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Engaging the Campus in Enrollment Management. Dr. Myron Pope , Vice President Jerry Legere , Associate VP/Registrar Drew Duke , Exec. Dir. of Student Financial Services & Special Liaison to the Athletic Dept. Enrollment Management University of Central Oklahoma. UCO. Six academic colleges
Engaging the Campus in Enrollment Management Dr. Myron Pope, Vice President Jerry Legere, Associate VP/RegistrarDrew Duke, Exec. Dir. of Student Financial Services & Special Liaison to the Athletic Dept. Enrollment ManagementUniversity of Central Oklahoma
UCO • Six academic colleges • Headcount: 15,780 (Fall 2008) • Significant growth during “bad” funding years • Declining number of high school graduates • Decreases in international enrollment – post 9/11
2006: In the Beginning • Lack of clarity and consensus about the strategic direction of the campus • Silo-approach to enrollment planning, enrollment, management, and student success • Little understanding that effective enrollment management is not limited to just outreach and admissions … that student engagement and persistence to graduation are equally critical
2006: In the Beginning • Acrimony/distrust among academics and administration • Minimal cross-divisional planning, initiatives, or partnerships • PSS reporting to SA, Admissions/records to AA, and Financial aid/bursar to Ad/Fin • Campus primarily concerned with increasing enrollment numbers at the global level • Reorganization and the creation of the DEM
Vision • The Division of Enrollment Management will: • Provide the leadership in developing institutional recruitment plans; • Promote UCO as the institution of choice in Oklahoma and the region; • Ensure that the University of Central Oklahoma has a qualified and diverse student population; • Exert leadership in developing institutional retention plans; • Exemplify a student centered approach to service in each of its DEM offices; • Demonstrate a culture of integrated enrollment management; and • Engage the University of Central Oklahoma in the enrollment planning process
Core Values • Integrity : We are committed to the principles of truth and honesty, and we will be equitable, ethical and professional in the delivery of services and the administration of programs. This principle is the basic foundation upon which the Division is built. • Intentionality : We are committed to being intentional in our efforts for programs and services, to empower students to achieve academic success. • Excellence : We seek excellence and are committed to continuous improvement. • Service : We believe serving students is a noble and worthy endeavor. • Stewardship of Resources : We are dedicated to the efficient and effective use of resources. We accept responsibility of the public’s trust and are accountable for our actions. • Diversity : We respect others and value diversity of opinion, freedom of expression, and other ethnic and cultural backgrounds. • Cooperation and Communication : We are committed to communicating in a positive and timely manner, with all constituencies both on- and off-campus.
Enrollment Management Team (EMT) • Initiated in 2006-07 • Structure and charge developed through conversations at executive level and within Enrollment Management
EMT @ UCO Desired outcome: • A shared governance model to institutionalize a campus-wide approach to achieve and support: • Student learning and success • Optimum student enrollment • Institutional excellence
Charge of the EMT • Develop and sustain a campus-wide enrollment management understanding and effort • Engage the campus in shaping future enrollment and promoting student success • Provide a platform for discussion of the campus enrollment planning issues and strategies
Charge of the EMT • Provide shared governance structure to initiate and sustain change • Recommend infrastructure/policy/process improvements • Identify opportunities for future collaboration
Recruitment Committee Charge The primary mission of the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) Recruitment Committee is to make recommendations to the Enrollment Management Team on matters pertaining to student recruitment, admissions, financial aid, and other issues related to recruiting and enrolling the desired student body at UCO. The efforts of this sub-committee will focus on developing strategies that will enhance recruitment efforts at the undergraduate and graduate level, for both domestic and international students.
Recruitment Committee Charge cont’d • Further University goals for achieving the appropriate mix of undergraduate, graduate, and international students; • Recommend and periodically review enrollment objectives to the Enrollment Management Team; • Recommend recruitment strategies for meeting enrollment goals based upon past and present student data; • Identify ways in which to actively involve faculty and staff in the student recruitment process; • Encourage meaningful connections between prospective/admitted students and UCO faculty/staff by communicating with internal constituents; • Provide opportunities for faculty/staff to disseminate a common brand/marketing message regarding the quality and value of a UCO education; and • Compile data regarding the success of all recruitment initiatives.
Retention Committee Membership • Co-Chair: Assistant VP Undergraduate Admission/Enrollment Management • Co-Chair: Program Director, Upward Bound Trio • Director, Multicultural Student Services/Campus Life • Director/International Office • Graduate Dean • Director/Assessment & Academics • Director, Prospective Student Services & Scholarship/Enrollment Management • Assistant VP/Administration • Coordinator of First Year Experience Programs/Enrollment Management • Special Events Coordinator/Alumni Relations • MBA Program/Business Administration • Representative, Transfer Center/Enrollment Management • Director/University Relations
Retention Committee Charge • Monitor the retention of undergraduate and graduate students by analyzing appropriate retention data • Recommend retention initiatives and work with institutional personnel to implement them • Serve as an early warning system, alerting the campus of evidence that may indicate undesirable trends • To identify helpful retention practices and to perpetuate them
Retention Committee Committee Co-Chairs Executive Director, Academic Advisement & Retention Associate Dean, College of Mathematics & Science
Retention Committee Membership Associate Dean, College of Business Assistant Dean, College of Mathematics & Science Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts Director, Career Services Director, Institutional Research Director, Student Financial Aid Director, Housing & Dining Assistant Director, International Student Services Other faculty members and representatives from advisement, athletic compliance, administration, and the registrar.
Retention Committee Outcomes : • Retention-based learning community called “Compass • Reinstatement of Mid-Semester grade reports • Attendance Hotline • Creation of a complete withdrawal survey • Course for students on probation (Success Strategies) • Advisor outreach program for students admitted with less than a 19 ACT score -- Mandatory Freshman Orientation Course -- Mandatory second semester advisement -- Routine communication throughout first semester between student and advisor
Retention Committee Future Plans • Develop a Housing Learning Center with tutoring, mentoring, and satellite advisement • Create a Freshman Orientation course section specifically designed for international students • Raise awareness for all faculty and staff about our collective responsibility to help retain students
Graduation Committee • Initiated April 2007 • Charge • Activities • Membership • First Year Report
Graduation Committee Charge • Analyze data regarding student graduation • Establish a student demographic profile of UCO graduates • Develop strategies to benefit students whose graduation as delayed or prevented • Share data to be used in recruitment and retention research/planning efforts
Proposed Graduation Committee Activities Review university graduation data Recommend University graduation goals Develop a graduation plan Develop strategies that help students succeed
Graduation Committee Committee Co-Chairs Executive Director, Research and Grants (formerly housed in the Graduate Program Office but now a part of Academic Affairs) Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management/Registrar
Committee Membership Student Support Services in the Trio Program Assistant Dean, College of Business Executive Director of Student Financial Services Associate Dean, College of Arts, Media, and Design Research Analyst, Office of Institutional Research and Planning Associate Registrar, Degree Certification Assistant Dean, College of Liberal Arts Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Research Analyst, Enrollment Management
Performance Standards Committee met monthly Detailed meeting notes Written report of first year activities required
Data Review Included Financial Aid received for fall 2002 first time freshmen/first time transfers All first time fall 2002 freshman year to year through 2005 tracking Summer 2004 to spring 2005 baccalaureate graduation class review Summer 2005 to spring 2006 baccalaureate graduation class review Focus groups by college for fall 2007 graduation class Reflections On-Line Survey spring 2008 fall 2008 Limitations based on when Banner was implemented in 2002. Could not have a full six year review (150% of graduation timeline) until after first year report issued.
First Year Findings: Profile 59.6% Female 41.5% Entered as transfer student 22 Average ACT 40.6% Graduate within first three years at UCO Live within OKC metropolitan area If student can reach upper class standing, they will persist to graduation. Profile is constant since 2002
Top Five Programs for UCO General Studies Business Administration Journalism Finance Accounting
Financial Assistance Findings Escalating costs most commonly quoted reasons for degree non-completion Comparatively inexpensive tuition frequently cited by it graduates as significant for degree completion Majority of tuition waiver funding go to students who do not graduate from UCO (less than 10% of each year’s awardees) External awards are three times greater for freshman than for transfer students
Financial Assistance Findings con’t • External and internal funding sources drop significantly in the senior year when a student’s federal and state-wide resources may be completely depleted • Less than one third of UCO’s graduates receive tuition waivers • Two thirds of UCO graduates had loans to attend college • Sixty percent of department tuition waivers go to UCO students who graduate but budget for tuition waivers has been stagnant for past few years
Other Findings Faculty interaction with student cited as strength (approachable and available) Smaller classes, quality of academic programs, faculty expertise, research opportunities and rigor of curriculum also often cited
Recommendations Based on Preliminary Findings Implement total restructure of the tuition waiver program to direct more to department/colleges Reduce current practice of awarding institutional fee waivers to high achieving freshmen Continue to inspect characteristics of UCO’s actual graduates
Graduation Committee Future Plans Continue to work with Retention Committee Continue attempts to acquire meaningful information from our “Reflections On-Line Survey” Continue to produce reports examining a variety of statistical and demographic data about students earning a degree at UCO Consider offering Senior Year Experience Course or Life after UCO
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