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Unit 5 Getting the message Advertising

Unit 5 Getting the message Advertising. Finding out advantages and disadvantages of the advertisement. 1. help consumers make informed choices. 1. make people annoyed. 2. be misled by false and incorrect information easily. 2. entertain people. 3. increase product sales.

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Unit 5 Getting the message Advertising

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  1. Unit 5 Getting the message Advertising

  2. Finding out advantages and disadvantages of the advertisement 1. help consumers make informed choices 1. make people annoyed 2. be misled by false and incorrect information easily 2. entertain people 3. increase product sales 4. make products cheap 5. make people aware of social problems

  3. Scanning • People react to advertisements in different • ways. Because ___. • A. ads are useful and entertaining to some • people while annoying to others • B. ads are useful and entertaining • C. ads are annoying • D. ads are not only useful and entertaining • but annoying

  4. Scanning 2. When we buy an expensive product, __ can help us make the right decision. A. sellers B. ads C. our friends D. defenders 3. In order not to become easy target for ad makers, we must ___. A. distinguish between fiction and facts B. watch TV more often C. believe all the ads D. never believe any ads

  5. Scanning 4. The best chance to reach customers for the advertisements is to ___. A. appeal to their emotions B. make interesting pictures C. give customers proper prices D. send messages to customers

  6. Scanning 5. Paragraph 4 is mainly about ____. A. ads must increase the production B. ads must reduce the price of the production C. ads must help companies and customers D. ads must make a product more expensive

  7. Scanning 6. Which sentence tells us the main idea of Paragraph 5? A. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the prices of the products B. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the types of the products C. The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products D. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the company where the products come from

  8. Scanning 7. We can infer from the last sentence of the text that ___. A. we must learn to believe ads B. we must learn to accept ads C. we must learn to analyse ads D. we must learn to accuse ads

  9. Pa1: Ads are found almost everywhere. The development of radio, television and other media has gone hand in handwiththe development of advertising. • hand in hand • The children walk down the street hand in hand. • Power and money go hand in hand. 肮脏与疾病是密切相关的。 Dirt and disease go hand in hand. back to back shoulder to shoulder side by side face to face heart to heart

  10. Pa2: People react to advertisements in different ways 1. What is people’s reaction to ads? Defenders of ads say that ads help us make informed choices as consumers by introducing good quality products. On the other hand, critics sometimes accuse companies of using ads to mislead by making us believe that a certain product is better than it really is or that we will be happier if we buy the product.

  11. Pa3: The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers’ choices. 1. What is the basic principle behind advertisement? 2. Why do advertisers often have to work hard to attract people’s attention? 1.The best chance to reach consumers is to appeal to their emotion. 接近消费者的最好机会是迎合消费者的情感.

  12. Pa3: 2. Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get the message across. • 1) so+ many/much/little/few + n. + that… • so + adj./adv. +that… • so + adj. + a/an+ n. (单数)+that… • such+ (adj. )+ n(复数). + that … • such + a/an+ (adj.) +n. +that… • They are ____ little children that they can’t do ____ much work. (____ heavy work). such so such

  13. 2) get across: 通过…; 使…被理解 • 我已尽力让我的观点清晰明了. • I have tried to get my point across. • get along with/get around/get away/get down/get up/ get over/ get through • It is hard to __________without a car. • I rang you several times but I couldn’t _________ • Please ___________ every word she says. • She is afraid to speak in public. She can’t _________ her shyness. get around get through get down get over

  14. 3. Thus, instead of sellling them the product, the ads sometimes seem to be selling them… • thus: adv. 因此,于是 (表结果或结论)= therefore; as a result; for that reason • He didn’t study hard, and thus failed the test. • I didn’t watch yesterday’s news, and thus I knew nothing about the new policy. 与…联系起来 传播信息 一大笔钱 迎合/吸引 associate …with … get the messages across large amounts of money appeal to …

  15. Difference: • Fairly and rather Adv. 相当 • (1)多数情况下fairly用于褒义的形容词或副词前,如good、well、nice、careful等,相当于汉语的“尚”。而rather则主要用来修饰贬义的形容词或副词,如:bad、ugly、fool等。 • b. This foreigner speaks English fairly well . • 这个外国人英语说的还可以 • e. Peter is fairly clever . but his brother is rather stupid .彼得相当聪明,但他的弟弟(哥哥)颇有些蠢。

  16. 2)有时两者也都可用在褒义形容词或副词前,这时两者强调的程度不同,rather语气重些。其含义不再是“相当”而表示“很、非常”不再表示贬义。比如就一次讲座来说a fairly good lecture(一个还不错的讲座)意思是“勉强可以的讲座”但决不值跑很远去听它。a rather good lecture(一个很不错的讲座)意思是“很出色的一次报告了”相当于a very interesting lecture 不去听都会很遗憾的。 • a. It is a fairly interesting story .这是一本还可以的小说。(含很一般之意) • b. It is a rather interesting story . • 这是一本很有趣的小说。(含向人推荐之意)

  17. 3).一些不含褒贬之义的形容词、副词,如slow 、fast 、thin、thick、hot等。可通过在这些词前加fairly表示“赞同、喜欢”,加rather表示“不赞同、不喜欢”。 • a. The noodle is fairly hot . • 这面条很热乎。(表示说话人喜欢热汤面) • b. The noodle is rather not . • 这面条太热了。(表示说话人嫌面太热)

  18. 4)与不定冠词连用时,fairly 只能用在不定冠词之后:a fairly good day (一个好天)。而rather 既可放在不定冠词前或后,也可放在定冠词之后:a rather stubborn mule/rather a stubborn mule (一头相当倔强的骡子),the rather tall boy in the comer(在墙角那个相当高的男孩子)

  19. (5)下列情况中只宜用rather不宜用fairly • A.用在like、alike、similar、different等词之前,表示“少许”或“略微”等意时 • The two styles are rather similar • 这两种风格有点儿相似 • His view is rather different from yours . • 他与你的观点略有不同 • B.用在enjoy、like、dislike、object等词之前表示一种出乎别人或说话者本人意料之外的不太正常的爱好 • Some people rather like being miserable . • 有些人倒是愿意受苦

  20. C.可与比较级、too、名词、动词连用 • His wife is rather older than he is . • 他的妻子比他年纪大不少 • This hat is rather more expensive than that . • 这顶帽子比那一顶贵得多 • I think we”ve invited rather too many people. 我认为我们邀请的人太多了 • It”s rather a good idea 这可真是个好主意 • I rather think you may succeed. • 我倒认为你能成功

  21. Pa5: The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products. Armed with facts and figures, customers are better able to deal with the often powerful arguments given by a salesman or saleswoman. 掌握了一些事实和数据后, 顾客就能更好地应付销售人员作出的强有力的劝说. arm v. 武装; 装备 Please arm yourself with hi-tech knowledge. be armed with …用…武装起来

  22. Pa6: Governments and other organizations use ads to make people aware of government policies and social problems. 1. Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits. • profit: 利润;利益 advantage/benefit • sell sth. at a profit 卖…赚了点钱 • gain profit from one’s studies • profitable adj.

  23. fix/focus one’s eyes on… have an eye for sth. shut one’s eyes to catch sb.'s eye see eye to eye with sb. eye for an eye keep an eye on sb 注视… 很能鉴赏,有判断力 拒绝注意 醒目;显眼;引人注意 与某人看法完全一致 报复,以眼还眼 照看一下… Pa7: We must keep an eye out for “bait-and-switch” ads. • 留心注意… What is a “bait-and –switch” ad?

  24. 1. It is not always easy to spota bad ad, but there are a few things we can look out for. • spot: v. pick out; recognize发现,预先认准 • spot a mistake • spot a friend in a crowd • He was the first to spot the danger. 2. A similar trick is used in so-called “bait-and-switch” ads, that is the customers is shown one product ( the bait) and then given another.

  25. Pa8: People should learn to analyses ads and to protect themselves. 1. If the ads provide accurate information, they also help the average consumer to find the right product at the best price . 2. If we cannot distinguish betweenfiction and facts, we will become easy targets for ad makers. • easy target: 容易击中的目标; 容易遭受攻击或批评的人 • His outspoken remarks made him an easy target for the opposition.

  26. 1 go hand in hand with 2 make informed choices 3 on the other hand 4 accuse sb of sth 5 associate sth with sth 6.get the massage across 7 large amounts of/ a great deal of 1 与… 齐头并进 2 做出明智的选择 3 另一方面 4 因某事控告某人 5 与 …联系 6 传播信息 7 大量 Revision

  27. 8 appeal to one’s emotion 9 in a variety of/all kind of 10 take sth into consideration 11 make sb aware of 12 look out for 13 keep an eye for 14 bait and switch 8 投合某人的情绪 9 各种各样 10 考虑 11 使某人意识 12当心 13关注 14 偷梁换柱

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