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Victor Alessandrini IDRIS - CNRS. Research Infrastructures Information Day Brussels, March 25, 2003. EUROGRID Vision. Build a European Grid infrastructure that gives users a seamless, secure access to High Performance Computing resources and that advances computational science
Victor Alessandrini IDRIS - CNRS Research Infrastructures Information Day Brussels, March 25, 2003
EUROGRID Vision Build a European Grid infrastructure that gives users a seamless, secure access to High Performance Computing resources and that advances computational science in Europe
EUROGRID Goals • European HPC centers build and run a GRID testbed • Seamless access to HPC resources • Multi-site jobs • Interfaces for important applications • Bio-/Chemical • Meteo • CAE • Industrial applications and GRID usage scenarios • ASP services for engineers • Intranet solutions for distributed organizations • Development of new GRID middleware • E.g. resource broker, efficient data transfer, . . . • Contribute to Global GRID development
HPC Centers CSCS Manno (CH) FZ Jülich (D) ICM Warsaw (PL) IDRIS Paris (F) Univ Bergen (N) Univ Manchester (UK) Users Deutscher Wetterdienst EADS T-Systems (debis Systemhaus(Assistant Partner) EUROGRID Partners Integration • Pallas (Project Coordinator) • Fecit (Assistant Partner) Volume: 33 person years, 3.5 MEuro costfunded by European Commission Grant No. IST–1999–20247
UNICORE Clients UNICORE Gateway UNICORE Gateway UNICORE Network Job Supervisor UNICORE Network Job Supervisor UNICORE TSI UNICORE TSI Cray NQE IBM LL NEC NJS UNICORE Architecture User’s Laptop Insecure Internet UNICORE Site A UNICORE Site B Secure Intranet Virtual Site Commandor Routine I/F
Develop interfaces to existing biological andchemical codes Operate a GRID for biomolecular simulations Bio–GRID
Meteo–GRID • Develop a relocatable version of local weather prediction model • ASP solution for on demand localized weather prediction
Global model Databases DWD Requestglobal data Send global data EUROGRIDcenter Requestprediction WAN Computeprediction Send results Client workstation(somewhere) Meteo–Grid Ubiquitous access to local weather prediction software, developed at DWD and CSCS
Coupled simulations of aircrafts(e.g. structure and electromagnetism) Goal:internal HPC portal for EADS engineers CAE–GRID
T-Systems (Debis Systemhaus) operates www.hpcportal.de Provide HPC portal to engineers at Daimler–Chrysler and partners Develop GRID technology for computing cost estimates and billing CAE–GRID
Achievements WP1 (Bio-GRID) • Jobs built for GROMOS, GAUSSIAN, AMBER • Plug-In for Gaussian developed • See special presentation and demonstration • biogrid.icm.edu.pl
Achievements WP2 (Meteo-GRID) • Relocatable version of LM completed • Model runs at IDRIS, CSCS, ICM • EUROGRID deployment under way
Achievements WP3 (CAE-GRID) • EADS: Acoustic and electromagnetic applications running with EUROGRID-0.5 • Workflow chain simulation possible • Plug-Ins under way • T-Systems: evaluation of EUROGRID-0.5 started, requirements formulated
FZJ Achievements WP4 (HPC-GRID) • EUROGRID-0.5 installed and running at all centers • HPC-GRID operational • Evaluation result:EUROGRID-0: good but fragile,EUROGRID-0.5: much progress, more stable • Now running coupled applications at multiple sites, see special presentation and demonstration
Achievements WP5 (Technology) • File transfer infrastructure in place and evaluated • Resource broker spec developed and published • Interoperability of Unicore with CORBA demonstrated, see special presentation
Achievements WP6 (Integration) • EUROGRID 0 and 0.5 released on schedule and installed at partners • Rapid improvement cycle (13 minor releases driven by user requirements), progressive refinement towards EUROGRID 1 • Same code base for UNICORE Plus and EUROGRID • Interim certification policy available, technology in place • EUROGRID has motivated many Unicore developments • Technical Project Workshop at Pallas
Cooperations • UNICORE Pluscommon code base and exchange of access rights • GEANTcooperation regarding QoS requirements • DataGRIDjoint dissemination meetings, joint events • GRIDSTARTjoint dissemination • Global Grid Forumparticipation, contributions, adaptation of standards • UK GRID ProjectUNICORE/EUROGRID workshop planned