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Transformative Education for an Evolving Future

Explore the necessity of breaking free from memory-based education to create a dynamic approach towards a future full of possibilities. Mark Patrick Hederman inspires a vision for innovative learning methods.

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Transformative Education for an Evolving Future

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Presentation Transcript

  1. An education based on memory presumes that the future will be more of the present…

    Mark Patrick Hederman
  2. Vision “Junior cycle places students at the centre of the educational experience, enabling them to actively participate in their communities and in society and to be resourceful and confident learners in all aspects and stages of their lives.” NCCA
  3. The road map School Self Evaluation – the process Numeracy and Literacy – the strategy Junior Cycle – the curriculum reform ‘Improving learning outcomes for students’
  4. Beginning the journey… Whole School Approach to how we support learning in our school What does the learning experience look like in our schools in Junior Cycle? Focus on how children interact with or / & encounter their own learning. Relevance to school context. (February – August 2014)
  5. A different lens in the classroom
  6. The Key Skills in our classrooms… Literacy Numeracy Communicating Staying Well Managing Information and Thinking Managing Myself Being Creative Working with others
  7. To what extent is each key skill evident in the teaching and learning that takes place in our classsrooms …? The pedagogical approach requires a specific relationship between teacher and learner in the educational experience. Concentrate on development of skills v. absolute knowledge / content.
  8. Learning from each other… Introducing and embedding the key skills St. Louis Community School, Kiltimagh
  9. Short Courses NCCA developed courses available for schools SPHE, CSPE, PE, Digital Media Literacy, Chinese, Programming/Coding, Artistic performance
  10. Short Courses Schools, perhaps with other schools, and others are free to develop their own short courses in accordance with the NCCA specifications Schools adopt different approaches: Portmarnock Community School Ashbourne Community School
  11. Where to start…

    Review 1st year programme against the 24 SoL Prepare for whole staff planning day (ADKAR) Explore strategies to embed key skills in 1st year Numeracy & Literacy AfL & Differentiation Support the early adopters – e.g. English teachers and significant others on staff Science, Business Studies & Gaeilge – Be involved
  12. Where to start…

    Build staff capacity – sharing good practice & CPD. Timetable – agree subjects & SC. Identify “other learning experiences”. Agree how to provide for SPHE, PE, CSPE & ICT. Provide positive messages to parents, staff & students. The language of Junior Cycle – JCSA e.g. conversations, displays.
  13. www.juniorcycle.ie
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