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Topic : Circulatory system Aim : Describe the components of the blood and their functions.

Topic : Circulatory system Aim : Describe the components of the blood and their functions. Do Now : Make sure you have the blue bio textbook under your desk. http://www.online-stopwatch.com/classroom-timers /

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Topic : Circulatory system Aim : Describe the components of the blood and their functions.

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  1. Topic: Circulatory system Aim: Describe the components of the blood and their functions. Do Now: Make sure you have the blue bio textbook under your desk. http://www.online-stopwatch.com/classroom-timers/ HW:Bring in 5 food labels of 5 different foods that you eat. We are starting the Food Label Lab tomorrow!!! No labels…no lab!

  2. Read pgs. 951-953. Create recall notes for today’s lesson. These are the recall questions below. http://www.online-stopwatch.com/classroom-timers/ • Describe blood. (1st paragraph on p.951) • What does plasma consist of? (Blood plasma section) • What is the function of plasma? (Blood plasma section) • What is the function of red blood cells?(p.952 2nd and 3rdpara.) • What do red blood cells contain? ?(p.952 2ndpara.) • Describe the shape, structure and number of rbc’s. ?(p.952 3rd para.) • What is the function of white blood cells? ?(p.952 5thpara.) • Describe the shape, structure and number of white blood cells? (p.952 4thpara.) • What is the function of platelets? ?(p.953 3rdpara.) • Describe the structure and number of platelets.(p.953 3rdpara.) • Where are blood cells produced?

  3. Topic: Circulatory system Aim: Describe the components of the blood and their functions. Do Now: Describe the accessory organs that aid in chemical digestion in the small intestine. HW:Work on your science fair project.

  4. Connective tissue LIQUID tissue Transports materials throughout the body Describe Blood

  5. Adult = about 5L


  7. What does plasma consist of ? • Liquid part • 90% water

  8. Transports materials: • Salt, sugar, proteins • Wastes • Enzymes • Blood cells • Hormones What is the function of plasma?

  9. Red Blood Cells

  10. Carries OXYGEN (& some CO2) What is the function of red blood cells?

  11. HEMOGLOBIN (protein) What do red blood cells contain?

  12. Describe the shape, structure and number of red blood cells. • Shaped like discs (BICONCAVE)

  13. No nucleus when they mature

  14. Most numerous

  15. White Blood Cells

  16. What is the function of white blood cells? • Attack foreign substances or organisms

  17. Describe the shape, structure and number of white blood cells. • Fewer than RBC’s

  18. Largest • Contain a nucleus

  19. An average adult’s body normally contains over 35 billion WBC’s. That’s 1 for every 600-700 RBC’s.

  20. Platelets

  21. What is the function of platelets? • Involved in BLOOD CLOTTING

  22. Describe the structure and number of platelets. • Fragment of cytoplasm enclosed in a cell membrane

  23. Less platelets compared to rbc’s and wbc’s • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--bZUeb83uU&feature=related

  24. Where are blood cells produced? • Bone marrow

  25. Blood Clotting

  26. A. Stick to edge of cut Circulatory System: Blood Platelets

  27. B. FIBRIN is produced (long, sticky string) that sticks to cut vessel

  28. C. Web like complex of strands forms to stop bleeding CLOT

  29. D. Clot becomes hard & dry (SCAB) E. Skin cells repaired under scab and scab falls off

  30. One grain of rice = 1 cubic mm • 5 million RBC’s • 5,000 – 10,000 WBC’s • 400,000 platelets

  31. Let’s summarize… • Identify the four parts of the blood. • Where are blood cells produced? • Describe the function of plasma. • Describe the function and shape of red blood cells. • What do red blood cells contain? • Describe the function and shape of white blood cells. • Describe the function and shape of platelets.

  32. Review: Identify the part of blood being described. • Most numerous blood cell. • Carries enzymes. • Involved in blood clotting. • Carries oxygen. • Largest blood cell. • Made up of 90% water. • Involved in blood clotting. • Protect the body against disease. • Carries hormones.

  33. What is a major difference between red blood cells and white blood cells? Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, but white blood cells do not. Red blood cells can move, but white blood cells cannot. Red blood cells contain nuclei, but white blood cells do not. Red blood cells engulf foreign bacteria, but white blood cells do not.

  34. What component of blood is important in healing wounds on the skin?   red blood cells   urea   platelets   white blood cells

  35. Where are red and white blood cells made in the body? in lymph nodes   in bone marrow   at the sinoatrial node   in the heart

  36. What component of blood plays a role in protection against disease?   white blood cells   platelets   urea   red blood cells

  37. Which blood component is a liquid?    platelets   white blood cells   plasma   red blood cells

  38. What is a pickup function of blood?   picks up urine from the bladder   picks up undigested food from the large intestine   picks up carbon dioxide from the air in the lungs    picks up carbon dioxide waste from cells.

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