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Paper 4: Writing

Paper 4: Writing. How to write a report Example : Your local tourist office has asked you to write a report for English-speaking visitors giving helpful advice about public transport in your region . Trains

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Paper 4: Writing

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  1. Paper 4: Writing Howtowrite a report Example: Yourlocaltourist office hasaskedyoutowrite a report forEnglish-speakingvisitorsgivinghelpfuladviceabout public transport in yourregion. Trains Thereis a Main Station withgoodconnectionstoallpartsof the region, whichisoneof the most beautiful in the country, I think. Afterbuyingyour ticket, itisimportantto validate itbeforeyouget on the train. I forgot once, and aninspectorcame and I hadtopay a fine. I wasreallyangry! There are first class and secondclasscoaches on mosttrains, and sometimesthereisalso a restaurantcar on long journeys.

  2. Paper 4: Writing Howtowrite a report Tips: • A report shouldbewritten in a neutral style. Youranswershouldnotcontaininformal and personal parts. • Whenyouedit and checkyourwriting, don’t only look forgrammar and spelling mistakes. Checkthatyouhaveusedan appropriate style for the personyou are writingto.

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