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UNCLASSIFIED. ENGINEERS IN JOINT OPERATIONS 18 June 2010. COL Chris Hall USJFCOM, J3/4 Engineering Division 757-836-5212 / DSN 836-5212. UNCLASSIFIED. Joint Engineer Functions JTF Engineer Staff Organization / Responsibilities Engineer Support to the Joint Force Commander
UNCLASSIFIED ENGINEERS IN JOINT OPERATIONS 18 June 2010 COL Chris Hall USJFCOM, J3/4 Engineering Division 757-836-5212 / DSN 836-5212 UNCLASSIFIED
Joint Engineer Functions JTF Engineer Staff Organization / Responsibilities Engineer Support to the Joint Force Commander Service Engineer Capabilities Agenda
Joint Logistics involve seven core capabilities: JP 4-0 Why am I here? • Supply • Maintenance • Deployment & Distribution • Health Services • Engineering • Logistic Services • Operational Contract Support
References JP 3-0, Doctrine for Joint Operations JP 5-0, Doctrine for Joint Operation Planning JP 3-33, Doctrine for JTF HQ JP 3-15, Joint Doctrine for Barriers, Obstacles, and Mine Warfare JP 2-0, Doctrine for Joint Intelligence JP 2-03, Doctrine for Geospatial Intelligence Support JP 4-0, Doctrine for Joint Logistics JP 3-57, Doctrine for Civil-Military Operations JP 3-34, Joint Engineer Operations
JP 3-34 Joint Engineer Functions Joint Engineering Functions are defined in three basic categories: 1. General Engineering 2. Combat Engineering 3. Geospatial Engineering
Engineering & Joint Operations JP 3-34 Engineer Support to the Six Joint Functions: • Protection • Hardening • Field Fortification Support • Command and Control • Monitor ENGR Forces & Assets • Explosive Hazard Coordination • Geospatial Support • Engineer Reconnaissance • Intelligence • Terrain Visualization • Digitized Mapping • Site Surveys • Sustainment • Force Beddown • Base Camp Development • Real Estate Management • Construction and Repair of • Infrastructure • Facilities Operation and • Maintenance • Environmental Considerations • Engineer Reconnaissance • Movement & Maneuver • Combat Roads and Trails • Gap Crossing • Lines of Communication and/ or Main Supply Routes • Intermediate Staging Bases • Barriers and Obstacles • Breaching and Countermine Ops • Engineer Reconnaissance • Fires • Shaping Operations • Obstacle Effects
Engineering Across the JTF Staff J3 Movement & Maneuver LOCs / MSRs Intermediate Staging Bases Barriers / Obstacles Mines/Countermines Protection Bunkers / Hardening Protection Fires Operational Targets J4 Support Force Bed-down & Base Development Real Estate Management Construction / Infrastructure Repair Operation and Maintenance of Facilities Environmental Considerations Form JTF HQ Engineer Functions • J2 • Intelligence • Geospatial • Site surveys • J35/J5 • FUOPS / FUPLANS • Branches / Sequels • Others Critical Coordinating Elements • SJA, CJ8, CMO, Ops Protection Officer, Interagency Representatives, Coalition Engineers, Host Nation
J3 Option J4 Option JFC JFC Staff Staff J3 J4 Engineer Engineer • Regardless of Structure – Recommend Engineers be consolidated under the JTF Engineer and assigned to support other directorates, as needed JP 3-34 JTF Engineer Staff Organization Separate Staff Option (ex. CJ-7) JFC Staff Engineer
JTF Engineer Staff Organization Facilities JP 3-34 JTF Engineer DJTF Engineer Special Functions Operations Plans Environ Logistics Reconstruction JFUB JCMEB JEMB Topography EOD NBC Recovery Fire Protection J3 Current Ops J35 Future Ops J5 Future Plans Operational Planning Teams / Working Groups Explosive Hazards Coord. Cell Design & Construction Real Prop Maintenance Real Estate JCMEB – Joint Civil-Military Engineer Board JFUB – Joint Facility Utilization Board JEMB – Joint Environmental Management Board
PURPOSE: to manage engineer-intensive activities to ensure effective use of limited resources to meet mission requirements to establish policies, procedures, priorities, and oversight ENGINEER BOARDS: Joint Civil-Military Engineer Board (JCMEB) Joint Facilities Utilization Board (JFUB) Joint Environmental Management Board (JEMB) OTHER BOARDS, CENTERS, and CELLS JP 3-34 Establish Joint Engineer Boards
Design / Construction Agents (USACE, NAVFAC) Host Nation Support (HNS) Construction Planning (Funding, Standards, Materials) Real Estate Contracting (LOGCAP/CONCAP/AFCAP) UNHCR Standards / Guides Coalition Forces - Needs and Capabilities DoD Planning Factors Environmental Force Protection Standards Engineer Force Requirements (What, Where, & When?) Engineer Boards Planning Considerations
Title 10 U.S. CODE 2802 - Military Construction (MILCON) 2803 - Emergency Construction 2804 - Contingency Construction 2805 - Unspecified Minor Construction (UMC) 2805(a)(2) - Exercise Related Construction (ERC) 2807 - A / E Services and Design 2808 - War or National Emergency 401 - Humanitarian / Civic Action Department of Defense Appropriations Act 2005, Public Law 108-287 Commanders Emergency Response Funds (CERP) Title 22 U.S. CODE 2292 - Foreign Assistance (All Gov’t Agencies) 2318 - Foreign Assistance (DoD Only) 2870 - United Nations Participation CC Initiative Fund Host Nation and Third Nation Coordinating Issues Construction Funding Key Factors: Purpose? Cost? Location? End-user? When required? The 3 Amigos: JTF Engineer J8 / Comptroller SJA
Engineering Support Plan (Appendix 6 to Annex D, Logistics) Environmental Considerations (Annex L) Inputs to: Air Base Operability (Appendix 8 to Annex C) Explosive Ordnance Disposal (Appendix 13 to Annex C) Force Protection (Appendix 15 to Annex C) Civil Affairs (Annex G) Geospatial Information and Services (Annex M) JP 3-34 Planning Outputs • Key Insight: • Engineer input is required in many more places than just the engineer annex
Joint Engineer Force Command relationship determined by the JFC Operational Control Joint Engineer Force Army Component Marine Component Air Force Component Navy Component Army Engineers & US Army Corps of Engineers Navy SEABEEs & Naval Facilities Engineering Command Marine Corps Engineers & Navy SEABEEs Air Force RED HORSE & Prime BEEF
US Army Engineers - AC / RC MIX AC 18,832 (23%) ARNG 41,995 (50%) USAR 20,260 (24%) C4*2,347 (03%) TOTAL 83,434 (100%) * C4 Units Are Unresourced and Will Be Deleted From the Force Structure in the Near Future
X Brigade XX Division Cav (Recon) Signal MP/Security Division MP/Security Logistics Signal Chemical Field Artillery Fires Intelligence Engineer Division Troops Chemical Military Police Combined Arms Armed Recon Combined Arms Intelligence Logistics Support MNVR EN Aviation Engineers Mechanized Brigade Armor Brigade Armor Brigade Army Modularity From Division to Brigade-Centric FROM: An Army based around large, powerful, fixed organizations TO: An Army designed around smaller, more self-contained organizations . . . and modular multi-functional Support Brigades Aviation RSTA Fires Sustainment Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition Maneuver Enhancement A More Ready and Relevant Force
I I I I X X E E STAFF STAFF I I I I I I E I I I I BTB BTB E E E E E E I I E I I E E M M M M M M E E E E E E A A A A R R M M M M M M E E E E E R R R E R EC R M M M M M M E E E E E E R EC R A FC FC Army Engineer Modularity Embedded Capability • Engineer units that are organic to Brigade Combat Teams • Provides minimum level of most critical / most frequently required engineer capabilities • Must have augmentation for full spectrum operations Baseline Forces • Combines engineer C2 with a baseline of engineer capabilities to augment BCT shortfalls and support other UEx requirements • Receives -- and depends upon -- modules from force pool for mission specific capabilities Engineer Effects Modules I I I I I I SAPPER MOB AUG VERTICAL CLEARANCE HORIZONTAL EN SUPPORT Mission Module Forces • Primarily provides engineer effects modules required to respond to specific missions • Organization is modular from squad to company • -- Maximum commonality of design • -- Fixed organizations with discrete sets of capabilities • -- Scalable robustness A - Active R - NG/USAR EC - Equip Contract FC - Full Contract • Mix of A / R / EC / FC depends on: • Frequency required • Integration required with other forces • Where it occurs on battlefield and when • Theater-specific conditions
AREA RTE Combat Effects Battalion
Engineer mission module forces will be comprised of highly specialized engineer capabilities that will be required by baseline forces to execute missions Mission module forces will support virtually all of the engineer missions at the theater level In garrison, the mission modular forces will also contain a battalion HQ that will be responsible for the training readiness and deployment preparation of these modules Engineer Modules
Engineer Baseline and Mission Modules will generally fall under the C2 of an Engineer Battalion HQ Engineer battle command is a modular system that will separate functions into two types of HQ: Engineer Commands (ENCOM) and Engineer Brigades ENCOM and Brigade HQs provide command and control over all engineer forces in the force pool that are not supporting a combatant commander for an operation ENCOMs generally work at the theater level; Engineer Brigades can work at the operational or theater level Modular C2
US Navy Engineers ActiveReserve • Naval Construction Division 1 0 • Naval Construction Regiment/Groups 4 4 • Naval Mobile Construction Battalion8 12 • Naval Construction Force Support Unit 0 1 • Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit 0 2 • Underwater Construction Team 2 0 • Amphibious Construction Battalion 2 0
NAVY (SEABEES) NMCB (Naval Mobile Construction Battalion) Expeditionary construction capabilities include both horizontal and vertical construction. Air Detachment (Company Size) can mobilize (with equipment) and deploy within 48 hours of notification. 8 Active/12 Reserve Battalions CBMU (Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit) – facilities maintenance CBU (Construction Battalion Unit) – Fleet Hospital Support ACB(Amphibious Construction Battalion) – Over the shore logistics UCT (Underwater Construction Team) - Capable of a wide range of underwater inspection, repair, maintenance and construction which includes waterfront, off shore and riverine environments with special capabilities in hydrographic surveys and underwater demolitions. Navy General Engineering Capabilities
Commanding Officer Executive Officer S1 S2 S3 S4 S6 S7 Special Staff (Training) H-Co. Alfa Co. Bravo Co. Charlie Co. Delta Co. (Equipment) (Utilities) (Construction) (Construction) NMCB Organization PEACETIME MANNING WARTIME MANNING Officers 21 Officers 25 Enlisted 606 Enlisted 787 + 1 Marine Advisor (Gunnery Sergeant E-7)
Employment Configuration Naval Ashore Support USMC Support
Combat Engineering Land Mine Clearing Emplacing Mines Breaching Seabees can improve the breach, but do not specialize in this Specialized Demolition Limitations
US Air Force Military Engineers Active 14,699 (52%) Air National Guard 9,127 (32%) Air Force Reserve 4,666 (16%) TOTAL * 28,492 (100%) Includes Fire, EOD, and NBC forces 3264 AC, 2235 ANG, 1134 AFR * Some engineers have in place missions (remotes, joint, instructors, classified missions, etc.)
Air Force General Engineering Capabilities AIR FORCE Prime BEEF (Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force) Tailored Packages (UTC s – Unit Type Codes) to include: Force beddown Operation and maintenance of Air Force facilities, infrastructure, and installations Aircraft rescue and aircraft/facility fire suppression Emergency repair of air bases to include rapid runway, airfields, and utility repairs Rendering safe and disposal of explosive ordnance RED HORSE (Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engr) Provides a dedicated, flexible airfield and base heavy construction and repair capability along with base denial Seven Squadrons (full capability ~404 personnel)
Air Force Prime BEEF Employment 200 Airmen Military deploys Military trains in garrison/ deploys for war…not used for post/base sustainment 200 Airmen 200 Soldiers 200 Sailors Total Force = 600 Total Force = 600 Total Force = 400 Army Air Force Navy Civilian/Contractor mix used for post sustainment Civilian/Contractor mix used for base sustainment Military/Civilian/Contractor mix used for base sustainment 200 Civ/Ktr 400 Civ/Ktr 400 Civ/Ktr
RED HORSE Employment Command/Control Focus R1 4 Vehicles R2 56 Vehicles R1 ( 16 Pax) R2 (148 Pax) R3 (120 Pax) R4 (120 Pax) HUB R1 R2 164 Personnel 60 Vehicles 12 Aircraft R3 R4 Airfield/Horizontal Focus Structural/Vertical Focus 120 Personnel 49 Vehicles 9 Aircraft 120 Personnel 35 Vehicles 8 Aircraft
Combat Engineer Battalion (CEB) Mobility (Breaching) / Survivability Support Limited General Engineering Limited Water Production / Power Generation Engineer Support Battalion(ESB) Performs general engineering tasks/bridging Heavy horizontal capability; limited vertical capability Can execute explosive ordnance disposal; general supply support (handling, storing, and distributing bulk water and class III) 3 Active Battalions/1 Reserve Battalion Marine Wing Support Squadron (MWSS) Contains some organic engineer capability Expeditionary airfield construction, rapid runway repair Limited vertical capability, water purification, refrigeration Marine Corps Engineering Capabilities
Engineers in the MAGTAF Command Element MAGTF Engineer Aviation Combat Element Naval Construction Force Ground Combat Element Logistics Combat Element (as required) Combat Engineer Battalion Marine Wing Support Group Engineer Support Battalion (MWSS Engineering Capability Location)
Infantry Regiment Infantry Regiment Infantry Regiment Engineers in the Marine Division (GCE) Marine Division (Rein) (1103 / 18215 87 / 850) Artillery Regiment Combat Engineer Battalion Headquarters Battalion 1st & 3rd Light Armored Recon Bn Tank Battalion Assault Amphibian Battalion 1st Recon Battalion Engineering Capability
4K FORKS 2 EBFLS 5 TRAMS 10 CRANES 1 ABV(FY09) 8 ACE 16 JAB (FY11) 6 D7G 5 MC1150 8 BACKHOE 16 GRADERS 2 DUMPS 18 SCRAPER 0 MICLIC 36 3 KW 63 10 KW 10 30 KW 42 60 KW 6 100 KW 2 SHOWER 0 LAUNDRY 0 R2C SET 3 ADR KIT 0 SWEEPER 0 H20 TRK 0 HYDRO SD 0 SIXCON 20/7 ROWPU 4 Marine Combat Engineer Bn Combat Engineer Bn (43 /823 2 /25) Headquarters and Service Company (16/127 2/25) Engineer Support Company (7/251) Combat Engineer Company X 3 (5/109) Mobility Assault Company (5/118) MISSION: Enhance the mobility, counter-mobility, and survivability of the MARDIV through close combat engineer support and limited general engineering
Marine Aircraft Group Marine Aircraft Group Marine Aircraft Group Marine Aircraft Group Engineers in the Marine Air Wing (ACE) Marine Aircraft Wing (1650/12688) Engineering Capability Location Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Sqdn Marine Air Control Group Marine Wing Support Group Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Marine Air Wing Support Squadron Engineering Capability Squadron Headquarters HS Company AF Ops Company Mt Ops Company Eng Ops Company (5/134) 4K FORKS 6 EBFLS 9 TRAMS 9 CRANES 4 RTCH 1 TAFDS 2 HERS 5 D7G 3 MC1150 4 BACKHOE 2 GRADERS 2 DUMPS 6 SCRAPER 2 ROLLER 2 3 KW 6 10 KW 10 30 KW 10 60 KW 6 100 KW 6 SHOWER 5 LAUNDRY 3 ADR KIT 2 SWEEPER 2 H20 TRK 1 HYDRO SD 1 SIXCON 15/16 ROWPU 2 R2C SET 1 MISSION: 1) Provides limited combat and general engineering support to designated components of the Wing, 2) Receive, store, and dispense aviation and ground fuels from various types of expeditionary fuel systems
Engineer Support to Marine Logistics Group (LCE) Marine Logistics Group (307 / 7368 117 / 672) Direct Support Combat Logistics Regiment DS CLB DS CLB General Support Combat Logistics Regiment DS CLB Task Organize MEU CLB Combat Logistics Regiment (X7/ FWD) MEU CLB Engineer Support Battalion MEU CLB Dental Battalion Engineering Capability Location
4K FORKS 5 EBFLS 10 TRAMS 11 CRANES 6 AAFS 5 ROLLER 4 R2C SET 3 D7G 22 MC1150 12 BACKHOE 5 GRADERS 8 DUMPS 38 SCRAPER 9 3 KW 35 10 KW 70 30 KW 55 60 KW 35 100 KW 3 SHOWER 15 LAUNDRY 10 MICLIC 12 ACE 5 BEB 21 MGB 6 IRB 3 ERS 4 ADR KIT 1 SWEEPER 0 H20 TRK 3 HYDRO SD 6 SIXCON 75/30 ROWPU 14 Marine Engineer Support Battalion Engineer Support Battalion (55/1538 3/20) Headquarters And Service Co (21/254 3/20) Engineer Support Company (9/500) Engineer Co X 3 (5/136) Bridge Company (4/86) Bulk Fuel Company (6/290) MISSION: Provide combat engineering and limited general engineering, bulk liquid, and utility support to the MAGTF
Target Students: Senior Company Grade and Junior Field Grade Engineer officers Concept: Understand and be able to integrate engineer capabilities across the spectrum of planning and operations to ensure support of the Joint Force Commander’s engineer requirements and accomplishment of the Joint mission. End State Competencies: Describe Joint Operations, Joint Warfare and the Joint Planning System. Describe, comprehend, apply Joint Engineer Doctrine. Describe, comprehend, apply Joint Engineer Planning using scenarios, historical examples, case studies, practical exercises. Describe, comprehend Service Engineer Capabilities and Support Requirements. Describe, comprehend and apply the strengths, effects, and basic doctrinal employment concepts of Service Engineers. Describe, comprehend, apply employment principles for using Service engineer capabilities to support Joint and Service Engineer requirements. Joint Engineer Officers Course (JEOC)
ENGINEERING QUESTIONS? COL Chris Hall Joint Engineer Trainer USJFCOM, J3/4 Engineering Division 757 836-5212/DSN 836-5212 Christopher.hall@jfcom.mil