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Chapter 16

Chapter 16. Section 1 War Erupts. First Shots at Fort Sumter. Key ? – What did Lincoln do about the forts in Confederate territory? Fort Sumter – Charleston Harbor – running out of supplies.

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Chapter 16

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 16 Section 1 War Erupts

  2. First Shots at Fort Sumter • Key ? – What did Lincoln do about the forts in Confederate territory? • Fort Sumter – Charleston Harbor – running out of supplies. • Lincoln sent supplies – Confederacy (nation formed by the Southern states) attacked the fort before supplies arrived. • Robert Anderson surrendered to the Confederates on April 12, 1861. • Marked the beginning of the Civil War.

  3. Lincoln Calls Out the Militia • Two days after Fort Sumter, Lincoln requested 75,000 militia to serve for 90 days. • VA, NC, TN, AK joined the Confederacy. • Confederacy moved capital to Richmond. • Better chance of winning because VA was rich and populous. (heavily populated) • Home of Robert E. Lee – the South’s greatest general.

  4. Choosing Sides • Border States – Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri – slave states that bordered states where slavery was illegal. • Location and resources important to both sides – all 4 stayed in the Union. • During the war, the western counties of VA broke away from the Confederacy and formed the state of WV in 1863. • 24 states in the Union; 11 Confederate.

  5. Planning Strategies • South hoped Britain would help because of cotton exports. Used both defensive and offensive strategy, by invading the North. • North – Anaconda Plan – Winfield Scott –to strangle the South’s economy like a giant snake squeezing its prey. • Naval blockade of South’s coastline. • Control of the Mississippi River. • Capturing Richmond, VA

  6. First Battle of Bull Run • Key? – Why was the Union surprised by the outcome of Bull Run? • North wanted to attack Richmond, VA. • Must defeat the Confederacy at Manassas, VA first. (near Washington D.C.) • General McDowell (North) marched to Manassas. • Spectators came to watch the war. • Attacked Confederacy near Bull Run creek.

  7. Bull Run • General Beauregard (South) were driven back. • Jackson stopped the Union advance. • “There is Jackson standing like a stone wall!” • Confederates counter attacked with a blood curdling scream (rebel yell). • Union fled and the Confederate victory thrilled the South.

  8. Lessons of Bull Run • North 2,700 casualties • South 2,000 casualties • Fighting would be bloody; not over quickly; and South would fight fiercely. • Lincoln called for 500,000 volunteers for 3 years. • Appointed George McClellan as Union Commander in the east.

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