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Utility Programs and their Functions. Antivirus Software (Virus Checker). Keep the Computer software healthy and free of virus ’ that can harm the function of the computer. Scan and check anything (downloads, new disks, etc.) They also monitor system operations for “ suspicious ” activity.
Antivirus Software(Virus Checker) • Keep the Computer software healthy and free of virus’ that can harm the function of the computer. • Scan and check anything (downloads, new disks, etc.) They also monitor system operations for “suspicious” activity. • Homeowners and Business owners use antivirus software, the most popular are Norton and McAfee; virus’ are spread thru email messages.
Firewall: acts as a boundary for your computer protecting it from intruders. Is the first line of computer defense against unauthorized access. • Personal Firewall: • Software based (McAfee Personal Firewall/Norton • Protects personal computers from hackers who gain personal information. • Many windows computers already have personal firewalls already installed. • Network Firewall: • Used by companies/businesses • Combination of hardware and software and companies may add a hardware device(firewall device/proxy server) • Screens all communications between networked computers preventing unauthorized access. Firewalls check messages whether it is from an authorized use, if not the message is blocked.
Diagram of a firewall that prevents unwanted information from coming in and out of your computer system
Diagnostic Utility Checks the Computer software and other programs and diagnoses, (just like a doctor’s prescription) and creates a report of the problems. This diagnoses also suggests the actions that can be performed and fix some of the problems. Windows systems contain diagnostic utility, however the software can be purchased from software vendors.
Uninstallers, Disk Scanners and Disk Defragmenters • Uninstallers: • Removes software programs and other files related from taking up valuable space. • The user can remove the file themselves but other files can stay on the hard disk, the uninstallers remove both the program and related files. • Disk Scanners: • Checks hard and floppy disks for problems thru scanning. • Sectors and clusters that are damaged are unusable and notifies users of problems. • Scan Disk is the most used program in Microsoft windows systems. • Disk Defragmenters: • Scans hard/floppy disks and reorganizes files and unused space that allow for faster access to files and data. • “Defragmenting” the files means they are stored in order. Microsoft Windows already have disk defragmenters. • Files and Data are stored in the first available sector, if a sector already has data the files are stored in separate sectors elsewhere resulting in “fragmented” files and longer access time.
File CompressionUtilities • Shrinks the size of a file so that it takes up less space. • Compressed files (zipped) usually have a .zip file extension, users must compress, zip the file when received it must be uncompressed, unzipped to restore to its original form. • These files are compressed by reducing their binary rows and graphics, examples of compression utilities are WinZip, PKZIP and StuffIt.
Backup Utilities and Disk Toolkits • Backup Utilities: • Allow to make copies of information on disks/tapes • Can back up all information on a file or just selected files. • Will compress backup files for less disk space and include a restore program for uncompressing the files. • Disk Toolkits: • Repair physical and diagnose problems on the hard/floppy disk • Identify and Correct problems problems within the hard/floppy disk • One of the most popular programs is the Norton Utilities Disk Doctor.
Unwanted email messages such as advertisements for anything are known as SPAM and make up more than 80% of Internet e-mail traffic. SPAM Blockers such iHateSpam, Matador, Spam Catcher and SpamSubtract PRO are widely used spam blocking programs that filter incoming SPAM messages.
Anti Spyware • Spyware, Malware or malicious software are unknowingly downloaded to your computer via a third party and track your activities on the internet thru keystrokes or web activity, these are harmful as they can access to personal information and passwords that lead to credit card fraud and Identity Theft. • Adware, another type of spyware tracks your visited websites and collecting sensitive information used for marketing and advertising; other adware is disguised as pop-ups that are games, contests. etc. • Some popular anti spyware software are: Webroot Spy Sweeper, Lavasoft’s Ad Aware, Bayden System’s Pop-up Blocker. • However not all anti virus protects internet users from spyware, but separate anti spyware and anti virus software is available.