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The Role of Accreditation in Green Certification & Energy Auditing

Learn about the importance of accreditation in green certification and energy auditing, including different eco-management systems, ISO standards, and United Nations climate change strategies.

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The Role of Accreditation in Green Certification & Energy Auditing

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  1. Role of Accreditation in Green Certification & Energy Auditing- T Wickremasinghe, Director/CEO, SLAB

  2. Different Eco Management Systems- ISO 14001 EMS certification- ISO 50001 EnMs certification- Eco labeling (product)- GHG validation/verification- Carbon Footprint (product)- Green certification

  3. United Nations Climate Change Strategies • UNFCCC • Adopted in1992, Came into effect on March 21, 1994. 192 state parties • Spirit of the Convention: States parties to undertake common but differentiated responsibilities • “cost effective” and “lowest cost” to control climate change and promote sustainable economic development

  4. United Nations Climate Change Strategies • Kyoto Protocol • Adopted in 1997, Came into effect on Feb. 16, 2005. 191 state parties • Objective: • Global atmospheric CO2 concentration to be stabilized at 550ppm by 2100. • 2008-2012 emission of Annex 1 countries to be returned to less than 5.2% of the emissions in 1990

  5. GHG emission status – 2008/2009

  6. United Nations Climate Change Strategies The Mechanisms (Flexible) under the Kyoto Protocol • Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): allows a country with an emission-reduction or emission-limitation commitment under the Kyoto Protocol (Annex B Party) to implement an emission-reduction project in developing countries. • Joint Implementation (JI): a country with an emission reduction or limitation commitment under the Kyoto Protocol (Annex B party) to earn emission reduction units (ERUs) from an emission-reduction or emission removal project in Annex B Party. • Emissions Trading (ETS): Parties with commitments under the Kyoto Protocol (Annex B Parties) have accepted targets for limiting or reducing emissions

  7. Energy Management System CertificationISO 50001 : 2011; Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance- Develop a policy for efficient use of energy- Fix targets and objectives for energy reduction- Use data for decision making on energy- Measure results & review effectiveness- Continual improvement

  8. Green CertificationCertification scheme aimed at increasing environmental value of renewable energy generated. Sources of renewable energy : - Wind (onshore and offshore) - Solar (photovoltaic & thermal)- Wave and tidal (onshore and offshore) - Geothermal- Hydro (small and large)- Biomass (bio fuels)

  9. Green certificate Vs. CO2-e reduction certificateGreen certificate – Represents the environmental value of renewable energy. Can be traded separately from the energy produced. Traded mostly in EU countries & US statesCO2-e reduction certificate – Relates to reduction of emission from greenhouse gases; CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6 & CFCs. Can be exchanged worldwide

  10. Industries that are significant in managing GHG: • Organizational level : • Power generation and distribution, petroleum refinery, chemical engineering, fabricated metal products manufacturing, non-metallic material product manufacturing, agricultural and animal husbandry, fishing, forestry, water treatment, waste treatment and disposal • Project level: • Energy generation (renewable & nonrenewable), chemical manufacturing, transport, construction, metal production, fugitive emissions, solvents, waste handling and disposal, agriculture, afforestation and reforestation

  11. ISO 14065/ ISO 14066/ ISO 14064-3/ MD 6 Linking GHG Standards Accreditation GHG Verification Body (ISO 14064-3) CFP Verification Body (ISO 14064-3) GHG Validation/ Verification Body (ISO 14064-3) Validation/Verification Product CFP (ISO 14067) Project based (ISO 14064-2) Organizational Inventory (ISO 14064-1)

  12. SLAB Min. of Env. SLAB EnMS/GHG Accreditation Schemes CBs/V/VBs Apply Supervise Recognize/ Accredit/Verify/validate Organization/Project

  13. Accreditation and certification toolsEnergy management systems IAF MD & GD Accreditation body ISO/IEC 17011 IAF MD & GD Certification body ISO/IEC 17021 ISO/IEC 17021-2 ISO/IEC 17021-3 Manufacturer Guides on “systems” ISO 50001 Consumer and market

  14. Accreditation and Verification toolsOrganizations & Projects Accreditation body ISO/IEC 17011 IAF/PAC GD ISO 14065 ISO 14064-3 ISO 14066 Verification body IAF/PAC MD6 Manufacturer Guide on product Specification on product Organization (ISO 14064-1) Project (ISO 14064-2) (product/service/process) ISO 14064-3 Consumer and market

  15. Mutual Recognition Demand for Intl. recognition Demand for accreditation Accreditation Conformity assessment Demand for conformity assessment Certification body Inspection body Testing Laboratory The Market Consumers/ Users+ National Governments + Regions + WTO Products/ Services Requirements Producers/ Suppliers Standards & Tech.reg

  16. IAF/PAC Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (under discussion) ISO/IEC 17021 MD 6 Accreditation Energy management system certification body (ISO 50001 Certification Organization

  17. IAF/PAC Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (already developed) ISO 14065/ ISO 14066/ ISO 14064-3/ MD 6 Accreditation GHG Verification Body (ISO 14064-3) CFP Verification Body (ISO 14064-3) GHG Validation/ Verification Body (ISO 14064-3) Validation/Verification Product CFP (ISO 14067) Project based (ISO 14064-2) Organizational Inventory (ISO 14064-1)

  18. Thank you

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