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960 Uploads
To Standardization, Formulation and Sensory Evaluation of Carrot Dessert with Rice Balls
37 vues
Secure Data Hiding System by using AES Algorithm and Indicator Based LSB Method
16 vues
The use of Macroalgae as a Feed Supplement in Fish Diets
17 vues
Active and Reactive Power Control of DFIG Based Grid Connected Wind Energy System
73 vues
Evaluation of Safe Bearing Capacity by Using Statical Analysis
21 vues
Electricity Meter Reading using GSM
49 vues
Media and Society The Private and Public Sphere in Social Networks - Analysis of the Communication of Pope Francis in In
10 vues
Review Report on Cooling System and Control Model for Improved Engine Thermal Management
17 vues
Nutritive Evaluation, Mineral Composition and Phytochemical Analysis of Leaf Protein Concentrates of Daucus carota
21 vues
Effect of Customer Relationship Management in Public and Private Banks
13 vues
Analysis of Belt Bucket Elevator
24 vues
Internet of Things IoT Based Healthcare Monitoring System using NodeMCU and Arduino UNO
204 vues
To Study the Effect of Use of Geosynthetics Fibres in Sub grade Soil
14 vues
Design and Analysis of Pelton Wheel
60 vues
Folded Shorted Patch Antenna with Slots for RF Energy Harvesting in Wireless Sensor Network
12 vues
Nonlinear Modeling and System Identification of a DC Gear Motor with Unknown Parameters
12 vues
Problem Solving Skills As Predictor of Success in Hawking Ventures of Child Workers in Fako Division of The South West R
29 vues
Janaushadhi Database Management System
7 vues
The Relationship between the usage of Drugs and Sport Performance
12 vues
A Unique Technique for Solid Waste Segregation
19 vues
Knowledge Discovery in Classification and Distribution of Butterfly Species From Dagon University Campus, Myanmar by Rul
60 vues
A Research Article on Synthesis of Metal Nano Particles by Chemical Reduction Method
10 vues
Principals' Encouragement of Teacher Collaboration and Support for Peer Coaching in Government Secondary Schools, South
12 vues
Technical Data Management from the Perspective of Identification and Traceability in the Manufacturing Industry
7 vues
Study of Rotation Measurements with a Passive Resonant Gyroscope Based on Hollow Core Fiber
10 vues
Analysis of Hydraulic Sheet Cutting Machine and its Fixture by using FEA
10 vues
Analysis the Behaviour of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement by Rice Husk Ash and Fly Ash
50 vues
Poverty Reduction and Government Expenditure on Social Safety Net Bangladesh Perspective
9 vues
Demographic Characteristics Influencing Satisfaction Level of Pilgrims A Case of Northern Shrines
8 vues
Concept of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems in Microgrid
42 vues
Preparation and Antimicrobial Studies of Oxadiazine Containing Heterocyclic Compounds
13 vues
A Study of Thinking Styles and its Impact on Life Skills among Secondary School Students
9 vues
Cloud Data De Duplication in Multiuser Environment DeposM2
23 vues
Application of First Order Linear Equation Market Balance
17 vues
Study of Congestion Control Scheme with Decentralized Threshold Function in VANETs
10 vues
Water Pollution Control for Mandalay KanDawGyi Lake by Natural Treatment System
17 vues
Load Estimating and Calculating the Components of Solar System
21 vues
Effects of Social Responsibility in the Production of Stress
17 vues
Computational Analysis of Thermal Behavior within a Scraped Surface Heat Exchanger SSHE
22 vues
Interactive Role of Brassinosteroids and Calcium Ameliorates in Response to the Aluminium Toxicity in Plants
23 vues