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Medical Marijuana Dispensaries 

OnePath Medical Marijuana Dispensaries are State Licensed Medical Practitioners who are authorized to prescribe Medical Marijuana. All of our patients are APPROVED for medical marijuana after their consultation. For more information visit our website https://www.onepathmedical.com/

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Medical Marijuana Dispensaries 

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Medical Marijuana Dispensaries 

  2. About OnePath Medical OnePath Medical is dedicated to pushing the traditional limits imposed on Cannabis by creating an Ecosystem which can seamlessly connect patients, doctors, and dispensaries. We are a passionate coalition comprised of health-tech doctors, and dispensaries aiding in transforming the channels to enjoy Cannabis all over the world.

  3. Standards Of One Path Medical Patient information is the top priority at OnePath Medical, and using industry leading software to secure our data keeps your information 100% Private, and 100% Protected. OnePath Medical’s software exceeds the standards set by HIPAA on security, encryption, and electronic medical records.

  4. Doctor Qualifications At One Path Medical All of our physicians are licensed with the State Medical Board in the states that they see patients in. They have been certified to prescribe Medical Marijuana to patients as legally approved from the states they consult in. Our physicians uphold the highest medical standards within their practice and treat each patient with delicate care.

  5. What We Do We provide medical marijuana approvals for patients seeking to buy cannabis legally. We work closely with our patients, medical providers/doctors, and dispensaries to ensure that all of our clients discreet, safe, and sophisticated care.

  6. How We Do It We are an online Medical Marijuana recommendation service. We provide simple, safe, and fast access to state licensed doctors experienced for Medical Marijuana recommendations. To get your recommendation you have to sign up and register on www.onepathmedical.com and complete a brief online profile. Upon registering for our service, clients are required to undergo an examination of pre existing medical conditions by one of our team’s physicians. You will meet with a physician for no longer then 5-15 minutes who will then decide if marijuana is right for you. Based on your conditions, our physicians will then write you a recommendation. Afterward, you will receive the formal doctors recommendation from us.

  7. Why We Do It One Path Medical's team members created this platform after finding much stress trying to navigate through the medical marijuana program in their own states. With the laws consistently changing and doctors being too busy to manage the inflow of patients, they knew there had to be a better option. Since inception, OnePath Medical has seen and changed many lives by aiding patients in getting their medical marijuana recommendations while also enabling them to make purchases straight from the dispensary.

  8. CONTACT US Have Questions? Email us at info@onepathmedical.com URL: https://www.onepathmedical.com/

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