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American Society and Its Values

American Society and Its Values.

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American Society and Its Values

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  1. American Society and Its Values Shared values make it possible for Americans to live and work together as a society. Americans learn these values through the process of socialization in five major social institutions: the family, religion, education, the economy and government. These social institutions meet peoples needs and shape their values Values: Standards of behavior; guidelines of how people should treat each other

  2. Groups • A group can meet a person’s • Physical needs • Spiritual needs • Emotional needs Examples: school, clubs & circle of friends, teams These groups satisfy the need of companionship :0) Socialization:The process of learning how to participate in a group-learning the groups rules

  3. Social Institutions Economy Education Family Government Religion Social institutions are specific kinds of groups that we rely on to meet our most important needs and services

  4. Family The family benefits its individual members as well as society • Most basic social institution • Provides a sense of belonging and security for a safe and secure environment as well as a support base • Teaches the basic values of society -serves as a training ground for adults-to be by reflecting society’s rules • Teaches us rules of behavior that reflect parents’ values • Helps children to become adults

  5. Family • Meets the physical needs of individuals • Food • Clothing • Shelter • How Have Families Changed Over the Past Years? • Smaller • Rising cost to raise children continues to increase • More women work outside the home • More single parent families • Blended families • Foster care & adoption

  6. Types of Families • Nuclear • Extended • Blended • Single Parent • Adopted • Foster

  7. Education Education serves society while it meets the needs of individuals for skills and knowledge • Meets important needs by helping individuals fit into our society • Provides individuals with the skills and knowledge to succeed later in life-preparing for world of work • Teaches how to live and work together-important in the world of work • Offers students rewards such as lasting friendships and a sense of who they are • Prepares students to join a diverse society with particular rules and values

  8. Religion Religion offers support and guidance but can be a source of conflict • Offers support and guidance but can be a source of conflict when one group’s values or beliefs clash with those of another group-WOW-1,200 different religious groups in the United States • Offers a sense of community and belonging • Provides people with moral standards they can use to decide how to live their lives • Teaches the basic values of society

  9. Religion • Meets important emotional needs • gives comfort in in difficult times • provides answers to important spiritual questions • People follow religious rules because • Reward after death • Confidence in living right One of the greatest responsibilities we have as citizens of a free society is to respect the cultural and religious differences among us. We can do this by educating ourselves about different religions and cultures, attending interfaith and cultural events, befriending others of different faiths and cultures etc.

  10. Government One of the most important social institutions (as is the family) because it maintains the other institutions in our society • The government of the U.S. was formed to protect citizens’ rights • Constitution contains our basic laws-Supreme Law of the Land • All people share the power in a democracy • In a democracy, people’s opinions are important to officials • Responds to citizens’ demands

  11. Government • Meets society’s need • Law & order-protect rights and ensure peace both to our homeland and abroad • Security • Public services • schools • transportation

  12. The Patriot Act • Expanded the powers of law enforcement to help prevent and respond to terrorism. It united and strengthened America by providing appropriate tolls required to intercept and obstruct terrorism acts. • For example: • Allows officials the power to detain for up to 7 days any noncitizen suspected of posing a threat to national security. • Greater freedom to conduct searches of people’s home and automobiles • Power for authorities to use wiretapping • Greater freedom to monitor e-mail and to access information from library bookstore, bank, and medical records.

  13. Economy • Provides a system for producing and distributing goods and services • Most people in our society are both consumers and buyers • Our economic system allows us to own property, make a profit and compete with others. • Our economy allows us to pursue a chosen lifestyle • Freedom is the cornerstone of our values which allows our economy to exist.

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