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PCS 406

PCS 406. Professional Communication Skills. UNIT 5. Advanced Interview Techniques. WEEK 13. Demonstrating Your Skills. In interviews , it is important to provide evidence of how you acted in real situations in the past .

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PCS 406

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PCS 406 Professional CommunicationSkills

  2. UNIT 5 Advanced Interview Techniques

  3. WEEK 13

  4. DemonstratingYourSkills • Ininterviews, it is importanttoprovideevidence of how youacted in realsituations in thepast. • Itwillhelpyoutoshowyouhavethetransferableskillsrequiredforthejobyouareapplyingfor. Job-hunting P. 60


  6. Rehearse (v) to prepare in your mind or practise privately what you are going to do or say to somebody

  7. Posture (n) the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting

  8. Explicit (adj) clear and easy to understand

  9. Concise (adj) giving only the information that is necessary and important, using few words

  10. Tackle (v) to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation

  11. Eye-catching (adj.) immediately noticeable because it is particularly interesting, bright or attractive

  12. Outstanding (adj.) extremelygood; excellent

  13. Fulfilling (adj.) causing somebody to feel satisfied and useful

  14. DemonstratingYourSkills • Afterapplyingfor a variety of positions at pharmaceuticalcompanies, VickyTand is invitedtoattend an interview at Clyde & Johnson’s. • Listen toextractsand do theexercises 2a, b, c,d & e. Job-hunting P. 60-61

  15. DemonstratingYourSkills • Vickyusesthe STAR methodtostructure her answers in theinterviews. • STAR methodmeans: • Situation (the problem thecompany is facing) • Target (thesolutiontothis problem) • Action (Whattheintervieweedidtosolvethe problem) • Result (theresults of theinterviewee’sactions)

  16. DemonstratingYourSkills • Lookat Vicky’sresponse in exercise 2g andunderlinethephrasesthatdescribethefoursections. • Please do theexercises 2 h, i, l ,m ,n & o. Job-hunting P. 61

  17. WEEK 14

  18. TalkingAboutWeaknesses Turningnegativesintopositives: • Ininterviews, youwillcertainlyfacechallengingquestionswhichattempttoassessyoursuitabilityforthejob. • It is vitaltoavoidgettingcaught in the trap of sayingnegativethingsaboutyourself. • Preparingforthese «difficult» questionswillhelpyoukeepyouranswerspositive.


  20. CopeWith(phr.v.) to deal successfully with a difficult situation:

  21. Delegate (v) to give part of your work, power or authority to somebody in a lower position than you

  22. Endup (phr.v.) to find yourself in a place or situation that you did not intend or expect to be in

  23. Flaw (n) a mistake in something that means that it is not correct or does not work correctly

  24. Overcome (v) to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem that has been preventing you from achieving something

  25. Put off (phr.v.) to decide or arrange to delay an event or activity until a later time or date

  26. Strict (adj) Sththat must be obeyed exactly

  27. TalkingAboutWeaknesses • Jarek ,a recentgraduate , has beeninvitedfor an interviewwith an internationalfinancialcompany. • Listen to his conversationwith his friend, Olivia, and do theexercises 3 a, c, e, f.

  28. TalkingAboutWeaknesses SofteningandEmphasis • Whenansweringinterviewquestionsthatrequirenegativeinformationyoushouldsoftenanynegatives in yourresponseandemphasiseanypositiveinformation. • Please do theexercises on pages 64,65 & 66.

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