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Next. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. WHY ARE P A R T Y D R U G S SO DANGEROUS?. QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER THROUGH RESEARCH: What are party drugs? What are the effects of party drugs (long and short term)? What are the types of ways drugs can be consumed?

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  1. Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 WHY ARE PARTYDRUGS SODANGEROUS? • QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER THROUGH RESEARCH: • What are party drugs? • What are the effects of party drugs (long and short term)? • What are the types of ways drugs can be consumed? • What are the impacts drugs have on the community (e.g. crime rate, financial problems, rehabilitation)? • LEARNING OUTCOMES: • Students identify the different types of party drugs and their characteristics • Students appropriately use sources to gather information • Students cooperatively work in pairs to create a PowerPoint • Students appropriately peer asses • EXPECTATION: • In groups of 2 create a PowerPoint on one party drug of your choice and present your findings to the class. YEAR 10 – HEALTH EDUCATION SOURCE: http://www.youthrise.orgm SOURCE: http://planetivy.com SOURCE: http://www.suncoastrehabcenter.com

  2. Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 Information Sources WEBSITE: Fact sheets outlining a list of party drugs in their category type providing additional information through links WEBSITE: Brief descriptions of party drugs with information on effects and how they are abused WEBSITE: Provides examples of how drugs can change your life SOURCE: http://missinghumanmanual.com SOURCE: http://hbcprotocols.com WEBSITE: Provides scientific and street names for all drugs WEBSITE/VIDEO CLIPS: Provides brief history for several party drugs with addition of documentaries about certain drugs WEBSITE: Provides several links to websites surrounding the impact drugs have on communities and families SOURCE: http://www.ihomeremedy.net

  3. Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 Formative Task SOURCE: http://www.123rf.com Complete a work sheet that will ask the following: 1) For each of the drugs listed identify the definition that best suits their description 2) Identify whether the drug is prescription, illegal, socially accepted or over the counter 3) Identify the classification of the drug (stimulant, depressant or hallucinogen) 4) Describe some effects that occur when the drug is consumed. Once the worksheet is handed out it must be completed by the next lesson. In the next lesson a classroom discussion will occur to go through the correct answers for each question. NOTE: Students can either print task sheet or complete it on Microsoft Word SOURCE: http://www.123rf.com ‘LOOKING AT DRUGS’ TASK SHEET SOURCE: http://www.123rf.com

  4. Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 Summative Assessment SOURCE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk TASK: In pairs create a PowerPoint on a party drug of your choice. 8 questions will need to be answered and presented in the PowerPoint. You will need to work cooperatively and collaboratively together sharing the workload evenly. One week will be given to collate the information and design your PowerPoint before you present your findings to the class. The presentation must go for 5-7 minutes. The assessment criteria and grading rubric for this task is attached below as one of the links. NOTE: It is encouraged to use cue cards to prevent reading off the screen In addition you will also need to complete one peer assessment on a presentation. These peer assessments will be used to help with the marking process for each presentation. SOURCE: http://www.directionsact.com SOURCE: http://www.topnews.in SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TASK PEER ASSESSMENT SHEET ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AND GRADING RUBRIC

  5. Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 Extra Resources BEFORE & AFTER WEBSITE: Further information on all types drugs DVD: Documentary surrounding the truth about drugs. It uses real people and real stories SOURCE: http://news.xinhuanet.com SOURCE: http://news.xinhuanet.com WEBSITE: Statistics surrounding drug induced deaths in Australia WEBSITE: Information on how to support someone with a drug problem SOURCE: http://www.scientologynews.org

  6. Teacher Support Materials 1 2 3 4 5 6 SOURCE: http://saynotodrugssite.blogspot.com.au SACSA FRAMEWORK Year 10 - Health & Physical Education Strand: Health of individuals & communities Key Idea: Students examine the long-term effects of their behaviour on their health and safety. They plan and develop strategies and practices to assist them to take personal, social and working responsibility for their health and safety as they take risks with increasing freedom. [F] [Id] [T] [KC1] Strand: 5.7 Critically assesses and develops effective strategies and behaviours to promote safety. [F] [Id] [T] [KC1] KEY COMPETENCIES KC1 – Collecting, Analysing and Organising Information (through using the links provided) KC2 – Communicating ideas and information (through the presentation) KC4 – Working with others and in teams (through partner work for the summative task) KC7 – Using Technology (through the use of PowerPoint) SOURCE: http://news.xinhuanet.com ‘LOOKING AT DRUGS’ ANSWER SHEET

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