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The European Worldview during. The middle ages. The Middle Ages in Europe spanned from the year 450 – 1350 or the 5th – 14th centuries. Something to think about….
The EuropeanWorldviewduring The middle ages
The Middle Ages in Europe spannedfromthe year 450 – 1350 or the 5th – 14th centuries. Something to think about… In your notebook, copy the followingchart. Then, withinyourassigned group, compare how life duringthiserawouldbedifferentfrom life today in each of the 5 listeddomains:
Economic Comparason Today Middle Age Europe To meet our primary needs we go to school for years to learn this and that to gain knowledge and skills to help us find meaningful employment that pays a good salary so we have enough money to buy • Shelter (house, electricity for heat) • Food (grocery store, restaurants) • Drinking water • Clothing • Shelter: • Cutwoodfor lumber, haulit back to yourproperty, modifyit by hand to constructyourown house. • For heat, cutyourwood, use somemethod to build a fire. • Food • Hunt and gather, farm the land, raiselivestock, Water • Dig a well or go to the river to retrieve water for drinking / cleaning Clothing • Keep the skin/ fur from the animalsyouhunted or raised and use sinu and a bone/ woodent/ stone needle to makeyourownclothing.
Physical Comparason Today • The environment • Pollution is a major concernwithsuch a large a population, ourdependence on the use of technologies relying on fossil fuels isincreasingemissions of harmfulgasses. Our quick fix society depends on prepackagedfood and the amount of householdgarbageisquicklygathering and cause major environmental issues. • Transportation • To getto whereweneed to bewe have to travelgreat distances relying on automobiles to get us from place to place • Access to food • Prepackagedconveniencemeals are purchased and loadedwithchemical additives and preservatives. Fastfood and junkfood are popularchoicesleading to high rates of obesity. • Exercise/ Fitness • Exercise and fitness issomethingthatwe have to scheduleintoourday, itisanotherchore. Weparticipate in organised sports or pay to becomemembers of a fitness facility or gym • Health/ Hygene / Access to medicine / healthcare • Weshowereveryday, there are manysanitationproducts to eliminategerms. If we do becomesick or injuredwe have excellent facilitieswherewecan go to recievemedical attention and medicine or treatment to help us getbetter
Physical comparason Dring the Middle Ages • The environment • Pollution was not a concern as therewas a verysmall population and therewerevery few cities. The land wasused to harvestgoods and therewaslittlewastage. The onlypolltantwouldbe the smallamount of humanwaste as therewere no sewagesystems. • Transportation • To get to wheretheyneeded to betheytraveled on land by foot or by horse and carriage or by sea in boats. There werevery few roads, no cars, no trains, no planes. • Access to food • Althoughitcouldbe hard to come by, the foodthatwasavailablefromfarming, trading or huntingwasnatural and of a good quality. • However, thereoftenwere times when the people faced famine and starvation dring times whencropswould not grow or animalswerescarce • Exercise / Fitness • Physicalactivitywas not somethingtheyhad to plan as itwas a part of theireveryday routine. The workreqired to upkeep the home wasphysicallydemanding, keepingthemstrong and fit • Health / Hygene / Access to medicine / healthcare • There were no running water, bathing wasn’t something they did regularly. There was no sewage system, human waste was thrown into the streets or waterways. Disease ran rampant, doctors were only available to the wealthy. home remedies were all they had to treat illness, thus death from something as simple as a cold was common.
Social Comparason Today Dring the Middle Ages • A typical day consists of going to school or work for 5 or 6 hours where most of our interaction takes place with people that are not our family • After school/work we return home to complete chores; homework, shopping, meal preparation, cleaning, ect. • Dring spare time we hang out with friends/family, get involved with sports or other activities in the community, listen to music, watch tv, surf the net, play video games, go to the movies or to the mall. • A typicaldayconsists of chores to meet the primaryneeds of the family; cuttingwood for heat, fetching water from the well/river, minding the garden and livestock, hunting and gathering, makingclothing, preparingfood. • A formaledcationduringthis time was not necessary. The skills and knowledgeneededconsisted of learning the ways of the land. Knowing how to hunt, growcrops and suchwere more important to the survival of the people thanspending all day in classroomlearning to read and write. • The familyworkedtogether to accomplishtheir goals. Eachmemberplayed a very important role to ensurethat all needswere met. • Fromdawnuntildusktherewaswork to do, whichwasphysicallydraining, leavingverylittle time fandenergy or playtime.
During the Middle Ages, the majority of the population lived in extreme poverty The Rich and Poor • While a very small minority lived in luxury… they had all the money and power… leaving a significant division between
Theyhad no freedom Theyhad no power or political influence Theyhad no rights Wasdifficult and miserable! Theydidnt have access to essential humanneeds to live in health and securitysuch as… Shelter Clean drinking water The life of a poorpeasant Food Medicine Health Care Clothing
Keepthis question in mind? Whywouldn’t an impoverishedpeasant commit suicide if life wassomiserable, invaleable and difficult ?
Spiritual Comparason Today • In most institutions in our communities today, the presence of any religion is limited. • We do have Catholic schools where we can learn about the word of God and some people attend Mass regularly on a weekly basis. • There are many different ways people demonstrate their spirituality including Yoga, Reiki, Meditation, etc. Before we do a comparason with the Middle Ages, let me ask you this….
Who do youidolize? If youcouldmeetanyone in the world? Living or Dead? Factual or Fictual… whowoulditbe?
If I were to ask the same question to a bunch of teenagers living during the Middle Ages… who do you think they would identify?
The life of the poorcontinued The harshness of life was an everyday reality for the poor and religion / spiritualityplayed a part in making the pooraccept and cherish the intolerablecruelties of such a life style. The poorbelievedthatGodhimself chose for eachperson to live the life theyhad been given, thus, one must accept the paththeyweregivenwithout question.
The pope and High Clergywerepercieved by the people as being direct representativeschosendirectly by God, living on earth to carry out hiswill. Thus, no one could question theircommands for fearthat if theyrefused to cooperate, theywouldburn in hell for all eternityaftertheirdeath. During the Middle Ages, God and Religion wereat the Centre of Human existence. There wasnothing more important!!! Thisbelief / value held by the people of medevaleuropehad a huge impact on their actions and is know as ...
I’ll take your SOUL… Muahahahahahahahaha!!!! If youdon’t attend Mass everyday If you do not follow the 10 Commandments The Christian Worldview If you do not contributeyour time and money to help the Church Hell !!!
Tell me now… • Why did the poor tolerate such difficulty… why wouldn’t they simply commit suicide if life was so miserable and difficult ???
Godwill call us to joinhimwhenitis out time! Be patient! Everythingwillbesogreat once we die and go to heaven! The reason the pooracceptedsuch a apoorquality of life isbecausetheybelievedthat if theyaccepteditnow, theywouldberewarded in the afterlifewitheternalhappinessalongside of God in heavenafterdeath. This is the life thatwaschosen for us by Godmy son! Daddy… I’mhungry… I want to die!
Accoriing to theirworldview, the Christian WorldView, life wasmerely a path to eternalparadiseat the side of God in Heavenafterdeath. Theyhoped to live a short life on earth… There was no value for life … itwassimply a means to and end!
Political Comparason Today • We live in a democratic society • Each individual citizen is protected by the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms • We can vote, express our opinions freely, live where we want, work where we want and do what we want to do • Everyone has equal access to the basic human needs; medical care, education, food, shelter, clothing, etc. • We are protected by laws and institutions that the government have put in place to ensure we feel safe and secure.
During the Middle Ages Most Power • The people were governed by the Feudal System • The Feudal System is a hierarchy of power where the few people in control have the most power and the many people on the bottom have the least. • Think of a hierarchy as a ladder Least Power.
The Feudal Hierarchygovernedmost of Europe. In thisform of government, people wereplaced in social classes decidedupon by birth… theywerehereditary and impossible to get out of... In Europe during the Middle Agesthisiswhat the Feudal System Consisted of…
Was there anyone who had more power than the King & Queen? The Pope had more power… because he was God’s right hand man!!
Dring the Middle Ages The Church and the State had a very special relationship…
The Church had a lot of influence on decisions made by the King and the Nobles whenit came to ruling the daily life of the people. Manyclergymentusedtheir power and influence to do good and help the people
However, therewereotherswhoabusedthier power for theirownpersonalbenefit…
« Hello my Child… How can I help you?» « Forgive me Father for I have sinned I have commited a serious sin. » I have power… I want MONEY!! I have money! I want Power! « Oh my! This is a seriousmatter… thereis, however, a solution to yourproblem! I killed one of my serfs! « Give the Church a generous donation.. In this case a rather large one… seing as how thisis a serious offense… If you do this, wecan pardon yoursins!» You’retelling me that all I have to do to savemy souls fromperishing for all an eternityispay a sum of money? Done!! … Do youacceptmastercard?
And thereyou have it… a special bond between the Church and State…
Lets play a little game !!! You are going to be reborn. I have placed all of the different roles from the Feudal Hierarchy into a hat and you will choose one of the role, and we will re-enact how life during the Middle Ages worked!!! Don’t look at your role until I tell you to. We’re gonna relive the Middle Ages to experience first hand how it really worked!!!
This is the way the Feudal System worked • Because the Pope was high commander of the Church, he was viewed by everyone as being the closest to God, thus, he was at the top of the Hierarchy… The word of God was far more powerful than the word of the King! Whatever he says GOES!!!
The King and Queen • Orders everyone in their kingdom around! • Follows orders only from the Pope • Can make no decision unless they have been advised by their Clergyman. • Must delegate some of their land to the Nobles to manage for them. • Must collect crops and goods from the nobles who manage their lands • Must give donations to the Church on demand
For me!!! Gee Thanks!!! Hereyou are my noble Cousin … ! The King gives the Nobles land and serfs / slaves Ohhh… justwhat I have alwayswanted… some land and a slave
Slaves are attached to the land of their Noble Master. Theyare treated as inferiors, viewed as possessions, and canbeexchangedlikecattle. They are regarded and treated as animals. Ther must do whatevertheir masters command of them.
They have no choice but obey the orders of thir Noble Masters…
Peasants on the other hand, made arrangements with the nobles to build homes on the nobles land.
In exchange for being allowed to live there, they had to cultivate and work the land, give the Noble owners a quantity of their crops and fight for them in times of war.
Because of the factthattheir position washeriditary, the children of peasantswerealsopeasants, the grand children and greatgrandchildrentoo … Mes enfants seraient des serfs aussi! Mychildrenwillalsobe slaves