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Youth Media Habits: Trends and Preferences Among Boys and Girls

Explore the media consumption habits of young boys and girls, including TV shows, magazines, books, biographies, computers, research preferences, and career interests.

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Youth Media Habits: Trends and Preferences Among Boys and Girls

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Getting the Media Message Kathryn Eble Mr. Olinski Period #2 4/30/04

  2. Television • 10 girls watch TV every day. • The top 3 TV shows for girls are AmericanIdol, 7th Heaven, and Survivor.

  3. Magazines • 1 boy reads a magazine every day. • The top 3 magazines for boys are SportsIllustrated, SI Kids, and Nickelodeon

  4. Books • 3 girls are currently reading a book other than for a school assignment • The books that the girls are reading are Holes, Chicken Soup, and Double Helix.

  5. Biography • 9 Boys have a favorite biography • One of their favorites is Travis Henry.

  6. Computers • 9 girls have a computer at home • The top choice for a room the computer belongs in is the den.

  7. Research • When doing research for a school project, 12 boys prefer the web. • Their main reason why is because it’s faster.

  8. Careers • The top choice of a career for a girl is a teacher. • 5 girls would go to a family member for information about a job

  9. The End

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