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Sport Psychology

Sport Psychology. Introduction. The study of how people think, feel and behave in sport situations, and what mental processes MOTIVATE the way athletes behave in training and competition. Sport psychologists are interested in athletes Thoughts, Behaviours, & Emotions. What is Sport Psychology.

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Sport Psychology

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  1. Sport Psychology Introduction

  2. The study of how people think, feel and behave in sport situations, and what mental processes MOTIVATE the way athletes behave in training and competition. • Sport psychologists are interested in athletes Thoughts, Behaviours, & Emotions. What is Sport Psychology

  3. Complete absence of doubt/ dear of failure • Lack of self analysis of performance during competition. • Narrow focus of attention • Sense of effortlessness • Feeling in control • No feelings of being rushed. Ideal Performance States:

  4. Coaches have an important part of sports psychology and many have some sort of training in this field to build skills as a coach. • An example would be John Wooden. • Had 4 perfect seasons, 38 NCAA tournament wins. • Believed that success is a peace of mind, a direct result of personal satisfaction in doing your best. • Treated players like they were part of his family, never criticizing and always encouraging. Many coaches influence players in a positive manner. What are some examples? Coaching- Positive Aspect

  5. e.g. Bobbie Knight (negative side) • Nicknamed "The General“ • One of the most successful NCAA coaches ever • 3 time NCAA Championship (w/ Indiana) • Best Record in one season, went 32-0 • However one of the most controversial coaches at the same time • Created fear in his athletes Why would this type of coach be a good thing or a bad thing? Coaching- Negative Aspect

  6. The Triad! - emphasizes that sport psychology attempts to enhance quality of athletes participation in sport by helping athletes achieve: • Optimal PERFORMANCE • Optimal EXPERIENCES • Optimal DEVELOPMENT Objectives of Sport Psychology

  7. Enhancing athletes performance in sports by: - imagery, relaxation, self-talk, interventions, and mental training • Coaches believe that athletes who are mentally skilled in terms of confidence, coping ability, and concentration perform better than those athletes who are less mentally skilled. • Mental skills can be taught to athletes, which in turn enhances their performance. • Because performance and winning is so important to the society, optimal development and experiences for athletes are usually overlooked. Achieving Optimal Performance

  8. Outstanding physical abilities occur due to the unique environment in which athletes develop their competitive skills • Eg, parents guiding and coaching their children at a young age in a positive atmosphere. Earl Woods affect on Tiger Woods as a young athlete. • Sport psychology attempts to help all athletes experience optimal development of their: • Physical skills • Important self perceptions (feelings of self-worth and competence Achieving Optimal Development • Children join sports teams to develop skills, have fun and be with their friends • Children must develop a sense of ability to master physical skills to feel personally competent before they can engage in serious competition.

  9. Focusing only on the outcome misses the essence of what a sport means to an athlete. • You don’t have to be a world class tennis players or Olympians or NHL superstar to enjoy optimal experiences in sport. • FLOW: and optima mental state involving total absorption in a task. • Most athletes refer to it as being in “THE ZONE” • This feeling typically leads individuals to fall in love with sports. • Flow is AUTOTELIC: the experience of playing a sport is rewarding in itself without concern for the outcome. Achieving Optimal Experience

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oazw-Cdsmd4&feature=related The Role of the Mind in Sports

  11. Knowledge of reality: • Athletes must understand what is possible and what is not • A goal to purue: • The reason for the journey, the end point • Athletes know it is not an easy task but they have to be mentally tough. • The will to action: • The athletes will make decisions in their mind that will determine if they should pursue their goal. • Must have the drive and determination to push their body on the road to success. • Sport is a celebration of the human mind. • An athlete has to keep their minds as fit and sculpted as their body. Key Points:

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