The Earth’s Structure Objectives Landforms (TB Pg. 3) 5 Physical landforms <-~ Click on one of the links to begin… 3Layers of Earth
Objectives At the end of this lesson, we will learn… • Why are some areas more prone to tectonic hazards? • What landforms and associated tectonic phenomena are found at plate boundaries? Objs 5 Physical landforms 3Layers of Earth
The Earth’s Structure • The Earth has an extremely varied landscape made up of many different types of landforms • They are… 5 Physical Landforms -Mountains -Valleys -Plains -Hills -Plateaus
The Earth’s Structure • Mountains > 600m, steep slopes; form a mountain range when located in groups 5 Physical landforms -Mountains -Valleys -Plains -Hills -Plateaus A mountain
The Earth’s Structure • Valleys between hills & mountains 5 Physical landforms -Mountains -Valleys -Plains -Hills -Plateaus
The Earth’s Structure • Plains broad, flat, low areas. People live & work mainly in these areas 5 Physical landforms -Mountains -Valleys -Plains -Hills -Plateaus
The Earth’s Structure • Hills usually > 600m in height, rounded in shape with gentle slopes 5 Physical landforms -Mountains -Valleys -Plains -Hills A hill -Plateaus
The Earth’s Structure • Plateaux large flat-topped areas that are elevated above the surroundings 5 Physical landforms -Mountains -Valleys -Plains -Hills -Plateaux
Internal Structure of earth 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust
Internal Structure of earth 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust
internal Structure of Earth -Core • Core • the centre of Earth • About 50000C • Solid 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust
internal Structure of Earth -mantle 3Layers of Earth -Core Mantle • Middle layer • Semi-molten state • Constantly generating convectional currentswhich creates plate tectonics -Mantle -Crust
Constantly generating convectional currents 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust
internal Structure of Earth -Crust Crust • About 6-70 km thick • Uppermost layer • Rigid & solid • Made up of separate pieces called plates fit like puzzle (Moving constantly but slowly 6inches/yr) 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust
internal Structure of Earth -Crust • 2 types of crust • 1 type makes up continents (continental-lighter; less dense) • Another type makes up ocean floors (oceanic) 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust
internal Structure of Earth -Crust 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust
internal Structure of Earth -Crust 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust
Plate Movements • This sliding of the plates is caused by the mantle's convection currents • It is this constant movement/ motion (of the plates), called PLATE TECTONICS, that causes earthquakes, mountain building &volcanism. 3Layers of Earth -Core -Mantle -Crust
Convergent Divergent • These different PLATE MOVEMENTS lead to the formation of different processes and landforms • Earth is a dynamic (i.e. constantly changing) planet. Lateral
Convergent- TWO Continental Plates
Convergent Continental and OCeanic