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L2 Muon Trigger Study Status Report. B. de la Cruz , C. Diez (CIEMAT, Madrid) Muon HLT Meeting 20th March, 2009. Motivation for the study. L2 Muon Trigger is already established but there may be still room for improvement optimizing the 2 step algorithm: Seeding
L2 Muon Trigger Study Status Report B. de la Cruz , C. Diez (CIEMAT, Madrid) Muon HLT Meeting 20th March, 2009 Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
Motivation for the study L2 Muon Trigger is already established but there may be still room for improvement optimizing the 2 step algorithm: • Seeding • Pattern Recognition in the muon system and the tuning of the L2 parameters. FirstOverview: http://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=3&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=52841 Where we reproduced validation histograms with official HLT Validation package (MultiTrackValidator Analyzer for residuals, pulls and efficiencies of track reconstruction) running on MC samples. Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
First Tests on L2MuonProducer • According to Riccardo and J.Roch, several L2 optimizations possible: Use of FastSteppingHelixPropagator (code implemented some time ago by Slava Krutelyov but never activated) instead of usual SteppingHelixPropagator, in the L2 pattern recognition and reconstruction (bigger extrapolation steps in L2 propagation) Add a final refit of the L2 muon track, considering all the final hits selected after a pattern recognition inside-out (FW) and outside-in (BW) In the case of Refitting, drop the outside-in (BW) pattern recognition, to save time • Use CMSSW_3_1_0_pre3 to test optimizations above and Z MonteCarlo sample: /RelValZMM/CMSSW_3_1_0_pre3_STARTUP_30X_v1/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-HLTDEBUG (9000 evts) • Results comparing distributions of several variables (pt, eta, phi), their pulls and resolutions will be shown here. Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
Tests on L2MuonProducer Options presented in previous slides tested alone and in combination Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
ReFit implemented in L2 • In HLTrigger/Configuration/python/HLT_2E30_cff.py in L2MuonProducer, activate DoRefit = cms.bool( True) adding as Parameters those from RecoMuon/StandAloneMuonProducer/python/StandAloneMuons_cfi.py • Use CMSSW_3_1_0_pre3 to test optimizations above and Z MonteCarlo sample: /RelValZMM/CMSSW_3_1_0_pre3_STARTUP_30X_v1/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-HLTDEBUG (9000 evts) Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
Pt distributions Comparing with Pt L1 distribution: Removing BW pattern recognition, Pt distribution Is still “discrete” L1 Pt values in 2 bins: Correction shift by 2 GeV in Barrel and 3GeV in EndCaps Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
h distributions h only for “standard” SteppingHelixPropagator (similar for FastStep.) Removing BW patternrecognitionaffectstothevalues in thebarrel: Isthattheexpectedbehaviour? No mayor differences between distributions with/ without reffiting Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
Pt resolution • Refitimprovesresolution • (seenextslide) by 3% • No BW filter: resolutiongetsworseby 10% (respecttothe “original” L2 reco) • ImplementingtheFastSteppingHelixpropagatordoesnottheresolution Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
Pt resolution ~20% ~31% ~17% Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
Pt resolution vs Pt & h Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
Comment on L2 vs L1 Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
f resolution Flat distributions in f in all cases (notshown) Changes in resolutionsmallerthan in the case of Pt Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
f resolution Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
h resolution • Resolution similar in all cases • removing BW patter recogition worsens the tail of the distributions, similar peak Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
h resolution s~ 0.0048 s~ 0.005 s~ 0.0053 • No changeswith new propagator in resolution, refitdoesn´timprovesit • H resolutionwith BW patternrecognitiononlyslightlyworse (~5% difference) Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
Pull distributions s~ 2.2 s~ 2.3 s~ 1.4 s~ 1.4 s~ 1.1 s~ 1.1 s~ 1.9 s~ 2.1 s~ 1.9 s~ 1.1 s~ 0.7 s~ 0.7 • mean • -0.09 • -0.03 • ~ -0.18 • s~ -0.09 • s~ 0.45 • s~ 0.45 Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
Pull distributions s~ 1.05 s~ 1.03 s~ 0.95 s~ 0.94 s~ 1.10 s~ 1.10 s~ 2.07 s~ 2.20 s~ 1.40 s~ 1.45 s~ 1.21 s~ 1.21 Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
Sigma :Pull distributions vs h • Pulls do notchangewiththeFastSteppingHelixPropagator • FlatterdistributionswithRefitfordistributions as a function of h Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
Pull distributions vs h • Pulls do notchangewiththeFastSteppingHelixPropagator • FlatterdistributionswithRefitfordistributions as a function of h Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez
Comments & Outlook • The improvement on the “SteppingHelixPropagator ” does not worsen the resolution • Compare these set of validation plots to existing ones in http://cern.ch/cms-muonhltval (Jeff. Klukas). • The work will go on, paying attention to the different L2 parameters being used Muon HLT Meeting C. Diez