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Amino Acids and Derivatives

Loba Chemie has grown into a customer-focused global supplier of high quality chemicals, laboratory <br><br>supplies and equipment.Amino acids are important in nutrition and are commonly used in nutrition <br><br>supplements, fertilizers, food technology and industry. In industry, amino acids and their derivatives <br><br>also have applications in the production of biodegradable plastics, drugs, and chiral catalysts.<br>Loba Chemie product range includes Amino acids which play major role in Biochemistry & nutritional <br><br>supplements. visit us at https://goo.gl/lcPxon to know more.<br><br>

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Amino Acids and Derivatives

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  1. Amino Acids & Derivatives - Lobachemie

  2. About Us

  3. Amino acids • Amino acids serve as the building blocks of proteins, which are linear chains of amino acids. • By varying the sequence of amino acids, a vast variety of proteins can be formed. • Amino acids are important in nutrition and are commonly used in nutrition supplements, fertilizers, food technology and industry. • In industry, amino acids and their derivatives also have applications in the production of biodegradable plastics, drugs, and chiral catalysts.

  4. Contact US Loba Chemie Pvt.Ltd Jehangir Villa 107,Wode House, Road, Colaba, Mumbai, Pincode : 400005, India. Tel: 91-22-6663 6663 Fax : 91 22 6663 Email: info@lobachemie.com Website: www.lobachemie.com

  5. Thank You!

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