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Ways to reduce your carbon footprint

Here is everything you need to know (about the why and how) to reduce your carbon emissions - in one simple (downloadable) guide.

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Ways to reduce your carbon footprint

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  1. 50+ SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE WAYS TO REDUCE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT IN 2022 © Minimalist Journeys 2022 - For more details, go to https://www.minimalistjourneys.com/actions-reducing-carbon-footprint/ Home Downsize your home. Install better insulation. Sell your holiday home. Upgrade heating/cooling solution to a heat pump. Heating and cooling: In summer, close curtains/blinds to keep the heat out. And instead of using air-conditioning (or your heat pump), open windows and/or use a fan. If you’re using an air- conditioning or heat pump, set the temperature to 78/25°Fahrenheit/Celsius. In winter, close curtains/blinds to keep the heat in. Instead of using a heater, wear a sweater/jumper/cardigan and if you’re using a heater, set the temperature to 67/19°Fahrenheit/Celsius. Turn off your heating/cooling appliance when not at home. Turn your water heater down to 140°F/60°C. Replace light bulbs with LED bulbs. Replace appliances with the most energy- (and water-) efficient version you can afford. Appliances: Set the temperature in your fridge to 18/4°Fahrenheit/Celsius and your freezer to 0/-18°Fahrenheit/Celsius. Let hot meals cool down before putting them into the fridge or freezer. Defrost your freezer at least once a year if it doesn’t do it automatically. Wash your clothes in cold water and let them air dry. It saves electricity, and your garments will last longer. Unplug appliances you don’t use. Switch to renewables and a low-carbon energy provider. Save water: Fix leaky faucets. Wash your hands with cold(er) water. Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth or shaving. When hand-washing dishes, use a plug and only fill as much (or as little) water as you need. Only boil the amount of water you need. Have showers rather than baths. Take short(er) showers. Install low-flow tapware and showerheads. Collect rainwater and reuse your greywater. Replace lawn with native species. Page 1 of 3

  2. 50+ SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE WAYS TO REDUCE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT IN 2022 © Minimalist Journeys 2022 - For more details, go to https://www.minimalistjourneys.com/actions-reducing-carbon-footprint/ Household waste Diet Shopping Becoming a conscious consumer. Borrow rather than buy – for example, join a book/fashion/toy/tool library – and buy only what you need. Buy ethically and sustainably manufactured products, including avoiding products that contain palm oil. Purchase locally-made or at least avoid products that require shipping by air freight (you’ll learn why below). Buy products without packaging or with reusable/compostable/recyclable packaging. Rethink your fashion choices. Join a Buy Nothing challenge. Gift experiences. Buy only what you need. Create a meal plan. Make a shopping list. Reduce packaging. Bring your own (reusable) shopping bag/s. Avoid buying products with non-recyclable packaging (as much as possible). Buy long-life foods in bulk food stores Don’t buy bottled water. Grow your own food. Stop junk mail. Store your food properly. Reuse, recycle, repair and compost. Join a waste-free challenge. Think about and plan your own funeral. Eat fewer animal foods. Eat (more) foods that are low on the food chain. Eat more raw foods. Buy locally produced food and seasonal produce. Change your pets’ diets Page 2 of 3

  3. 50+ SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE WAYS TO REDUCE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT IN 2022 © Minimalist Journeys 2022 - For more details, go to https://www.minimalistjourneys.com/actions-reducing-carbon-footprint/ Commuting At work/school On vacation/business trips Travel less: Holiday closer to home. Stay longer. Scrap business trips and use video conferencing instead. Travel wisely: Choose train travel over flights. If you must fly: fly non-stop. At your destination: Use public transport or walk. Choose sustainable accommodation businesses. Choose small locally owned businesses over international hotel chains. If you must stay in hotels: Forego daily housekeeping. Don’t open the water bottles and minibar items. Bring your own toiletries and leave those single-use mini toiletries untouched. Encourage a change to more sustainable practices by providing feedback at the end of your stay. Choose activities that benefit local communities and protect our planet. Opt for farm-to-table restaurants and small eateries. Drive less often: Cycle or walk to work. Use public transport. Carpool or use rideshares. When you do drive: Time your travel to avoid traffic jams. Combine your commute with errands on the way. Keep your vehicle in good shape: Regularly service your vehicle to keep it more efficient. Keep the correct tire pressure. Take your roof rack/box or bike rack off when you don’t need it. When you buy a new car, go for the electric or hybrid model instead of a fancy gas guzzler. Be energy-wise: Open windows and doors instead of using air conditioning. Turn off the lights in rooms you don’t use. Switch off your computer/printer when you’re finished for the day. Be water-wise: Use half-flush when you go to the bathroom. Make sure the tap is turned off before you leave the bathroom. Eliminate single-use plastic. Refill your reusable water bottle from the tap or water cooler. Bring your reusable cup when you buy your favourite hot drink. Print only what is really necessary and reduce the amount of paper used in general. Go digital instead, using cloud-based storage and document sharing systems. And if you must use paper, choose the recycled variety to keep trees in the ground. Compost food scraps and paper waste. Page 3 of 3

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