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SWHISA WORK PLANNING SESSION For the Sixth Work Plan. EXTENSION GROUP Melaku T. & Adebabay M. Task in the project Implement irrigation water management intervention of SWHISA Key Activities Build PIs and Farmers capacity in WH and IWM

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SWHISA WORK PLANNING SESSIONFor the Sixth Work Plan EXTENSION GROUP Melaku T. & Adebabay M.

  2. Task in the project • Implement irrigation water management intervention of SWHISA • Key Activities • Build PIs and Farmers capacity in WH and IWM • Conduct participatory on farm trials and demonstration at WH and pilot SSI schemes

  3. KeyAchievements; Farmers and PIs capacity in WH and IWM built through; (training, participatory development and dissemination of improved irrigation technologies, experiences share, development and dissemination of manuals…) in six project woredas Constructed (56) HHWH structures, implemented (40) intensive vegetable demonstrations covering 1.04 ha Selected (10) pilot irrigation schemes, implemented (44) irrigation demonstrations/trials covering 2.3 ha

  4. HHs participating from WHS received average income of Birr 1184 in addition to 10-15% consumed home • HHs participating from SSI received net income of Birr 9,260 from improved wheat and Birr 40,783/ha from improved potato irrigation

  5. Participatory demonstration at EB Tomato Onion Pepper

  6. Participatory demonstration at WI

  7. Participatory potato demonstration Goncha

  8. Lessons Learned so far; • Poor participation of PIs and local communities in annual action planning, implementation and institutionalization • HH schemes around homesteads have been successfully managed than those located away due to HH family reach and crop plot isolation problems • Under FDS application flat to gentle flat plot topography have been optimal for water distribution and use

  9. Manure and compost application should be an integral part of crop production to cope with the poor soil conditions prevailing in most command plots • DAP and Urea fertilizers should be applied with all DAP at the time of transplanting and Urea in split (half at transplanting and half at mid season) • Nursery management should include all appropriate standard nursery practices (seedbed preparation, fertilizer application, thinning, pest control, hardening and optimum time of transplanting)

  10. Due to occurrence of high pest infestation in the dry season; pest monitoring and integrated control are critical aspects Poor HHs perception/skill on FDS water application (rate, frequency) require frequent technical support and supervision to adhere to planned irrigation schedules and other improved water management practice

  11. FDS technology benefited HHs. At present, lack of package components supply and maintenance problems have a potential to limit adoption and sustainability water lifting devices-triddle pump (clogging/breakage of cylinder) fittings and get valves (breakage/lack of replacements) elevated platforms-tankers (algae growth inside) clogging of lateral emitters (solids and chemicals) At current, technical information available is sufficient if properly institutionalized, form the basis for IADP WH and SSI development, however; input supply, equipment maintenance and credit are not integrated

  12. In rehabilitated/upgraded irrigation schemes with reliable water supply, adoption of farmers to improved water management technology packages is high • Due to field days/experiences sharing with those HHs participating in the original SWHISA constructed WH and pilot SSI schemes farmers interest is high

  13. Challenges in the 5th year • Poor implementation, institutionalization and consolidation by IADP, resulted in weak WH scaling up and capacity development • Delayed rehabilitation/upgrading of pilot schemes negatively impacted irrigation schemes outcomes and institutionalization • Problems of input supply, maintenance of drip s and lining materials • Continued woreda and kebele institutional problems: (frequent restructuring, staff turnover, inexperienced staff, insufficient logistics, duties outside approved plans and weak coordination among PIs)

  14. Opportunities in the 5th year • HHs and woreda preference to the low cost geo-membranes as an economic alternative to the higher cost cement masonry structures, pave the ways for scaling up and adoption • Institutionalization of IADP to coordinate and implement WH and SSI development in the region, conducive to SWHISA-IWM intervention

  15. Implementation strategy for the 6th year Capacity development of IADP at zone, woreda and kebele through (ToT trainings, experiences sharing, joint O & M planning and implementation…) Full implementation responsibility to W-IADP (training DAs/farmers, plan and implement demons, O & M…) To effect sustainable capacity development, basic knowledge/skill improvement should target HHs and participating family and DAs with joint monitoring and mentoring by IADP and SHWISA

  16. Besides the ongoing demonstrations, expand and support demonstrations to new potential HHWH and irrigation schemes Jointly complete and institutionalize on-going works (irrigation technology development at pilot schemes, finalize technology package development…) Provide necessary support to scale up best practices in WH and irrigation Support model FTC demonstrations at woredas

  17. To expand effective WM technology adoption and institutionalization deliver irrigation extension service to DAs at scheme/kebele level and disseminate extension bulletins/leaflets • Institutionalization/transfer of technical manuals, lesson learned and technology packages developed to the R-IADP for dissemination and adoption • Support woredas develop and disseminate technology packages to farmers using local language (Amharic).

  18. Thank You

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