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PCS 406. Professional Communication Skills. UNIT 3. Effective Cover Letters. WEEK 7. Identifying features of cover letters. In pairs , discuss the following questions : What’s the difference between cover letter and a CV? Have you ever written a cover letter in English?
PCS 406 Professional CommunicationSkills
UNIT 3 EffectiveCoverLetters
Identifyingfeatures of coverletters • Inpairs, discussthefollowingquestions: • What’sthedifferencebetweencoverletterand a CV? • Haveyou ever written a coverletter in English? • What is written in a coverletter ? Job-hunting P. 34
Well-focused (adj.) To be concentrated on somethingverywell.
Complement (v) Tocompletesomethingandtomake it whole
Sign-off (n) Closingpart of a letteror a document
Enquire (v) to ask someoneforinformation
Identifyingfeatures of coverletters • Look at theintroductiontocoverlettersand do theexercises 1b&c • VickyTang is the Communications Manager at GreenPharmaceuticals. Shewantstochange her jobandphones her friendFelix. • Listen totheirdialogueand do theexercises 1d, e, f. • On page 35, there is an example of goodcoverletter. Look at theexampleand do theexercises 1h, i, j Job-hunting P. 34-35-36
Beginning a coverletter • Thefirstparagraph of yourcoverlettershoulddetail • thejobyouareapplyingfor • whereyouheardaboutthejob • Inthispart, youwillseetheexamples of openingparagraphs of coverletters. • Look at theexamples in exercise 2 and do theexercises 2a, b & c. Job-hunting P. 36-37
Beginning a coverletter • GraceandOliveraretworecruitmentexpertsandtheyarediscussingtheletters in exercise 2c. • Listen totheextract 3.3 and do theexercises in yourCourse Pack p. 15 Course Pack P. 15
Beginning a coverletter • Now it is yourturntowritetheopeningparagrah of yourcoverletter. • Thinkaboutthejobadvertisementyouhavechosen at thebeginning of thetermandwritetheopeningparagraph of yourcoverletter Course Pack P. 15
Writingthe main body of theletter Demonstratingyourkeyskillsandexperience • Afterwritingtheopeningparagraph, now it is time towritethe main body of thecoverletter • Inthe main body of coverletter, youneedto: • showwhyyouraretherightpersonforthejob. • highlightyourmostrelevantexperiencesandskills as theyrelatetotheposition • demonstrateevidence of yourskillsclearly • provideevidenceeverythingyousaid Job-hunting P. 37
Writingthe main body of theletter • Inpairsdiscussthequestions: • How longshouldthe main body of theletter be? • How manyspecificpointsshouldyoumake? • How willthissectionchangedepending on thejobyouareapplyingfor? • Afterdiscussion, do theexercises 3b, c&d. Job-hunting P. 37-38
Writingthe main body of theletter Matchingyourskillsandexperiencetotheposition • Inthe body of yourcoverletter, youneedtodemonstrate how yourworkexperienceandskillsmatchthespecificpositionyouareapplyingfor. • To do this, youneedto: • readthejobdescriptioncarefully • identifytheskillsandexperiencethecompany is particularlyinterested in • showanyparallelswithpreviouspostsyouhaveheldorotherexperience Job-hunting P. 39
Writingthe main body of theletter • Inpairs, discussthefollowingquestions: • How willyourcoverletterchangewitheachpositionyouapplyfor? • How willyouknowwhichskillsandexperiencetohighlight? • Shouldyouhighlightskillsandexperienceeveniftheyare not obviouslyrelevanttotheyouareapplyingfor? • Now, please do theexercises 4b, c & e. Job-hunting P. 39-40
Writingthe main body of theletter Demonstratingyourkeyskillsandexperience • Do theexercises 4 f, g, h on page 41 in yourcoursebook. • It is time foryoutowritethe body paragraph of yourcoverletter. • Accordingtotheadvertisementyouhavechosen, pleasewritethe main body of yourcoverletter. • Do not forgettherulesandtheusefulexpressions. Course Pack P. 16
Writing an effective final paragraph • The final paragraph of yourcoverlettershould : • roundtheletteroff • leavethereaderwith a positiveimpression of yourapplication • leavethereaderwith a desiretointerviewyou • Please do theexercises 5a, b, c, d, e & g. Job-hunting P. 42-43
Writing an effective final paragraph • Nowthink of thespecificjob in theadvertisementyouhavechosenandwrite a closingparagraphforyourcoverletter. • Usethephrases in theboxandideasfromthissectionandwritetheparagraph in yourCourse Pack. Course Pack P. 17
Writing a coverletter • Look at theexample of a badcoverletter in exercise 7a. • Inpairsdiscussthemistakeslabelledand do theexercise 7b. Job-hunting P.45-46