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Sprinkler Buddy

“Low Cost Irrigation Management For Everyone !”. Sprinkler Buddy. Presentation #12: “Final Presentation Outline” 4/25/2007. Team M3 Kalyan Kommineni Kartik Murthy Panchalam Ramanujan Sasidhar Uppuluri Devesh Nema Design Manager: Bowei Gai. Current Status. Determine Project 

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Sprinkler Buddy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Low Cost Irrigation Management For Everyone !” SprinklerBuddy Presentation #12: “Final Presentation Outline” 4/25/2007 Team M3 Kalyan Kommineni Kartik Murthy Panchalam Ramanujan Sasidhar Uppuluri Devesh Nema Design Manager: Bowei Gai

  2. Current Status • Determine Project • Develop Project Specifications • Plan Architectural Design • Determination of all components in design • Detailed logical flowchart • Design a Floor Plan • Create Structural Verilog • Make Transistor Level Schematic  • Layout   • Testing (Extraction, LVS, and Analog Sim.) 

  3. Final PresentationOutline • Marketing (Kalyan) • Project Description (Panchalam) • Behavior/Algorithmic Description (Panchalam) • Design Process (Sasi) • Floor Plan Evolution (Sasi) • Layout (Kartik) • Verification (Devesh) • Issues Encountered (Devesh) • Specifications (Kartik) • Conclusions (Kartik)

  4. Sprinkler BuddyMarketing • Why Sprinkler Buddy ?

  5. Sprinkler Buddyat-a-glance $52 Million market potential 1.1 Billion potential customers 100%yearlymarket growth 6month payback to customer

  6. Large and Untapped Market • 95% of the 1.1 billion farmers are from developing nations • 60% of irrigation water wastage in these nations

  7. The South Asian Farmer • Average yearly income is $795.56 • 25% of yearly earnings are lost In water costs

  8. Current Solutions: Expensive/Un-automated • Prohibitively expensive for the average farmer • Customer forced to make a choice • Do not adhere to standard guidelines

  9. Sprinkler Buddy: The low cost, automated solution !

  10. Minimal Setup and Service Solar Powered Design UN Certified Water Output Calculations Low Cost Alternative The Sprinkler Buddy Advantage

  11. ProjectDescription • Overview of Chip’s features • Brief description of water equation • Breakdown of modes • Key Feature Listing • Power Gating • Quiet bit line SRAM • Semi-Clocked Architecture

  12. BehavioralDescription • Detailed description of each mode using flowcharts • Translation of algorithm to hardware • FSM specifications • Sharing of FPUs • Interaction between modes • Detailed description of main FSM (power)

  13. DesignProcess • Verilog • Verification and simulation of FSM control • Floor Plan • Describe placement method • Schematic • Optimal Sizing • Selection of logic style according to power requirements • Power shut off integration • Layout • Compact custom shaped designs • FSMs • Power and Clock Distributions

  14. Floor PlanEvolution • Show all iterations • Describe reasoning behind differences • Display all 7 versions

  15. Layout • Show cool layouts • All major components • Power Gating • FSMs • Show different metal layers

  16. Verification • Verification methodology • Outputs from all modes • VDD gating simulation

  17. VDD Rise Verification

  18. VDD Fall Verification

  19. Mode Output Verification

  20. Mode Output Verification

  21. Final Error Output Verification

  22. Final Valve Enable Output Verification

  23. IssuesEncountered • Routing of Control Signals • Partitioning of work • Gnd gating • Lots of other problems…

  24. Sprinkler BuddySpecification • Chip Specification • Area, Density, Transistor Counts, etc.

  25. Conclusion • Wrap it up

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