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Remote Sensing in Support of NACP Jeffrey G. Masek Biospheric Sciences, NASA GSFC January 23, 2007

Remote Sensing in Support of NACP Jeffrey G. Masek Biospheric Sciences, NASA GSFC January 23, 2007. Outline. Introduction : Remote Sensing in the NACP Progress : Current activities and successes Gaps: What’s missing. Reconcile (?). CMDL. OCO. Aircraft. Top Down / Bottom Up.

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Remote Sensing in Support of NACP Jeffrey G. Masek Biospheric Sciences, NASA GSFC January 23, 2007

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Remote Sensing in Support of NACP Jeffrey G. Masek Biospheric Sciences, NASA GSFC January 23, 2007

  2. Outline • Introduction: Remote Sensing in the NACP • Progress: Current activities and successes • Gaps: What’s missing

  3. Reconcile (?) CMDL OCO Aircraft Top Down / Bottom Up Atmospheric (top down) Atmospheric Transport Models Land-Atmos C Flux Land-Atmos C Flux Cal/Val Process Formulation FluxNet Process Studies Land-Atmos C Flux BGC / Carbon Accounting Models Process (bottom up) Satellite, Ecology, Inventory Data

  4. Disturbance/ Land Use Change (Landsat) Biomass/Carbon Stocks (MODIS, SAR, GLAS) Climate & Biophysics: VI, fPAR, LAI, Phytoplankton Tsurf, Freeze/thaw (MODIS, Seawifs, AVHRR…) CO2, CH4 sampling (OCO, A/C) Timescales of NACP Hourly Monthly Annual Decadal Century Biome migration Stress, LUE physiology Interannual climate Atmospheric CO2 transport Ecosystem Disturbance Forest recovery Flux tower observations NPP, NEP diagnostic modeling NPP, NEP prognostic modeling

  5. Progress to Date 5-10 years of EOS products, 26+ years of AVHRR, 35 years of Landsat data available “Remote Sensing in NACP” Workshop, UMT, Aug 2004 MODIS standard products becoming easier to use * ACCESS gap-filling, smoothing (Morisette) * DC-MAST (Cook) New products to support continental BGC modeling * Disturbance (Landast/MODIS; Goward, Masek, Townsend) * Freeze-thaw dynamics (SeaWinds; McDonald) * Northern Wetlands (JERS, Moghaddam) * Biomass (JERS, MODIS, GLAS; Saatchi, Kellendorfer) * Crop Type (AWIFS; NASS) * Fire Emissions (Giglio) * Photosynthetically Active Radiation (MODIS, Liang)

  6. MODIS4 NACP PI: Jeff Morisette, NASA GSFC Providing value-added MODIS data product to NACP investigators, including:- Reprojecting- Reformatting- Subsetting - Mosaicing- Stacking data through time- Updates for Collection 5 when available - Gap filling in both space and timePoster B.37 provides an update for this project Orig. MODIS LAI (black = missing) (April 6, 2004) Smoothed LAI (April 6, 2004) 1 2 3 4 5 6 http://landweb.nascom.nasa.gov:8080/access.html

  7. MOD15A2 TIMESAT Smoothed Average of 49 1 km pixels Center pixel with Flux Tower Integration with ORNL DAAC visualization Walker Branch Watershed From http://www.daac.ornl.gov/MODIS/modis.html

  8. %disturbed / yr 0 >2.0 Forest Disturbance LEDAPS Project PI: Jeff Masek (NASA GSFC) NACP Data Cubes PI: Samuel Goward (UMD) Landsat-based records of North American forest disturbance

  9. Landsat mapped forest change between 1987 and 2005 in western Oregon (Goward/Huang, UMD)

  10. North American Biomass J. Kellendorfer, WHOI

  11. North American Biomass S. Saatchi (JPL) - Forest Woody Biomass Carbon Estimates of North America from Synergistic Analysis of MODIS, MISR, and JERS Data in Support of the North American Carbon Program

  12. Current Activities (cont’d) NACP process studies integrating remote sensing * AVHRR greenness trends (Tucker) * Soil freeze/thaw dynamics (Zhang) * Plant community mapping (Chopping) * Woody encroachment and grazing (Asner) * Boreal fire disturbance and succession (Kasischke) * Photochemistry of coastal DOC (Miller) …. and many more New algorithms for biophysical variables * Evapotranspiration (Ustin) * Light-Use Efficiency (Middleton) * Crop GPP (Gitelson) * Coastal pCO2 (Hales)

  13. Remote Sensing Coastal pCO2 Average of all MODIS SST and Chl, all Quickscat wind stress magnitude for NA west coast, 0.25° resolution (Burke Hales, OSU) SST Chl x+y

  14. New Remote Sensing Missions Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) * NASA ESSP mission, JPL lead * passive, global column CO2 * 2008 launch Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) * NASA/USGS mission, GSFC lead * RFP released January 10, 2007 * continues 30m, multispectral heritage * 2011 target launch date ?? Visible/Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) * NOAA/NASA/DOD instrument, IPO lead * continues global capabilities of AVHRR, MODIS * will fly aboard NPP and NPOESS missions * 2009 launch (NPP)

  15. Declining EO Capabilities

  16. NRC Decadal Survey Priority Missions

  17. What’s Missing? 1. Some useful information products for biogeochemical modeling are still missing * Evapotranspiration, LUE (MODIS, Seawifs) * Wetland extent, type, dynamics (SAR, MODIS, Landsat) * Woody encroachment (Landsat, air photo, hyperspectral) * Agricultural crop type (MODIS, Landsat) * Permafrost / Arctic hydrology (SAR, MODIS) * Foliar nitrogen (Hyperion) • Bridging the gap between algorithm development and continental products to support models 3. Support for “20-year time series” of measurements * multi-instrument ESDR’s … coordination with NACP? * need for annual Landsat land cover, disturbance, crops * future data continuity (VIIRS, LDCM, etc)

  18. What’s Missing? (cont’d) • Analysis of error propagation – from remote sensing measurements to modeled fluxes • * Model intercomparisons at NEP level? 5. Understanding RS-detected trends and patterns in terms of underlying biology • Community familiarity with OCO products, and how to use them within NACP context 7. New models that capitalize on the current range of RS products – not just NDVI

  19. Conclusions Remote Sensing essential for overarching NACP goal of continental carbon fluxes and attribution Considerable progress since 2004 U. Montana workshop on - data access - product formats and usability - carbon information needs from RS Need to identify and prioritize the next set of RS activities to support NACP

  20. Backup

  21. NACP-Related Datasets for Driving Carbon Calculations

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