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Manuscripts and Manuscript-Making. elisa.pastorello@unipd.it. Materials and Process ᚦ animal skin : parchment – sheepskin vellum – calfskin ᚦ the skin is washed and then soaked in a lime solution ᚦ it is stretched on a frame
Manuscripts and Manuscript-Making elisa.pastorello@unipd.it
Materials and Process ᚦ animalskin: parchment – sheepskin vellum – calfskin ᚦ the skiniswashed and thensoaked in a lime solution ᚦ itisstretched on a frame ᚦ itisscrapedwith a curvedknifetoremove the hair ᚦ the soaking, stretching and scrapingisrepeatedforseveraldays ᚦ the skinissmoothedwithpumicestone and pounced, thatiswhitenedwithchalk
ᚦ the skinis cut and given the shapeof a folio ᚦ the sheetisfolded – twoleaves, fourpages are obtainedfrom a sheet ᚦ the sheets are put together in quires or gatherings (Latin quaternum) ᚦ the quires are sewn
ᚦ the pageisprickedwithanawl: smallholes are made on the pageas a guidelineforruling ᚦ ruling: lines are drawnacross the pageto facilitate writing ᚦ the text iscopied, blanks are leftwherethereisgoingtobe a drawing ᚦ drawings, miniatures, illuminations are added
Bibles and Books in Latin LindisfarneGospels, incipit
The Four Old English Poetical Manuscripts • Cotton Vitellius A xv • London, British Library Cotton MS. Vitellius A xv • Two codices bound together: • -Southwick Codex, containing fragments of homilies and other religious works. 12th century. • -Nowell Codex (first decade of the 11th century) containing: • heroic poetry — Beowulf • biblical poetry — Judith • prose works on monsters and wonders
Incipit ofBeowulf – London, BritishLibraryCottonMS. Vitellius A XV
Junius 11 • Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Junius 11 • c. A.D. 1000 • -biblical poetry — Genesis, Exodus, Daniel • -Christological poetry — Christ and Satan • Illustrated with Anglo-Saxon drawings.
Vercelli Book • Vercelli, S. Eusebio Cathedral Library MS. Codex CVII Late 10th century. -hagiographic poetry -Christological poetry -prose
Exeter Book • Exeter, Exeter Cathedral Library MS. 3501. • Early 11th century. “imycelengliscboc be gehwilcumþingum on leoðwisangewohrt” (description of the Ms. in the list of donations to the library by Leofric, bishop of Exeter until 1072)