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Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson. Eight Accomplishments as President. Won the presidential election of 1800 as the Republican candidate. He was the first to be inaugurated in the new capital city, Washington D.C., and walked to it rather than be carried in a carriage

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Thomas Jefferson

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Thomas Jefferson Eight Accomplishments as President

  2. Won the presidential election of 1800 as the Republican candidate. He was the first to be inaugurated in the new capital city, Washington D.C., and walked to it rather than be carried in a carriage • Replaced most Federalist policies with Republican ones—known as the “Revolution of 1800”

  3. Believed in laissez faire, meaning the government should not interfere with economic affairs. He reduced the number of federal employees, including tax collectors and diplomats, he cut the army’s budget it half, he eliminated all federal taxes (revenue would come only from tariffs) • Doubled the size of the U.S. with the Louisiana Purchase. The cost was $15 million (4 cents/acre)

  4. Jefferson helped organized the Lewis and Clark expedition of 1804-5. • Jefferson authorized the Pike expedition of 1806-7. Pike explored the southern portion of the Louisiana territory. Although he was captured by the Spanish he was eventually released and his findings caused great interest in the region.

  5. Jefferson sent marines to defend American ships in the Mediterranean from Barbary pirates. The victory here boosted our confidence in forcefully defending American interests and security • He helped pass the Embargo Act in 1807 which cut off trading with France and Britain due to continuing seizure of American ships at sea. It was a failure and severely hurt our economy. It was later repealed.

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