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Chapter 10 – Firing

Chapter 10 – Firing . Andrew Keenan. Introduction. Managers need to understand that Firing is a part of the process There are right ways and wrong ways to Fire employees Lets look at the literature…. Article 1 - Firing - When and How to Do It. Personality Types:

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Chapter 10 – Firing

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  1. Chapter 10 – Firing Andrew Keenan

  2. Introduction • Managers need to understand that Firing is a part of the process • There are right ways and wrong ways to Fire employees • Lets look at the literature…

  3. Article 1 - Firing - When and How to Do It • Personality Types: • The Dishonest: this can be thieves of the traditional sense (i.e. those that steal money from the firm) or it can be those that misrepresent themselves (i.e. resume embellishment) • The Dangerous: those that that have bellicose tendencies are red flags.  If they threaten or harm another employee then they should be dismissed at once. • The Negligent: Rude receptionist, apathetic service people, or anyone that disrespects the customers in any manner.   As Wiggins exclaims "Customers who feel neglected or disrespected will quickly become ex-customers".  • The Abusive:  Those that harass others (verbally or physically, assign work unfairly, discriminate, and those that continually malign others

  4. Article 2 - The Best Way to Terminate an Employee • Communication • Establish a Probationary Period • Don't Act in the Heat of the Moment • Work with the Union (if applicable) • Be Prepared • Time the Event Carefully • Pick a Neutral Site • Be Honest • Have the Direct Supervisor Terminate the Employee • Be Honest • Never Lose Your Cool • Keep it Short • Let the Employee Vent • Explain Their Benefits

  5. Article 3 - When is an Employee Salvageable? • Literature calls for the following: "develop a sound employee relation program to address unsalvageable employees' performance" (Christie and Kleiner 2000) • See if you can salvage before you terminate

  6. Exercise – employee termination exercise • Three Questions: • 1. Have you ever terminated an employee before? • 2. If yes, what was the justification? • 3. What was the fallout after the event occurred?

  7. References • http://www.questia.com/library/journal/1G1-21125879/firing-when-and-how-to-do-it • David, Wiggins. "Firing: When and How to Do It." Journal of Environmental Health 61.2 (1998): N. pag. Web. 30 Nov. 2013 • Betsy, Christie, and Kleiner H. Brian. "WHEN IS AN EMPLOYEE UNSALVAGEABLE?" Equal Opportunities International 19.6/7 (2000): N. pag. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. • "The Best Way to Terminate an Employee." Insider Toolbox 53(2008): N. pag. Web. 30 Nov. 2013.

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