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PCS 406

PCS 406. Professional Communication Skills. UNIT 2. Writing an Impressive CV. WEEK 4. Structuring your CV. You have researched yourself and identified your dream job You have researched the market and found a vacancy

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PCS 406

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  1. PCS 406 Professional CommunicationSkills

  2. UNIT 2 Writing an Impressive CV

  3. WEEK 4

  4. Structuringyour CV • Youhaveresearchedyourselfandidentifiedyourdreamjob • Youhaveresearchedthe market andfound a vacancy • Now it is time toprepare a CV whichwillguaranteeyou an interviewandmaybeyourdreamjob. JobHunting P. 19

  5. Structuringyour CV • Whatdoes CV standfor ? • What is a CV commonlycalled in American English ? • What is the main purpose of a CV? • Whatarethekeyqualities of a successful CV ? • Whatkind of sectionsarethere in a CV? JobHunting P. 19


  7. Personal Statement (n.phr.) a briefstatement of thetype of personyouare, yourskillsandyourachievements

  8. Expertise (n) Skill or knowledge in a particular area

  9. Result-focused (adj.) Somebodywho is practicalandconcentrates on results

  10. Self-starter (adj.) a person who is sufficiently motivated or ambitious to work on their own initiative without needing direction

  11. Interpersonal (adj.) between people; involving personal relationships

  12. Collaborate (v) towork togetheron an activity or project

  13. Negotiate (v) tryto reach an agreement by discussion

  14. Investigate (v) Tocarry out research or study into a subject or problemetc.

  15. Establish (v) to start a company, organization, system, etc that is intended to exist or continue for a long time

  16. Structuringyour CV • Look at thesample CV in yourCourse Pack (p.6-7)andanalyzeeachpart of CV byansweringquestions. • Whatarethesubparts of it? • Whatkind of information is given in eachsubpart? • How is it organised ? • On page 8 in yourcoursepackthere is a list of transferableskillsthat can be usedwhilewriting a CV. Look at themand do theactivities 1b & 1c on page 8. Course Pack P. 6-7-8

  17. Avoidingcommon CV mistakes • Inpairs, think of fivemistakesthatpeoplecommonlymakewhenwriting a CV. • PossibleMistakes • Sendingthesame CV foralljobs • Makingspellingmistakes • Includingirrelevantinformation • Providingtoomuchinformation • Using a badlayout • Includinglies JobHunting P. 22

  18. Avoidingcommon CV mistakes • AlexMencken is a studentwho has recentlydecidedtoapplyfortwojobs in London. • Listen to his dialogueswith his friendEllaand do theexercises 2 b, c, d, & e. JobHunting P. 22

  19. WEEK 5

  20. Creating a strongfirstimpression Writing a personalstatement • A personalstatement is a briefstatement of thetype of personyouare, yourskillsandyourachievements • It is at the top of CV andpresentsthefacts in themostpositiveway • A well-writtenpersonalstatementimmediatelycapturetheattention of theemployer Job-hunting P. 23

  21. Creating a strongfirstimpression • Read Silvia’spersonalstatementfrom her CV and do exercise 3a & b. • Look at theadvertisementyouhavechosen in thefirstunitandmakelist of thekeypointstheemployer is lookingfor. Plan yourpersonalstatementandthinkaboutthequestions in exercise 3f. • Afterdoingexercise 3f, do exercise 3g. JobHunting P. 23&24

  22. Creating a strong first impression • Now, it is yourturntowriteyourownpersonalstatement. • Look at yourCourse Pack (p. 8) andwrite a personalstatementforyour CV. • Do not forgettouseexpressionsandideas in exercise 3 in yourcoursebook. Course Pack P. 8

  23. Highlightingyourworkexperience • Nowthatyouhavewrittenthefirstpart of the CV, youwillcontinuewiththeotherparts. • Anothersectionthatyouwillwrite is «Experience» part of your CV. • Inthispart, youhighlightyourprofessionalachievementswhicharedirectlyrelevanttothepositionyouareapplyingfor. Course Pack P. 8-9-10-11

  24. Highlightingyourworkexperience • InyourCourse Pack, do theexercisesa & b on page 9. • Whilewriting a CV somespecificverbswhicharecommonlyassociatedwithprofessionalexperienc. Theseverbsareused in pastsimpleandwithoutpersonalpronoun. E.g. «Chairedweeklymeetings» • Look at thesample CV andfindtheexamplesforthisusage. Course Pack P. 8-9-10-11

  25. Highlightingyourworkexperience • Nowlook at thetable on page 9 in yourcoursepack • Select fiveverbsfromthistableandwritesentencesforyour CV thataretrueforyou. Course Pack P. 8-9-10-11

  26. Highlightingyourworkexperience • Listen to a discussionbetweenKlaudia, who is lookingfor her secondseriousjoband do theExercise e in yourCourse Pack p.10 (Track 2.3 ) • Now, it is yourturntowriteyourownprofessionalexperienceforyour CV. Look at page 11 andfill in thechart in Exercise f. • Afterfilling in thechart, writetheexperiencesection of your CV inExercise g, p. 11. Course Pack P. 8-9-10-11

  27. WEEK 6

  28. Detailingyoureducation & qualification • Ifyoureducation & qualificationsareyourstrongestsellingpoints, thenyoushould put it closetothe top of your CV. • This is especiallytrueif : • youare a recentgraduate, • obtainedexcellentacademicresults, • havegained a professionalqualification Job-hunting P. 28


  30. Selling Point (n.phr.) a feature of something that makes people want to buy or use it

  31. Prerequisite (adj.) something that is necessary before something else can happen or be done

  32. Relevant (adj.) directly relating to the subject or problem being discussed or considered

  33. Hire (v) to employ someone for a short time to do a particular job

  34. Recruiter (n) someone who supplies members or employees

  35. Attainment (n) somethingthatyousucceed

  36. Determination (n) the quality of trying to do something even when it is difficult

  37. Committed (adj.) willing to work very hard at something

  38. Detailingyoureducation & qualification • 7a. Discussthefollowingquestions: • Whereshouldyou put theeducationsection of your CV? • Whatqualificationsshouldyouinclude ? • Read thearticle on page 29 in yourcoursebookand do theexercise 7b • Afterreadingthearticle, do theexercises 7f & g on page 30. Job-hunting P. 28-29-30

  39. Detailingyoureducation & qualification • Now it is yourturntowritetheeducationpart of your CV. • First fill in thechart in yourCourse Pack (p.12) . • Then, think of theadvertisementyouchosebeforeandwritetheeducationpart of your CV in yourCourse Pack (p.12) Course Pack P. 12

  40. Demonstratingyourinterests • Thethingsyoulikedoing in yourfree time say a lot aboutyou. • Yourpersonality is relevanttoeveryjobapplication. • Inpairs, discussthefollowingquestions: • Ifyouhaveproduced a CV before, whatdidyou put in thepersonalinterestsection? • Whatshouldyou put in personalinterestsection? • Why do employerswanttoknowaboutyourinterests? Job-hunting P. 30

  41. Demonstratingyourinterests • Listen totworecruitmentexperts, Grace & Oliver, and do exercise 8b. • Do theexercises 8c & dbymatchingtheskillsandpersonalcharacteristics. • Sometimes it is moreeffectivetopresentyourinterests in terms of whoyouare, instead of whatyoulikedoing. • Look at thecharton page 31 and do theexercises8e& f Job-hunting P. 30-31

  42. Demonstratingyourinterests • Now, it is yourturntowriteyourpersonalinterests in your CV. • Think of thejobyouhavechosenandwritetheinterestsection of your CV in yourCourse Pack, (p.13). • Do not forgettousethephrasesandadjectives in exercise 8 in yourcoursebook. Course Pack P. 13

  43. WEEK 7

  44. ProvidingReferences • Referencesprovidefurtherevidencetopotentialfutureemployersthat • youarewhoyou say youare • youhave done whatyouclaimtohave done forpreviousemployers • It is highlylikelythatyourrefereeswill be contactedifyouareshortlisted. • It is essentialtoselectthemcarefully

  45. ProvidingReferences • Referencesprovideconfidentialinformationaboutyourcharacter, skillsandexperience. A positiverecommendationwillgreatlysupportyourapplication.Here is a list of tipsforwritingreferences: • Write twopeoplewhoknowyouwellandwhoyouworkedwithandwho can assureyoufortheprospectiveemployer • Try not toincludeyourfamilymember in yourreferences • Givethejobtitles of thereferees • Ask forpermission of yourreferees • Write yourreferences in thelastpart of your CV • Giveaccuratecontactinformation of yourreferees

  46. ProvidingReferences Good & BadExamples Look at thetworeferencesanddiscusswhat is the problem withthebadexample. 1 2

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