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Biology: A Molecular Approach, Laboratory. Lab 7. Business. Attendance Handouts. Business. What’s Due Next Week Draft Introduction for Research Project Practice Dilution Calculations. Business. DNA data.
Business • Attendance • Handouts
Business • What’s Due Next Week • Draft Introduction for Research Project • Practice Dilution Calculations
Business • DNA data
A large peak at about 260nm that is comparable in size to the peak at 220nm. The 260/280 ratio is about 2.0 indicating little to no protein contaminated the sample. This sample should be used for experiments and will probably work. The DNA concentration is 129.5 ng/ml= 129.5 mg/ml
A peak at about 260nm that is obvious, so there is DNA in the sample. But the peak at 260nm is not comparable in size to the peak at 220nm. Also, there is a shoulder on the peak at 260nm at about 280nm indicating protein in the sample and the 260/280 ratio is 1.90 suggesting that it is probably clean enough to use in experiments. However, because the peak at 260nm is not distinct from the 280 nm peak, it is not clear if the estimated concentration of DNA in the sample is influenced by the protein contamination. It is possible that the concentration is less than the concentration calculated by the computer (i.e. 26.8 ng/ml= 26.8 mg/ml). This sample probably can be used for PCR but may or may not work.
A peak at about 260nm missing altogether indicating little to no DNA in the sample. Sometimes a shoulder at 260nm can be seen. The small peak at >280nm is probably proteins and other contaminants in the sample. This sample will probably not work for PCR, and it should not be attempted.
Scientific Writeups: Introduction • Write the Introduction to Your Research Project • Start with a draft • Who is responsible • Do this work individually • What should be in it • Scientific Method PowerPoint • Scientific Writeup Rubric • When it is due • Next Wed, October 17th, at beginning of lab • Use Angel Drop Box • JCC Biotech, Content, BIO 7505 - A Molecular Approach: Laboratory, Scientific Writeup Drop Boxes • What will happen to your draft • I will grade and give you feedback • You will revise for final version based on my feedback