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NOAA Leadership Competencies Development Program (LCDP) Overview. Facilitated by Tracy Levstik LCDP Program Manager November 15, 2011. Join us via phone at: 866-909-7872, Passcode: 433406#. Agenda. Join us via phone at: 866-909-7872, Passcode: 433406#. Part 1: Introductions.
NOAA Leadership Competencies Development Program (LCDP) Overview Facilitated by Tracy Levstik LCDP Program Manager November 15, 2011 Join us via phone at: 866-909-7872, Passcode: 433406#.
Agenda Join us via phone at: 866-909-7872, Passcode: 433406#. • Part 1: • Introductions. • Webinar guidelines. • Part 2: • Program overview. • Part 3: • Application/selection overview. • Part 4: • Thoughts from previous LCDP participants. • Input from LO/SO LCDP Coordinators. • Contacts. • Q&A. LCDP Class VII Graduation, October 21, 2011
LCDP Program Manager: Tracy Levstik • Tracy is a Leadership Program Development Specialist with the Workforce Management Office’s Workforce Planning & Development Division. • Located in Boulder, Colorado she is the Program Manager for NOAA’s leadership programs, including: • NOAA’s Leadership Competencies Development Program (LCDP). • NOAA’s Rotational Assignment Program (NRAP). • Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program.
Guest Speakers Patricia Pinto da Silva(NMFS) LCDP VII Graduate John Huai-Min Zhang (NESDIS) LCDP VII Graduate
Webinar Guidelines • PLEASE put your phone on mute (to minimize background noise). • Do NOT put your phone on hold – that will cause music to be heard by all participants. • Take the opportunity now to focus on today’s session by closing your email and other computer applications. *6 to mute or unmute your phone
Webinar Guidelines (Cont’d) • If you have questions, please either: • Type the question in the chat area (you can send a chat message to All – Entire Audience or to a specific person) or • Ask your question over the phone during a pause in the conversation or when prompted. Open Chat Window Close Chat Window
Where are you calling from?(Type in Chat Window) Join us via phone at: 866-909-7872, Passcode: 433406#.
LCDP Program Overview • Competitive, intermittent 18-month, leadership development program. • Provides a series of training and learning experiences for a cadre of NOAA employees who have high potential for assuming greater leadership responsibilities in the agency. • Highly customized for agency employees. • Promotes cross-line and multidisciplinary experiences. • NOAA’s key succession planning initiative. LCDP team building activity at Falls River Outdoor Center
LCDP Program Purpose • The purpose of the LCDP is to identify and develop NOAA’s potential senior leaders. • This is accomplished by: • Expanding your knowledge and understanding of our corporate vision, mission and goals; • Developing your leadership competencies by providing customized leadership training and professional development opportunities; • Strengthening your ability to communicate in and across NOAA; • Encouraging and fostering your contribution to managing diversity in the workplace.
LCDP Learning Objectives • The learning objectives for LCDP participants are to: • Develop a set of core leadership competencies based on NOAA’s and your needs; • Develop a subset of individually selectedleadership competencies as determined by your learning goals; • Gain knowledge of, and experience with,our business processes for creating a corporate NOAA and for working successfully with Congress; • Gain knowledge of our current environment and challenges, and the need to work together across organizational lines; • Expand your network of professional associates both inside and outside of NOAA.
LCDP Participant Benefits • The LCDP participant has the opportunity to: • Participate in a formal, NOAA-wide leadership development program with a cross-agency cohort group; • Perform a variety of developmental activities to further grow his or her NOAA leadership competencies; • Gain increased visibility within his or her Line/Staff Office and across NOAA; and • Achieve enhanced responsibility in his or her current job or in a new position. • LCDP graduates interested in future senior or executive level positions may compete for them under merit promotion procedures when openings occur.
LCDP Office Benefits • The LCDP provides Line/Staff Offices with: • Program participants who can bring new approaches to their permanent positions as well as to their developmental activities; • Employees who possess exceptional leadership skills; • Employees capable of assuming broader NOAA leadership roles; and • Potential candidates for filling critical positions within the organization.
LCDP Key Program Components • The LCDP provides the following key developmental components: • A formal mentoring relationship with a NOAA senior leader who provides guidance throughout the program; • A formal 5-week core leadership training program at FEI (Charlottesville, VA) in 4 sessions covering a range of subjects and issues facing NOAA leaders; • A series of career-broadening developmental assignments and activities; • Other developmental activities: • A pre-program individual 360-degree assessment to determine leadership development needs; • An Individual Development Plan (IDP) to lay the groundwork and plan how the participant will gain appropriate skills and experience; • An opportunity to participate in specific corporate NOAA and Line/Staff Office initiatives; and • A post-program individual 360-degree assessment to determine leadership development progress.
LCDP Community • 7 previous classes. • Over 160 alumni. • Over 100 volunteer mentors. • Numerous developmental assignment hosts.
LCDP Leadership Training “The formal training at FEI left me with a much better sense of the broad range of issues facing NOAA and the different approaches to leadership.” ~ LCDP Graduate LCDP team building activity at Falls River Outdoor Center
LCDP Developmental Assignments “Having varied assignments offered a unique perspective about how managers and leaders operate, and what I might emulate, or not.” ~ LCDP Graduate Sid Thurston on Indonesian Research Vessel deploying NOAA DART Tsunami
Applying to LCDP VIII • Open November 1-28, 2011. • Apply online: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2011LCDPapp • Supervisor Statement due by December 2, 2011.
LCDP Applicant Eligibility • Currently GS-13/14/15 or equivalent. • Full-time NOAA employee for at least 2 years. • Not currently in another long-term development program.
Supervisor Support • Critical to participant’s success. • Significant time commitment: • 5 weeks of training at FEI. • 2 or 3 assignments (3-4 months each). • Other developmental activities. • Funding decisions by Line/Staff Office.
LCDP Selection Process • Follows merit principles: • Applications rated and ranked between 1/09/12-1/13/12. • Applicants notified if moving on or not between 1/17/12-1/20/12. • Best qualified applicants interviewed from 1/23/12-2/02/12. • Final selection by Deputy Under Secretary. • Final decisions made by 3/01/12. • Based on NOAA's criteria: • 6 Leadership Competencies. • Demonstrate experience and/or potential.
Thoughts from Recent LCDP Graduates • Discussion Topics: • Why did you decide to apply at this point in your career? • What were your goals at the start of the program? • What are your recommendations on how to get the most value from the LCDP experience? • What are some potential pitfalls of participating in LCDP and how would you avoid them? • What did you ultimately get out of the program? • Would you recommend LCDP to others?
LCDP VII Graduate: Patricia Pinto da Silva(NMFS) • Patricia is currently a staff social scientist for the NOAA Fisheries Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole, MA where she is engaged in research on voluntary organizations, collaborative management, and the human dimensions of fisheries in the NE region. • Prior to joining NOAA in 2002, Patricia received a PhD & MSc fromthe Department of Social Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science. • Her doctoral thesis focused on Marine Extractive Reserves, a type of marine protected area that is being established widely on the Brazilian coastline to help secure the livelihoods of traditional coastal communities and protect the marine resources they depend on. • As part of LCDP, Patricia took on two developmental assignments: • Director of the NMFS Marine National Monument Program. • Social Science Lead for Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning in the NE.
LCDP VII Graduate: John Huai-Min Zhang (NESDIS) • Dr. John Huai-Min Zhang is a Physical Scientist at the NESDIS National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC. His research has been on global ocean observing system design & implementation, blended global sea surface winds production, and services for societal benefits. He has been manager for several research projects. • John’s external/cross-LO LCDP assignments included: • Acting Co-Director, USDA Forest Service’s Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center, headquartered in Asheville, NC. The main theme of his assignment was on the applied climate research & applications in the Forest Service and DOI's USGS & Fish and Wild Life Service. • Program and Management Analyst, NOAA Budget Office, Washington DC. He has interfaced with NOAA Senior Leadership, the Department of Commerce, the Office of Management and Budget, and Congress on NOAA's budget submissions, and learned leadership skills on politically savvy (negotiations), & making quick and decisive decisions.
LCDP Website • Program Information: • LCDP VIII details & how to apply. • Alumni & mentor feedback. • People Information: • Line/Staff Office Coordinators. • Alumni & mentor biographies. http://lcdp.noaa.gov
LCDP Contacts LCDP Program Manager: Line/Staff Office LCDP Coordinators:
Q&A Do you have any questions?