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Poetic Devices

Poetic Devices. Amy Smith. Poetic Devices: What are they? Why are they so special?. Poetic devices fit into the category of figurative language. They can DEFINITELY be used in more than JUST poetry.

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Poetic Devices

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Poetic Devices Amy Smith

  2. Poetic Devices: What are they? Why are they so special? • Poetic devices fit into the category of figurative language. • They can DEFINITELY be used in more than JUST poetry. Click on the penguin to take a peek at a video clip on your first two poetic devices. Once you finishing watching the clip, close the media player to continue the PowerPoint.

  3. Simile • A comparison of two things; uses the words “like” or “as”. • Examples: • My mind is like an open book. • He sprinted as fast as a cheetah to the finish line. • Buster barks like broken alarm clock. Click on the book to practice similes.

  4. Alliteration • In a line, more than one word begins with the same consonant letter. • Example: • Busy Buzzing Bees • Witches fly west in the winter. • The savory smell of seasoned steak on the grill made my mouth salivate. Click on the witch to read more about alliteration.

  5. Metaphor • Compares one thing to another by stating that something IS something else. • Example: • White gleaming stars are diamonds in the midnight sky. • The snow is a white, fluffy blanket covering the field. • Sam is King Kong when he’s mad. Click on the gorilla and complete the attached worksheet to practice metaphors.

  6. Personification • Giving a nonhuman thing human characteristics. • Examples: • The bare branches grabbed me as I ran through the woods. • The collie seemed to smile as his owner rubbed his ears. • The popcorn jumped right out of the popping machine. Practice personification by clicking the collie.

  7. Onomatopoeia • Words that sound like noises • Examples: Boom! Crash! Quack! Moo! Shhh! Crackle! Click on the radio to read poems using onomatopoeia.

  8. Repetition • When words, phrases, or entire lines of a poem are repeated. • Usually words are repeated to help make a point or create a mood. • Examples: • Repeating one word (sometimes at the end of a line) • Repeating a line (usually the last line of a stanza) Click on the moon to see more about repetition.

  9. Hyperbole • Using exaggeration to make a point. • Examples: • I’m so hungry I could eat a whole chicken! • It rained buckets during the game this morning. • Megan was so mad fume rose from her head. Click on the football for a short clip on hyperboles and similes.

  10. Rhyme • Words or phrases that end or sound like they end the same. • Examples: • Mop up that slop!! • There goes the rabbit, Grab it!! • Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are. • Do not Hop on Pop! Click on the plate of spaghetti, read the nursery rhyme, and write down all the rhyming word pairs on your paper.

  11. Imagery • Using descriptive language (five senses) to help paint a picture in the reader’s mind. • Using Imagery is very similar to using “Show, Don’t tell” in writing. Instead of saying, “It was Halloween” or “The sunset was pretty”, we can describe the scene using imagery. • Examples: • Giggling and yelling, straw-filled scarecrows, pretty princesses, mean monsters, and other creatures paraded down the street with extended candy bags to welcoming porch lights in search of the best sweets. • The girls gazed at the beautiful hues of fiery orange, lemon yellow, prom dress pink, and a splash of grape purple in the sunset over the horizon. Click on the candy to learn more about imagery and examples from songs.

  12. Let’s see them in action! • Next, Let’s read some famous poems or nursery rhymes. • What examples of similes, metaphors, alliteration, hyperboles, onomatopoeia, repetition, rhyme, and imagery do you find? • Work in your groups to identify these poetic devices. Click on the picture, print your worksheet, and complete in your groups.

  13. References • Buzzin: Learning Made Fun. (2004). Retrieved October 9, 2006, from Buzzin: http://www.buzzin.net/english/allit.htm • Defining Imagery: Prediction. Maryland Technology Academy. (2000). Retrieved October 14,2006 from http://cte.jhu.edu/techacademy/web/2000/baczkowski/imagedef.htm • Discovering Language Arts: Style, Structure, and Tone (Grades 3-5). Discovery Channel School(2005). Retrieved October 11, 2006, fromunitedstreaming: http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ • Discovering Language Arts: Fiction (Grades 3-5). Discovery Channel School. (2006). Retrieved October 11, 2006, fromunitedstreaming: http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ • Metaphors. RHL School—Free Learning Resources. (1996-2006). Retrieved October 3, 2006 from http://www.rhlschool.com/eng3n26.htm

  14. References Continued • Onomatopoeia Poetry. Langley Schools, BC, Canada Homepage. (2006). Retrieved October 14, 2006 from http://www.sd35.bc.ca/lm/archive/div8sampleonomatop.htm • On Top of Spaghetti. Just Playing: Nursery Rhymes and Silly Stuff. Retrieved October 14, 2006 from http://smart-central.com/spaghetti.htm • PoemHunter.com Retrieved October 10, 2006 from http://www.poemhunter.com • Repetition Classics. Thinkquest.org. (2006). Retrieved October 14, 2006 from http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112392/repetitionclassics.html • Shared Poetry Reading: Teaching Print Concepts, Rhyme, and Vocabulary. Read, Write, Think.org. (2006) Retrieved October 14, 2006 from http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesson_view.asp?id=883

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