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What is Sport Psychology?

What is Sport Psychology?. Sport Psychology is:. Sport Sciences Biomechanics Motor learning and control Exercise physiology Sport history and philosophy Sport sociology Sport Psychology: 1960s “Half of any sport is 90% mental." (Yogi Berra.). Psychology applied to Sport Experience.

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What is Sport Psychology?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is Sport Psychology?

  2. Sport Psychology is: • Sport Sciences • Biomechanics • Motor learning and control • Exercise physiology • Sport history and philosophy • Sport sociology • Sport Psychology: 1960s • “Half of any sport is 90% mental." (Yogi Berra.)

  3. Psychology applied to Sport Experience • Personality • Motivation • Skill acquisition • Stress response • Sport injury and rehabilitation • Exercise adherence • Moral development in sport • Women in sport • Elderly in sport • Youth in sport • Exercise and well-being.

  4. Do I have to be an athlete to be a Sport Psychologist?

  5. Performance is Performance • Sport • Music • Dance • Theater • Business • Life

  6. Applied vs. Research • Ideally: • Applied Practice is guided by research. • Research is informed by practice. • Psychological interventions for: • Relaxation • Imagery • Behavior change • Biofeedback • Hypnotherapy • Self-regulation (anger control, etc) • Team work • Communication

  7. Professional Outlets • Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP) • National Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance • North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity • American College of Sports Medicine • International Society of Sport Psychology • APA Division 47 • British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES)

  8. Sport Psychologist or Sport Psychology Consultant? • Sport Psychologist: • Training as a psychologist, supplemented by training in sport psychology delivery. • Sport Psychology Consultant: • Sport and Phys Ed training. • Hybrid training. • Sachs, M.L., Burke, K.L., & Schrader, D.C. (2000) Directory of graduate programs in applied sport psychology (6th ed.). Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology.  www.fitinfotech.com

  9. Career Paths • Sport Psychologist • Licensed Psychologist, trained to work with athlete and non-athlete populations. • University setting, research • Sport Psychology Consultant • University setting • University sports • Research setting • Legitimacy • Licensure • AAASP Certification • BASES Certification • Olympic Registry

  10. Career Paths • Choose your own adventure • Can I work with Tiger and make a million? • Performance Enhancement Consulting • Business Consulting • Health and Wellness

  11. What do I read, to start? • Murphy, S. (Ed.) (1995). Sport psychology interventions. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. • Van Raalte, J.L. & Brewer, B.W. (Eds.) (2002) Exploring sport and  exercise psychology (2nd ed.). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.  • Singer, R.N., Murphey, M., & Tennant, L.K. (Eds.) (1993). Handbook of research on sport psychology. New York, NY: Macmillan.  • Singer, R.N, Hausenblas, H., & Janelle, C. (Eds.). (2001). Handbook of sport psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley. • Weinberg, R. & Gould, D. (1995). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.  • Williams, J.M. (Ed.) (2001) Applied sport psychology: Personal growth to peak performance(4th ed.). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield (415) 960-3222. 

  12. What do I read, for research? • Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology • The Sport Psychologist • Journal of Applied Sport Psychology • International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology

  13. Sport Psychology at FSU • MS and PhD programs • MS: • 2 year academic program • Thesis • PhD • Coursework • Field Lab Internship • Preliminary defense (Pilot Study and Concept Paper) • Dissertation Prospectus • Dissertation

  14. Questions?

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