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960 Uploads
Role of Homoeopathic Medicines in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
48 vues
The Level of Mutual Trust Between Principals and Educational Stakeholders and its Implication for School Improvement
8 vues
Factors Affecting the Motivational Factors of the 21st Century Educators
25 vues
Design and Analysis of Runout Measuring Machine using Fea
14 vues
Annunciating Teachers' Continuous Professional Development
34 vues
Structural System in Resisting the Effect of Lateral Load in High Rise Building
67 vues
Effect of Copper Slag on Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Conventional Concrete
186 vues
Secure One Time Password OTP Generation for user Authentication in Cloud Environment
19 vues
Development and Validation of RP HPLC Method for Estimation of Vortioxetine in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Dosage Form
26 vues
Arts Education as an Important and Powerful Medium in the Teaching Learning Process
7 vues
Study on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Historical Timber Building in Myanmar A Case Study of Pyay Hostel in Yang
0 vues
Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statement as a Managerial Tool for Decision Making
14 vues
Teachers' Knowledge, Understanding, Ability and Implementation of Competency Based Approach in the Teaching of Geography
7 vues
Real Time Eye Blinking and Yawning Detection
35 vues
Tropical Cyclone Determination using Infrared Satellite Image
10 vues
Applications of Wavelet Transform
40 vues
Economics of Water in India why does it matter
5 vues
Improving the Productive Skills of the Students through Selected Teaching Strategies
43 vues
Comparative Studies for the Human Facial Expressions Recognition Techniques
18 vues
Ant Colony System with Saving Heuristic for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
18 vues
Ethical Implications of Student Plagiarism in Myanmar
10 vues
Forecasting Stock Market using Multiple Linear Regression
17 vues
Differential Protection of Power Transformer in Substation
33 vues
To Development Manufacturing and Education using Data Mining A Review
5 vues
Simulation of 3 Phase, 24 Pulse GTO Converter for Flow Control of Transmission System
13 vues
Performance Analysis on Energy Efficient and Scalable Routing Protocols of Wireless Sensor Network for Precision Agricul
9 vues
Importance of Arts Culture in Society
42 vues
Utilization of Bamboo Fibers for Modification of Black Cotton Soil Properties
14 vues
Fixed Output DC to DC Converter for Photovoltaic System
21 vues
Remote Operated Spy Robot Vehicle
18 vues
Cognitive Apprenticeship and the Development of Productive Learning Skills among Emerging Adults Engaged in Mechanic Wor
17 vues
Modeling and Design of High Rise Statue of Lard Shree Ram using Staad Pro Software
20 vues
Rainwater Harvesting in Flouride Affected Area in Jamui, Bihar
16 vues
Study on the Properties of Natural Soil Stabilized with Various Percentages of Lime Contents
14 vues
Achieving Secure, Universal, and Fine Grainedquery Results Verification for Secure Searchscheme Over Encrypted Cloud Dat
15 vues
Vitamin D in Chronic Kidney Disease
38 vues
Android Based Questionnaires Application for Heart Disease Prediction System
14 vues
Analysis of Allocation Algorithms in Memory Management
7 vues
Easy Finding Extreme Values of a Function
13 vues
Vocabulary A Basic Element of Language Learning
18 vues