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Quality of life

Quality of life. Seminar 5 Jaroslav Biolek. Homework. Choose a meta- concept of quality of life (model, construct …) and contextualize your quality of life inside this concept (just prepare a speech )

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Quality of life

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Qualityoflife Seminar 5 Jaroslav Biolek

  2. Homework • Choose a meta-conceptofqualityoflife (model, construct…) andcontextualizeyourqualityoflifeinsidethisconcept (just prepare a speech) • Liveability, health, well-being, environmental quality, happiness, satisfaction… • Choose the subjective or the objective dimension and describe the other through the first one • e.g. your subjective dimension through livability or environmental quality

  3. Objective x subjective dimension • Do bothdimensionsreallyexist? Orisitonlyconstruct? • Whatistherelationbetweenthem? Are they (in)dependent on eachother? • Isitpossible to applyoneholisticapproach to conceptualizebothdimensions of quality of life? • Whatisthe role of oursensesandourperception?

  4. QoL – human needs • Basic needsandcapabilities (food, water, health, housing, environment, security) – avoidance of pain • Autonomy of agency • Subjective well-being (from satisfaction, positive emotions to personalgrowth, fulfilling of desires) • Flourishing (self-respect, love, deeppersonal relations) • Social inclusion, integration?

  5. 3 cases of bad quality of life • „green widow“ – womanwholives in a suburb, shespends a lot of timealone, sheisusuallybored, shesuffersfromdepression… • „gipsy man“ – he lives in ghetto, he has a bigfamily, but his brotherowes a lot of money and he wantshim to help, sonow he has problemswith a police (he stole something) • „middle-classwoman“ – sheisabout 50 yearsold, she has boringjob, her childrenworkabroad, sheisdivorcedandnowshedoes not likemen, althoughshe has friends, sheis not satisfied (shegoesshoppingwiththem, butshe has nothing to talkwiththem)

  6. Psychological well-being Social well-being Self-acceptance Personalgrowth Purpose in life Environmental mastery Autonomy Positive relations withothers Social acceptance Social actualization Social contribution Social coherence Social integration

  7. Whereistheproblemlocated? • Human needs, values, expectation… • Hedonia x eudaimonia • Economic x psychologicaland social well-being • Individual x collective quality of life

  8. 5th homework • Think of thedimensions of quality of life • What are theimportantones? • Whichdomainsshapeyour life the most? • Followtheinteractivesyllabusandfulfilthe ROPOT • Answer on thequestionsaboutthemultidimensionality of quality of life

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