we must enter this arenaprepared and committed to win. A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community Uncompromising professionalism and hard work by all Commitment of resources Trust between operational parties Strong, effective cooperation between area allies: Huntsville Residents, City of Huntsville, Walker County, SHSU, TDCJ, HISD, Business Community
  23. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Current Strengths for Industry A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community
  24. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Investing in Economic Development—A projections example of direct returns A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community
  25. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Investing in Economic Development—A projections example of direct returns combined with acquired, improved assets A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community $800 property, improved
  26. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Investing in Economic Development—indirect returns A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community
  27. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Investing in Quality of Life: Good jobs, growing population, improved pubic services and enhanced amenities, increased trade A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community
  28. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Missing Pieces to be Added A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community
  29. Economic Development Plan: Summary Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community
  30. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Study Group Recommendations: A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community That the Huntsville City Council endorse the concepts and strategic plan herein presented for purposes of planning and budgeting That the Mayor appoint and authorize the Economic Development Study Group to continue its work with periodic reports back to the City Council and the residents of Huntsville
  31. Improving Our LivesbyGrowing Our Economy Respectfully Submitted: Economic Development Study Group J Turner, Mayor Bill Baine, City Manager Don Johnson, Councilmember-At-Large Wayne Barrett, Councilmember, Ward 4 July 5, 2011 A Strategic Vision For the Huntsville Community
  32. City Council Meeting – July 5, 2011 9. MAYOR/CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER REPORT f. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve a proposal for redistricting. [Mayor Turner] g. City Manager’s Report Updates on City construction, grants, studies, City projects, City purchases, and economic development.
  33. City Council Meeting – July 5, 2011 10.PUBLIC COMMENT a. Related to any matter not on the agenda – 2 minutes per speaker 11. MEDIA INQUIRIES RELATED TO MATTERS ON THE AGENDA 12. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (Hear announcements concerning items of community interest from the Mayor, Councilmembers, and City staff for which no action will be discussed or taken.) a. The Farmers Market will be held Saturdays from 8 a.m. - Noon through September 24.
  34. City Council Meeting – July 5, 2011 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. City Council will convene in closed session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Chapter 551; Section 551.071 – consultation with counsel on legal matters including current and pending litigation, including, but not limited to, AT&T v. the City of Huntsville. [Leonard Schneider, City Attorney] b. City Council will convene in closed session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Chapter 551; Section 551.071 to receive legal advice on acquiring land for redevelopment of HUD-sponsored single- family housing and 551.072 to discuss real property in relation to Economic Development projects, current and potential. [Bill Baine, City Manager]
  35. City Council Meeting – July 5, 2011 14. RECONVENE Take action, if necessary, on item addressed during Executive Session. 15. ADJOURNMENT
  36. The City Council is currently in Executive Session and will reconvene before adjourning.
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