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City Council Meeting Workshop and Regular Session. May 3, 2011. City Council Meeting – May 3, 2011. REGULAR SESSION [6:00pm] 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION U.S. Flag Texas Flag: Honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to
City Council Meeting Workshop and Regular Session May 3, 2011
City Council Meeting – May 3, 2011 REGULAR SESSION [6:00pm] 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION U.S. Flag Texas Flag: Honor the Texas flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. • PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS • Proclamation for Municipal Clerk Week • Proclamation for Building Safety Month • City Manager recognition of employees 4. PUBLIC COMMENT a. Related to any matter not on the agenda – 2 minutes per speaker b. Related to any matter on the agenda – 5 minutes per speaker
City Council Meeting – May 3, 2011 5. PUBLIC HEARING • City Council will hold a public hearing to receive citizen input regarding changes to the Development Code as submitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works] - Chapter 4, Development Districts – the proposed addition of Section 404 Mobile and Manufactured Homes to prohibit future placement of Mobile Homes constructed before June 15, 1976, granting legal non-conforming status to all Mobile Homes legally in place, and adding skirting requirements. - Chapter 15, Definitions – updating the definitions of “Mobile Home” and “Manufactured Home”.
City Council Meeting – May 3, 2011 6. CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. An item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and added to the Statutory Agenda for full discussion by request of a member of Council.) • Approve the minutes of the City Council Regular Session held on April 19, 2011. [Lee Woodward, City Secretary] • Authorize the City Manager to enter into a Partnership Agreement and participate in the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Sustainable Communities Consortium through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). [Dr. Sherry McKibben, Community Development Specialist] • Ratify emergency purchase of pipe for McGary Creek, and consider approval of purchases of PVC pipe and PVC materials on an as-needed basis for inventory and/or special projects. [Billie Smith, Procurement Manager] d. Ratify action of City Manager to replace approximately 4,000 linear feet of existing 14” PVC force main near the McGary Creek Lift Station. [Carol Reed, Director of Public Utilities]
City Council Meeting – May 3, 2011 6. CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of Consent Agenda authorizes the City Manager to implement each item in accordance with staff recommendations. An item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and added to the Statutory Agenda for full discussion by request of a member of Council.) • Consider the purchase of software for the purpose of managing citizen requests, permits, code enforcement, work orders, fleet, and inventory. [Chris Vasquez, IT Manager] • Consider the addition of a splash pad with amenities at the Huntsville Aquatic Center. [Dr. Sherry McKibben, Community Development Specialist] • Approve Ordinance 2011-35, amending the budget for FY10-11. [Winston Duke, Finance Director] g. Consider award of contract for drainage study, design, and engineering of Town Creek Phase 1 award of the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant. [Dr. Sherry McKibben, Community Development Specialist]
City Council Meeting – May 3, 2011 7. STATUTORY AGENDA a. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve Ordinance 2011-33, to prohibit future placement of mobile homes, require skirting for all mobile homes and manufactured homes, and revise the definitions of a mobile home and manufactured home, 2nd reading. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works] b. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve Ordinance 2011-34, amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Huntsville to prohibit drilling upon certain lands, and making provisions for variances from the Code, 1st reading. [Aron Kulhavy, Director of Public Works]
City Council Meeting – May 3, 2011 8. MAYOR/CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER REPORT a. Presentation, discussion and possible action to discuss water policy issues. [Standing item on first agenda of each month.] b. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to approve contract for redistricting. [Mayor Turner] c. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on nomination of John McManners to Veterans Affairs Advisory Board, to fill open position. [Mayor Turner] d. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on nomination of Ellen Willett as the City of Huntsville Donations Coordinator to satisfy requirements of the City’s Emergency Management Plan. [Mayor Turner] e. City Manager’s Report 1. Updates on City construction, grants, studies, City projects, City purchases, and economic development. 2. Update on traffic
Kate Barr Ross restrooms
City Council Meeting – May 3, 2011 9. PUBLIC COMMENT a. Related to any matter not on the agenda – 2 minutes per speaker 10.MEDIA INQUIRIES RELATED TO MATTERS ON THE AGENDA 11. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (Hear announcements concerning items of community interest from the Mayor, Councilmembers, and City staff for which no action will be discussed or taken.) • The Airing of the Quilts will be held Saturday, May 7, on the Square, beginning at 9am. • The Farmers Market will begin Saturday, May 7, from 8-noon, to be held every Saturday through September. • Town Creek Music Festival will be held at Eastham-Thomason Park on May 14, gates open at 3pm and more information may be found at www.huntsvilletexas.com.
City Council Meeting – May 3, 2011 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION • City Council will convene in closed session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Chapter 551; Section 551.071 – consultation with counsel on legal matters including current and pending litigation, including, but not limited to, AT&T v. the City of Huntsville. [Leonard Schneider, City Attorney] 13. RECONVENE • Take action, if necessary, on item addressed during Executive Session. 14. ADJOURNMENT
The City Council is currently in Executive Session and will reconvene before adjourning.