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Rams. Breeding Soundness Exam (BSE): Body Condition Feet, Legs, Mouth and Teeth Scrotum, Testicles, Epididymis Sheath, Prepuce & Penis Semen Evaluation Libido Test. Rams. Monitor scrotal circumference Mature rams >14 inches or 36 cm Ram lambs >12.5 inches or 32 cm Use at night

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Rams Breeding Soundness Exam (BSE): Body Condition Feet, Legs, Mouth and Teeth Scrotum, Testicles, Epididymis Sheath, Prepuce & Penis Semen Evaluation Libido Test

  2. Rams Monitor scrotal circumference Mature rams >14 inches or 36 cm Ram lambs >12.5 inches or 32 cm Use at night Hand mate to stretch superior genetics? Safety Human Ram

  3. Selecting Rams Scrotal Circumference Bigger Better + Correlation Circumference Changes with Season Size/weight Age Relationship to Puberty

  4. Teaser rams Highly motivated Non-seasonal genetics Use with stud ram precautions Timely re-plumbing Stimulate estrous activity Increase # born Concentrates lambing Increase conception Accelerates puberty Ram effect

  5. Which breeds? What time of year? Ram effect

  6. Which breeds? Merino seasonal breeds Black face Texels What time of year Ram effect

  7. Which breeds? Merino seasonal breeds Black face Texels What time of year early breeding July to September varies by breed out of season Ewe lambs Ram effect

  8. Artificial teasers Wethers or ewes treated with testosterone Economics allows marketing of lambs do not have to over winter teasers Ram effect

  9. Dorset 206 days Breed Variation in SeasonalityNotter 1992 Suffolk 132 days Leicester 157 days July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr DLS crosses 227 days

  10. Dorset 265 days Breed Variation in SeasonalityNotter 1992 Welsh Mountain 182 days July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr

  11. Dorset 253 days Breed Variation in SeasonalityNotter 1992 Finns 271 days July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

  12. Suffolk and Hampshire 205 days Breed Variation in SeasonalityNotter 1992 MT Rambouillet 168 days TX Rambouillet 237 days Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

  13. NSIP - National Flock Summary Ewe Mature Lambs Ewes Conception Rate 82 93 Lambing Rate 1.41 1.81 Days from Exposure to Lambing 167 166 % Lamb Survival 77 81 Lambs Weaned/EE .91 1.35 Pounds Weaned/EE 71 99

  14. Reproductive inefficiency Texas Rambouillets Ewes ovulating 99% Ovulation Rate 1.51 % Pregnant 95% % Lambing 91% # born /el 1.27 # born /ee 1.17 Lambs marked 1.02 Lambs weaned 1.01

  15. Reproductive inefficiency Finn or Boorula Rambouillet crosses ovulation # % lambs rate Obs open born/ee potential 1 197 28.9 .71 2 300 20.7 1.33 1.60 3 92 10.9 1.98 2.67 4+ 26 38.0 1.73

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